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Bücher von Mourad Abbas

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  • von Mourad Abbas
    88,00 €

    This book presents recent advances in NLP and speech technology, a topic attracting increasing interest in a variety of fields through its myriad applications, such as the demand for speech guided touchless technology during the Covid-19 pandemic. The authors present results of recent experimental research that provides contributions and solutions to different issues related to speech technology and speech in industry. Technologies include natural language processing, automatic speech recognition (for under-resourced dialects) and speech synthesis that are useful for applications such as intelligent virtual assistants, among others. Applications cover areas such as sentiment analysis and opinion mining, Arabic named entity recognition, and language modelling. This book is relevant for anyone interested in the latest in language and speech technology.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    122,00 €

    This book unveils the most advanced techniques and innovative applications in the natural language processing (NLP) field. It uncovers the secrets to enhancing language understanding, and presents practical solutions to different NLP tasks, as text augmentation, paraphrase generation, and restoring spaces and punctuation in multiple languages. It unlocks the potential of hierarchical multi-task learning for cross-lingual phoneme recognition, and allows readers to explore more real-world applications such as error correction, aggregating industrial security findings as well as predicting music emotion values from social media conversations. "Practical Solutions for Diverse Real-World NLP Applications" is the suitable guidebook for researchers, students, and practitioners as it paves the way for them by delivering invaluable insights and knowledge.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    48,00 €

    Il teatro, in quanto arte e rappresentazione drammatica, è un metodo pedagogico che gli insegnanti di FLE potrebbero utilizzare per superare gli ostacoli che gli insegnanti incontrano nel rivelare le carenze comunicative orali degli alunni. Inoltre, questo metodo didattico verrebbe scelto come alternativa pedagogica e dovrebbe essere concepito come vettore chiave nell'insegnamento del francese orale come lingua straniera. Questo mezzo didattico viene scelto come alternativa pedagogica, focalizzando così il nostro tema di ricerca, e si suppone che venga concepito come vettore primordiale dell'insegnamento orale del FLE. Questo compito investigativo ci permetterà quindi di indagare sulla realtà della pratica teatrale, ma anche sul suo possibile impatto sull'apprendimento del FLE nel suo aspetto oratorio (orale) in Algeria. Ciò avverrà basandosi essenzialmente sui dati raccolti attraverso un approccio metodologico basato su questionari. I questionari saranno somministrati a insegnanti e alunni di tre licei della Wilaya di Bouira, una delle wilaya dell'Algeria centro-settentrionale.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    48,00 €

    Theater, as an art form and a dramatic play, is a pedagogical method that FLE teachers could use to overcome the obstacles they face in revealing students' oral communication deficiencies. In addition, this teaching method would be chosen as a pedagogical alternative and also supposed to be conceived as a key vector in the teaching of oral FLE. This didactic medium is chosen as a pedagogical alternative, thus focusing our research theme, and it is supposed to be conceived as a key vector in the oral teaching of FLE. Thus, this investigative task will enable us to investigate the reality of theatrical practice and its possible impact on the learning of FLE in its oratory (oral) aspect in Algeria. This will be done primarily on the basis of data collected using a methodological approach based on questionnaires. The questionnaires will be given to teachers and pupils in three lycées in the Wilaya of Bouira, one of the wilayas in north-central Algeria.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    48,00 €

    El teatro, como arte y obra dramática, es un método pedagógico que los profesores de FLE podrían utilizar para superar los obstáculos a los que se enfrentan a la hora de revelar las deficiencias de comunicación oral de los alumnos. Además, este medio didáctico se elegiría como alternativa pedagógica y también se supone que se concibe como un vector clave en la enseñanza del francés oral como lengua extranjera. Este medio didáctico se elige como alternativa pedagógica centrando así nuestro tema de investigación y se supone que se concibe como vector primordial de la enseñanza oral del FLE. Así, esta tarea investigadora nos permitiría indagar en la realidad de la práctica teatral pero también en sus posibles impactos en el aprendizaje del FLE en su vertiente oratoria (oral) en Argelia. Para ello, nos basaremos esencialmente en los datos recogidos a través de un enfoque metodológico basado en cuestionarios. Los cuestionarios se entregarán a profesores y alumnos de tres liceos de la Wilaya de Bouira, una de las wilayas del centro-norte de Argelia.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    48,00 €

    O teatro, enquanto arte e espetáculo dramático, é um método pedagógico que os professores de FLE poderiam utilizar para ultrapassar os obstáculos com que se deparam os professores para revelar as deficiências de comunicação oral dos alunos. Além disso, este método didático seria escolhido como uma alternativa pedagógica e também concebido como um vetor-chave no ensino do francês oral como língua estrangeira. Este meio didático é escolhido como alternativa pedagógica, centrando assim o nosso tema de investigação, e é suposto ser concebido como um vetor primordial do ensino oral do FLE. Assim, esta tarefa de investigação permitir-nos-á inquirir sobre a realidade da prática teatral, mas também sobre os seus possíveis impactos na aprendizagem de FLE na sua vertente oratória na Argélia. Para o efeito, basear-nos-emos essencialmente em dados recolhidos através de uma abordagem metodológica baseada em questionários. Os questionários serão entregues a professores e alunos de três liceus da Wilaya de Bouira, uma das wilayas do centro-norte da Argélia.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    61,90 €

    Das Theater als Kunst und dramatisches Spiel ist ein pädagogisches Verfahren, auf das FLE-Lehrer zurückgreifen könnten, um die Hindernisse zu überwinden, mit denen Lehrer konfrontiert sind, indem sie die kommunikativen oratorischen Defizite der Schüler aufdecken. Darüber hinaus würde dieses Lehrmittel als pädagogische Alternative gewählt und auch als Schlüsselvektor für den mündlichen FLE-Unterricht konzipiert werden. Dieses didaktische Mittel wird als pädagogische Alternative gewählt so fokussiert unsere Forschungsthematik und es wird angenommen, dass es als primärer Vektor des mündlichen FLE-Unterrichts konzipiert ist. Diese Untersuchungsaufgabe soll es uns ermöglichen, die Realität der Theaterpraxis, aber auch ihre möglichen Auswirkungen auf das Erlernen des FLE in seinem oratorischen (mündlichen) Aspekt in Algerien zu erforschen. Dabei werden wir uns vor allem auf die Daten stützen, die wir mithilfe eines methodischen Ansatzes auf der Grundlage von Fragebögen gesammelt haben. Die Fragebögen werden an Lehrer und Schüler von drei Gymnasien in der Wilaya de Bouira, einer der nordzentralen Wilayas in Algerien, verteilt.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    89,00 €

    This book presents recent advances in NLP and speech technology, a topic attracting increasing interest in a variety of fields through its myriad applications, such as the demand for speech guided touchless technology during the Covid-19 pandemic. The authors present results of recent experimental research that provides contributions and solutions to different issues related to speech technology and speech in industry. Technologies include natural language processing, automatic speech recognition (for under-resourced dialects) and speech synthesis that are useful for applications such as intelligent virtual assistants, among others. Applications cover areas such as sentiment analysis and opinion mining, Arabic named entity recognition, and language modelling. This book is relevant for anyone interested in the latest in language and speech technology.

  • von Mourad Abbas
    48,00 €

    Le théâtre en tant qu'art et jeu dramatique, est un procédé pédagogique auquel les enseignants du FLE pourraient faire recours pour pouvoir surmonter les entraves auxquelles sont confrontés les enseignants en révélant les lacunes communicationnelles oratoires des élèves. En outre, ce moyen pédagogique serait choisi comme alternative pédagogique et supposé aussi être conçu comme vecteur clé de l¿enseignement de l'oral du FLE. Ce moyen didactique est choisi comme alternative pédagogique ainsi focalise notre thématique de recherche et il est supposé être conçu comme vecteur primordial de l¿enseignement oral du FLE. Ainsi, cette tâche d¿investigation serait censée à nous permettre de nous enquérir de la réalité de la pratique théâtrale mais aussi de ses éventuels impacts sur l¿apprentissage du FLE dans son aspect oratoire (oral) en Algérie. Cela se fera tout en s¿appuyant essentiellement sur les données recueillies par le biais d'une approche méthodologique se basant sur des questionnaires. Ces derniers seront remis aux enseignants et aux élèves de trois lycées sis dans des localités de la Wilaya de Bouira, une des wilayas du Nord-centre algérien.

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