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Bücher von Peter Voss

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  • von Peter Voss
    20,00 €

    Peter Voss hatte in seinem ersten Erzählungsband »Wolfssstunden« eine Serie von 12 Nacht­geschichten versammelt. Seine vom Leben häufig schwer angezählten Figuren waren von dem früheren PR-Mann und langjährigen Agentureigentümer und -geschäftsführer nach persön­lichem Erleben und an der Wirklichkeit gestaltet.Nun setzt er fort mit seinen Nachtgeschichten. »Exploding Heads« ist, wie die »Wolfsstunden«, ein Be­griff aus der Welt des Schlafes: Er bezeichnet, was eintritt, wenn einem schlagartig ein Leben vor die Füsse fällt, von der einen auf die andere Sekunde. Wenn es explodiert im Kopf, eben im ersten Tiefschlaf - oder mitten im »normalen« Leben, tief im Alltäglichen, hart an seinen Abgründen.Die unterschiedlichen Nachtgänger aus seinem ersten Band von 2021 waren uns vertraut vorgekommen: der drogenabhängige Rockstar, der aus seiner Tourneeroutine ausbricht; der Whistleblower im Exil, der mal alles und nun nichts mehr zu verraten hat; der Veteranen des Zweiten Weltkriegs, der bis zum Ende eines langen Lebens mit einer Schuld zu kämpfen hat; der Boxer, der das Kämpfen beherrscht hat, aber nicht das Leben ...Auch im zweiten Buch finden wir vor allem Männerfiguren. Peter Voss inszeniert ihre Kämpfe mit sich selbst, untereinander und in einer Welt der Männer, die ihre sehr eigenen Werte und Ziele verfolgt und wenig Rücksicht kennt. Der Faszination dieser »Typen« kann man sich schwer entziehen, ihre Zielstrebigkeit und Entschlossenheit ist verlockend - auch wenn entsprechene gesellschaftliche Selbstverständlichkeiten über Bord geworfen werden -, jedenfalls solange, bis diese »Helden« an ihre Grenzen stoßen und wir beim Verfolgen ihres Scheiterns ein Quantum Lebensweisheit abbekommen. - Wissen die Frauen-Figuren in Peter Voss' Nachtgeschichten besser Bescheid? Sind sie klüger im Umgang mit Eitelkeiten, Marotten und Selbstherrlichkeiten? Wissen sie wo es langgeht?Oder sind das alles ohnehin nur Unsicherheiten, Unwägbarkeiten, ja, Unbeholfenheiten im Einrichtenund Genießen eigenen Lebens?

  • von Peter Voss
    69,95 €

    Die Antarktis ist das Nonplusultra der Weltreisen! Wenn man seefest ist und über entsprechende finanzielle Ressourcen verfügt, sollte man einmal im Leben die Reise auf dem Eisbrecher antreten und sich auch Südgeorgien nicht entgehen lassen. Die Region ist keine Wellness-Oase, sondern ein äußerst lebensfeindliches, aber überaus sehenswertes und einzigartiges Terrain. Die Schönheit der Flora und Fauna im ewigen Eis sind unvorstellbar, regelrecht unwirklich! Dieser Bildband nimmt Sie anhand zahlreicher beeindruckender Aufnahmen von Peter Voss mit auf seine Reise zu einem der faszinierendsten Naturschauspiele unserer Erde.

  • von Peter Voss
    59,95 €

    Der Fotograf Peter Voss bereiste Indien mehrfach und liebt die an einem Nebenarm des heiligen Ganges gelegene Stadt Kalkutta (Kolkata) besonders. Während sich die Städte Mumbai und Delhi zu Weltmetropolen entwickelten, blieb Kalkutta eher unentdeckt und versprüht dadurch auch heute noch seinen ursprünglichen Reiz.Das Gewusel der Altstadt, die Howrah-Brücke über den Hugli, die vielen kleinen und großen Märkte sind eine Augenweide und versetzen den Besucher in Staunen. Allerdings verdeutlichen die Müllhalden und der dramatische Überlebenskampf der Slumbewohner die erschütternde und schwer zu ertragende andere Seite der Stadt. Der neue Bildband mit dem Untertitel "Street Photography" zeigt daher eindrucksvoll sowohl die Armut in den Ghettos als auch die Lebensfreude und Freundlichkeit der hier lebenden Menschen, ohne die Kalkutta sozial explodieren würde.

  • von Peter Voss
    59,95 €

    Angola - I love this land - is on the move and I visited it again for several weeks in August/September 2021.After 30 years of civil war and 10 years now of stable peace, the country is still in its infancy with regard to tourism. Even for those with travel experience in Africa, Angola is one of the last "blank areas" on the continent so that there are as good as no tourists here, let alone photographers. The city of Luanda is counted incidentally as the most expensive capital worldwide and is also called the "Dubai of Africa". Huge offshore reserves of gas and oil have completely upset the price structure. Angola is an emergent regional power in southern Africa - a country with an unparalleled balancing act in the face of its incredible wealth of mineral resources and concurrent enormous poverty. A small state elite profits from this and casts a hopeful eye on capital markets abroad. The rapidly growing young population lives for the most part in poverty, however, and the gap between rich and poor is especially wide here. There is extreme inequality between the social classes in Angola - and it is chronic. Only a very small minority wallows in opulent luxury.The country itself, three times the size of Germany, is a land of great contrasts, a huge puzzle of different climatic zones, landscapes and cultures, characterised by the alternation between tradition and modernity. The population of Angola is similar to most countries in the region with regard to its structure. With the exception of the small group of Khoisan living in the southwest, all the other Angolan ethnic groups belong to the Bantu group. The very small group of Europeans consists largely of people of Portuguese origin. They found the correct language designations too difficult and so there are two names for all of Angola's indigenous tribes. When the country became independent in 1975, there was a mass exodus of the Portuguese. And with them went also the expertise and capital denied to the Africans. However, the common language up to today is Portuguese.My journey began with the landing in the capital Luanda, where approximately 10 million people live, and from there went in a southerly direction along the coastal road, often with pleasant views of the sea and the beach. The eight-hour journey took me first to Benguela. My first resting place - and last one in a hotel - was in this lively town with its 3 million inhabitants.The next morning I continued south - another eight hours in the jeep - as far as the province of Namibe, home of the Herero groups, in this case also known as Himba or Ovahimba. (Fig. 1) They also live by the river Kunene in northern Namibia. On my numerous trips to the former German colony I had already been fascinated by this ethnic group with their red body painting (red granite dust mixed with fat). They are nomadic hunters, gatherers and cowherds and are part of the Bantu language group. Some of them also moved to southern Angola in the 16th century. I spent my first days "in the bush" and in my tent in the region around Virei. The Mucubal (Ovakuvale) also live here. Their hair adornments are known as ompota. The cord around the female breast is called oyonduthi and serves as a kind of bra. (Fig. 2)My journey led me further to Oncocua, Pediva and Otechifengo in order to be close to the Mucawana (Ovahakaona). They, too, are wonderful, peaceable people who often live so isolated that they hardly know white people. (Fig. 3)In the following days we drove over dirt tracks in the direction of Cahama. I was able to meet another indigenous tribe, the Mumuhuila (Ovamwila). Their wonderful hairstyle with the unusual plaits with mud crusts and the colourful neckbands (Vikeba) I would like to call art. Great craftsmanship is required here to create this. (Fig. 4)The wonderful moments with the people I met on this journey form my most important memory and were a priceless experience. Even in the most remote "bush" we were never alone. Alone the sound of our vehicle's engine roused the curiosity of the natives, for it signalled that strangers were coming! Almost every morning when we crawled out of our tents, several inhabitants - often with children - were already standing within due distance from us, observing exactly what we were doing. After breakfast we usually invited them to come closer and gave them rice, pasta, fruit, bread or sweets.A subsequent photo shooting often then developed. My two wonderful guides Jake and Mario always made very friendly contact with the natives during our trip and gave me a signal when I could take photos. Following this I always thanked them in the local currency - and the people were usually then radiant, for they knew that they would now be able to make ends meet financially for a week or more.I had also brought a lot of bags with me from Germany containing small lighters, combs, mirrors, pencils, toys, ballpoint pens and many other articles - all things which were also very gratefully received. We gave out sweets, biscuits and chocolate amongst other things to the children. The children are real treasures, extremely interested and approachable, for our visit brought a little variety to their everyday life as cow or goat herds or water carriers. If the school is too far away, their entire life consists of these very strenuous activities.Several times we were invited extremely warmly to village festivals; a goat was slaughtered and dancing and drinking took place around a campfire.A wonderful expedition came to an end much too quickly - and in retrospect I am glad to say I never had the impression that the identity of these wonderful indigenous tribes is threatened in the intermediate term.

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