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Bücher von Philip Kotler

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  • von Philip Kotler
    52,00 €

    This is an instructor's manual for the popular textbook 'H2H Marketing: Case Studies on Human-to-Human Marketing' (Springer, 2023). The authors have provided a perfect companion that enables teachers to adopt a case-by-case approach when using the material in the classroom.'H2H Marketing' focuses on redefining the role of marketing by reshaping the mindset of decision-makers and integrating concepts such as Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic, and Digitalization. By following this carefully designed manual, teachers can assist their students in gaining a deeper understanding of the case studies that illustrate various aspects of the concept, its fundamental elements, and its implementation.

  • von Philip Kotler, Waldemar Pfoertsch, Uwe Sponholz & usw.
    110,00 €

  • von Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Marc Oliver Opresnik & usw.
    54,95 €

  • von Philip Kotler
    27,00 €

    An eye-opening discussion of the future of marketing, from four of the leading minds in the fieldIn Entrepreneurial Marketing: Beyond Professional Marketing, a renowned team of marketing leaders, including the "Father of Modern Marketing," Professor Philip Kotler, delivers a groundbreaking and incisive redefinition of entrepreneurial marketing. In the book, some of the marketing sector's brightest minds explore the increasingly essential initiative to build new capabilities beyond the mainstream marketing approach that also consider the effect of digital connectivity on consumers and companies everywhere. This book also discusses what marketers need to do to break the stagnation of normative marketing approaches that are often no longer effective in dealing with dynamic business environments.The authors introduce a fresh entrepreneurial marketing approach, converging dichotomies into a coherent form. The book also includes:* A post-entrepreneurial-marketing view of the commercial landscape which puts the operational aspect at the center of the action, converging marketing and finance, and adopting technology for humanity* Discussions of the strategies and techniques that will drive the actions of the marketing departments to create value with values that will lead the company to success through the year 2030* Explorations of the paradox between the development of core competencies and collaboration with various parties, including competitorsThe latest publication from some of the foremost minds in marketing--and in business, generally--Entrepreneurial Marketing: Beyond Professional Marketing is a must-read combination of unique insight, concrete advice, and implementable strategies that introduce a new mindset for every professional marketer, entrepreneur, and business leaders worldwide.

  • von Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Lloyd C. Harris & usw.
    49,95 €

  • von Philip Kotler
    32,00 €

  • von Philip Kotler
    54,99 €

    Dieses Buch zeigt, warum sich Marketing zu einem nachhaltigeren und verantwortungsvollen Handeln weiterentwickeln muss und wie das professionell gelingen kann. Unternehmen müssen heute die Beziehung zu den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt ihres unternehmerischen Wirkens setzen. Neue Angebote, Kommunikations- und Vertriebskonzepte sind dafür notwendig, um die gestiegenen Erwartungen der Menschen von heute erfüllen zu können. Für Unternehmen ist damit die große Chance verbunden, sich als proaktive Change Agents zu positionieren und eine authentische, sinnstiftende sowie verantwortungsvolle Rolle bei der Lösung der Probleme ihrer Kunden einzunehmen. Das H2H-Modell integriert dafür in einzigartiger Form aktuelle Managementkonzepte sowie Design Thinking und Service-Dominant Logic, gepaart mit den Chancen der Digitalisierung. Zugleich vereinfacht es kompliziert gewordene Marketingprozesse und implementiert fortschrittliche Management- und Entscheidungskonzepte. Die junge Generation kritisiert zu Recht, dass zu viel über Klimawandel, Nachhaltigkeit und wachsende Armut geredet, aber zu wenig gehandelt wird. Stattdessen wird der Hyperkonsum weiter angeheizt. Die Jugend legt den Finger in die Wunde. Es ist Zeit, jetzt umzudenken. Unternehmen, die dieser Botschaft keine Taten folgen lassen, werden Kunden verlieren. Wer diesen Weg in die Zukunft beschreiten will, muss bereit sein, neue Gedanken zuzulassen und den Menschen mit seinen Bedürfnissen und Erwartungen konsequent in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Den Leitfaden dazu bietet dieses Buch ¿ mit gut durchdachten Konzepten und inspirierenden Beispielen.

  • von Philip Kotler
    42,00 €

    Neues vom Marketing-GroßmeisterDrei tiefgreifende Entwicklungen prägen die Zukunft des Marketing: drastischer technologischer Fortschritt, verändertes Kundenverhalten und Umbrüche in bisher funktionierenden Geschäftsmodellen. Marketing 5.0 beschreibt zugänglich und praxistauglich, wie Unternehmen mit neuen Marketingstrategien auf diese Entwicklungen reagieren können, um Märkte für ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu erschließen. Die Autoren zeigen unter anderem, wie. mit Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality überzeugende Customer Journeys entwickelt werden,. Künstliche Intelligenz Marketingkampanen revolutioniert und. Transmediales Storytelling für Kundenbegeisterung sorgt.»An Marketing 5.0 beeindruckt mich ganz besonders, wie es die Wirkmacht moderner Technologien mit dem neu entstehenden Wertesystem der Menschheit kombiniert. Das Buch vermittelt zukünftigen Marketers das nötige Verständnis für diese Kombination und die Möglichkeiten, daraus effektive und nachhaltige Aktionen zu entwickeln.«Hermann Simon, Gründer und Honorary Chairman von Simon-Kucher & Partners

  • von Philip Kotler
    42,00 €

    Zeitgemäßes Marketing: digital statt traditionell Geschrieben von den weltweit führenden Marketingkoryphäen, beantwortet dieses Buch alle Fragen zu gelingendem Marketing im Zeitalter von Vernetzung und Digitalisierung. Es zeigt unter anderem, - wie man nach den neuen Regeln des Marketings spielt, - wie man WOW-Momente kreiert, die positive Aufmerksamkeit erregen, - wie man einen loyalen Kundenstamm aufbaut. Das unverzichtbare Rüstzeug für die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens!

  • von Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
    80,00 €

    For Principles of Marketing courses that require a comprehensive textHelp students learn how to create customer value and engagementIn a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, its more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. Principles of Marketing helps students master todays key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives. To help students understand how to create value and build customer relationships, Kotler and Armstrong present fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework.Thoroughly revised to reflect the major trends impacting contemporary marketing, this edition is packed with stories illustrating how companies use new digital technologies to maximize customer engagement and shape brand conversations, experiences, and communities. MyMarketingLab not included. Students, if MyMarketingLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyMarketingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

  • von Philip T. Kotler, John T. Bowen, James Makens & usw.
    72,00 €

    For courses in Hospitality Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Restaurant Marketing, or Hotel Marketing. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 7/e is the definitive source for hospitality marketing.Taking an integrative approach, this highly visual, four-color book discusses hospitality marketing from a team perspective, examining each hospitality department and its role in the marketing mechanism. These best-selling authors are known as leading marketing educators and their book, a global phenomenon, is the leading resource on hospitality and tourism marketing. The Seventh Edition of this popular book includes new and updated coverage of social media, destination tourism and other current industry trends, authentic industry cases, and hands-on application activities.

  • - The Genesis of Human-to-Human Marketing
    von Philip Kotler
    35,29 €

    In H2H Marketing the authors focus on redefining the role of marketing by reorienting the mindset of decision-makers and integrating the concepts of Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and Digitalization.

  • von Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya & Den Huan Hooi
    38,00 - 65,00 €

    Asia is the most populated geographical region, with 50% of the world's inhabitants living there.

  • von Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Nigel F. Piercy & usw.
    75,00 €

  • - Rebuilding its Future
    von Philip Kotler
    45,00 €

    An examination by the 'father of modern marketing' into how well a long cherished product (democracy) is satisfying the needs of its consumers (citizens), bringing conversation and solutions on how we can all do our bit to bring about positive change.

  • - Making a Difference with Strategic Customers
    von Philip Kotler, Waldemar Pfoertsch & Marian Dingena
    56,00 - 58,00 €

    Inspired by a new, transformative era in human and business relations, this book provides a unique perspective on the business transformation that results from the collaboration between suppliers and their strategic customers.

  • - Taking Biotechnology to Market
    von Philip Kotler & Francoise Simon
    29,00 €

  • - What You Really Need to Know to Survive in Business
    von Philip Kotler, Nils Bickhoff & Roland Berger
    25,00 - 61,00 €

    The Quintessence of Strategic Management provides a basic understanding of strategic management. Readers will find the most important strategy tools, how they interact, and a synthesis of the respective original literature on the subject.

  • von Philip Kotler & Waldemar Pfoertsch
    53,00 €

    This book is one of the first to probe deeply into the art and science of branding industrial products. It provides the concepts, the theory, and dozens of cases illustrating the successful branding of industrial goods.

  • - Making the Invisible Visible
    von Philip Kotler & Waldemar Pfoertsch
    46,00 - 62,00 €

    An ingredient brand is a component of a product that has its own brand identity. This book explains how ingredient branding works and how brand managers can successfully improve the performance of component marketing.

  • von Philip Kotler & Kevin Keller
    71,00 €

    For graduate and undergraduate courses in marketing management. A Succinct Guide to 21st Century Marketing Management Framework for Marketing Management is a concise, streamlined version of Kotler and Kellers fifteenth edition of Marketing Management, a comprehensive look at marketing strategy. The books efficient coverage of current marketing management practices makes for a short yet thorough text that provides the perfect supplement for incorporated simulations, projects, and cases. The Sixth Edition approaches the topic of marketing from a current standpoint, focusing its information and strategy on the realities of 21st century marketing. Individuals, groups, and companies alike can modernize their marketing strategies to comply with 21st century standards by engaging in this succinct yet comprehensive text.

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