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Bücher von Rajesh Singh

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  • von Rajesh Singh
    29,00 €

    ""An Indian is elected the Pope. He decides to clean up the Church, focussing primarilyon three issues: Reopen an inquiry into the purchase of counterfeit bonds the Vatican had made in recent years, knowing they were fake. Throw open the vaults of the Vatican archives containing incriminating documents on the Church-Nazi-Fascist nexus. Three, name and shame members of the clergy involved in child sex abuse.Vested interests, within the Vatican and outside, face ruin if the truth were to comeout. The Pope has to be stopped. A conspiracy is hatched to assassinate him during his tour of India. The plot extends from Rome to Palermo, from Mauritius to New York, Quetta to Islamabad, and Chennai to Delhi. National Security Advisor Rudra Patnaik, also known as the Viper, stumbles upon the conspiracy. He must foil the plot and unmask the conspirators.""

  • von Rajesh Singh
    94,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Rajesh Singh
    34,00 €

    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the most important and commercially cultivated fruit crop belongs to the family Anacardiaceae. It is originated in south Asia mainly Indo-Burma region and gradually become a crop of commercial significance in several countries like India, Bangladesh, USA (Florida), Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thialand, Pakistan, South Africa, West Indies, Maxico & Brazil. Portuguese people took mango fruit to South Africa and Brazil in about 1700 A. D. The cultivars grown in India are Amrapali, Mallika, Langra, Deshehari, Chausa, Totapuri, Alphonso, Sunderja, Bombey green, etc. This fruit occupies an important place in the Horticultural wealth of our nation and ranks second with respect to area and production (NHB. 2016- 2017). The total mango production of India is 19687 MT with an area of 2263 thousand ha. year in (NHB 2016-17), whereas, in Madhya Pradesh it is grown in 40.08 thousand ha. area with an annual production of 493.36 thousand MT (NHB 2016-17). The fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rajesh Singh
    34,00 €

    El mango (Mangifera indica L.) es el cultivo frutal más importante y comercializado de la familia Anacardiaceae. Es originario del sur de Asia, principalmente de la región de Indo-Birmania, y poco a poco se ha convertido en un cultivo de importancia comercial en varios países como India, Bangladesh, EE.UU. (Florida), Indonesia, Filipinas, Malasia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tailandia, Pakistán, Sudáfrica, las Indias Occidentales, México y Brasil. Los portugueses llevaron la fruta del mango a Sudáfrica y Brasil en torno al año 1700. Los cultivares que se cultivan en la India son Amrapali, Mallika, Langra, Deshehari, Chausa, Totapuri, Alphonso, Sunderja, Bombey green, etc. Esta fruta ocupa un lugar importante en la riqueza hortícola de nuestra nación y ocupa el segundo lugar con respecto a la superficie y la producción (NHB. 2016- 2017). La producción total de mango de la India es de 19687 MT con una superficie de 2263 mil ha. anuales en (NHB 2016-17), mientras que, en Madhya Pradesh se cultiva en 40,08 mil ha. de superficie con una producción anual de 493,36 mil MT (NHB 2016-17). La fruta es rica en fibra dietética prebiótica, vitaminas, minerales y compuestos antioxidantes flavonoides polifenólicos.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rajesh Singh
    34,00 €

    Il mango (Mangifera indica L.) è la coltura da frutto più importante e commercialmente coltivata, appartenente alla famiglia delle Anacardiaceae. È originario dell'Asia meridionale, soprattutto della regione indo-birmana, e gradualmente è diventato una coltura di importanza commerciale in diversi Paesi come India, Bangladesh, Stati Uniti (Florida), Indonesia, Filippine, Malesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thialand, Pakistan, Sudafrica, Indie occidentali, Messico e Brasile. I portoghesi portarono il mango in Sudafrica e in Brasile nel 1700 d.C. Le cultivar coltivate in India sono Amrapali, Mallika, Langra, Deshehari, Chausa, Totapuri, Alphonso, Sunderja, Bombey green, ecc. Questo frutto occupa un posto importante nella ricchezza orticola della nostra nazione e si colloca al secondo posto per superficie e produzione (NHB. 2016-2017). La produzione totale di mango in India è di 19687 MT con una superficie di 2263 mila ettari all'anno (NHB 2016-17), mentre in Madhya Pradesh viene coltivato su una superficie di 40,08 mila ettari con una produzione annuale di 493,36 mila MT (NHB 2016-17). Il frutto è ricco di fibre alimentari pre-biotiche, vitamine, minerali e composti polifenolici flavonoidi antiossidanti.

  • von Rajesh Singh
    39,90 €

    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) ist die wichtigste und am meisten kommerziell genutzte Obstsorte und gehört zur Familie der Anacardiaceae. Sie stammt ursprünglich aus Südasien, vor allem aus der Region Indo-Burma, und hat sich allmählich in mehreren Ländern wie Indien, Bangladesch, USA (Florida), Indonesien, Philippinen, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thialand, Pakistan, Südafrika, Westindien, Mexiko und Brasilien zu einer Kulturpflanze von wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung entwickelt. Die Portugiesen brachten die Mangofrucht um 1700 n. Chr. nach Südafrika und Brasilien. Die in Indien angebauten Sorten sind Amrapali, Mallika, Langra, Deshehari, Chausa, Totapuri, Alphonso, Sunderja, Bombey green usw. Diese Frucht nimmt einen wichtigen Platz im gartenbaulichen Reichtum unseres Landes ein und steht in Bezug auf Fläche und Produktion an zweiter Stelle (NHB. 2016- 2017). Die gesamte Mangoproduktion Indiens beträgt 19687 MT auf einer Fläche von 2263 Tausend Hektar pro Jahr (NHB 2016-17), während sie in Madhya Pradesh auf 40,08 Tausend Hektar Fläche mit einer jährlichen Produktion von 493,36 Tausend MT angebaut wird (NHB 2016-17). Die Frucht ist reich an präbiotischen Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen, Mineralien und antioxidativen poly-phenolischen Flavonoidverbindungen.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rajesh Singh
    34,00 €

    A manga (Mangifera indica L.) é a cultura frutícola mais importante e comercialmente cultivada pertence à família Anacardiaceae. É originária do sul da Ásia, principalmente da região Indo-Burma e gradualmente torna-se uma cultura de importância comercial em vários países como a Índia, Bangladesh, EUA (Florida), Indonésia, Filipinas, Malásia, Mianmar, Sri Lanka, Thialand, Paquistão, África do Sul, Índias Ocidentais, Maxico e Brasil. Os portugueses levaram fruta de manga para a África do Sul e Brasil por volta de 1700 A. D. As cultivares cultivadas na Índia são Amrapali, Mallika, Langra, Deshehari, Chausa, Totapuri, Alphonso, Sunderja, Bombey green, etc. Esta fruta ocupa um lugar importante na riqueza hortícola da nossa nação e ocupa o segundo lugar no que diz respeito à área e produção (NHB. 2016- 2017). A produção total de manga da Índia é de 19687 MT com uma área de 2263 mil ha. ano em (NHB 2016-17), enquanto que, em Madhya Pradesh, é cultivada em 40,08 mil ha. área com uma produção anual de 493,36 mil MT (NHB 2016-17). O fruto é rico em fibras dietéticas pré-bióticas, vitaminas, minerais e compostos flavonóides antioxidantes polifenólicos.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rajesh Singh
    34,00 €

    La mangue (Mangifera indica L.) est la culture fruitière la plus importante et la plus cultivée commercialement, elle appartient à la famille des Anacardiaceae. Elle est originaire d'Asie du Sud, principalement de la région de l'Indo-Birmanie, et est progressivement devenue une culture d'importance commerciale dans plusieurs pays comme l'Inde, le Bangladesh, les États-Unis (Floride), l'Indonésie, les Philippines, la Malaisie, le Myanmar, le Sri Lanka, le Thialand, le Pakistan, l'Afrique du Sud, les Caraïbes, le Mexique et le Brésil. Les Portugais ont apporté la mangue en Afrique du Sud et au Brésil vers 1700. Les cultivars cultivés en Inde sont Amrapali, Mallika, Langra, Deshehari, Chausa, Totapuri, Alphonso, Sunderja, Bombey green, etc. Ce fruit occupe une place importante dans la richesse horticole de notre nation et occupe la deuxième place en ce qui concerne la superficie et la production (NHB. 2016- 2017). La production totale de mangue de l'Inde est de 19687 MT avec une superficie de 2263 mille ha. année en (NHB 2016-17), tandis que, dans le Madhya Pradesh, il est cultivé dans 40,08 mille ha. superficie avec une production annuelle de 493,36 mille MT (NHB 2016-17). Le fruit est riche en fibres alimentaires pré-biotiques, en vitamines, en minéraux et en composés polyphénoliques flavonoïdes antioxydants.

  • - From Harappa to Ayodhya
    von Rajesh Singh
    27,00 €

  • von Rajesh Singh
    22,00 €

    Everyone loves in life, whether it is from a career, sports, music, family or any person. Rajiv's journey, starting from a small village, is colored in the cultural and social environment from the town to the metropolis. He went ahead with every step he took in life, but failure pushed him back two steps. No mathematics worked to solve the problems of his life. Such a story written about life and love on the canvas of reality which looks like everyone and is different. Perhaps that's why this story was titled That Hardly Happens to Someone. The author of this book, Rajesh Singh worked for four years in the Indian Air Force and eight years in the State Bank of India at various places in India. Apart from being a good flute player, he is also interested in cricket, singing, dancing, painting and other sports. Recently he did I.I. MA Completed a one-year residential executive program from. He lives in Ahmedabad (Gujarat) with his wife and daughter.

  • von Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Lovi Raj (Lovely Professional University Gupta, usw.
    74,00 €

  • von Rajesh Singh
    27,00 €


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