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Bücher von Robin Bright

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  • von Robin Bright
    85,00 €

    Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-88) has usually been described as a solipsist. However, the American science fiction writer's central 'solipsistic¿ motif is the self-begetting and self-devouring ourobouros serpent which, according to the individuation theory of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), represents symbolic incest. Jung argues that incest could be understood in terms of the ego's desire for union with the unconscious which, feminine in a man and masculine in a woman, is personified by the contrasexual component (anima in man; animus in woman). As men are drawn to women by their contrasexual component and vice versa, all male-female relationships are characterized by anima-animus interactions, that is, projected variants of the endogamous urge, so the goal of the individuation process is recognition of the projection and introjection, that is, a self-union or self-hood characterized by an individual relationship between a man and a woman, rather than a relationship between anima and animus. The symbol of the self-begetting (projecting) and self-devouring (introjecting) ourobouros serpent symbolizes this process.

  • von Robin Bright
    41,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    41,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    41,00 €

    W 'Castration Complex' MAP powraca do przesz¿öci, aby odkry¿ wi¿cej ni¿ mroczny sekret, a w 'Deus Ex Machina' sekret ten staje si¿ coraz ciemniejszy. W 'Galactic Guardian' mrok schizofrenii k¿¿bi si¿, podczas gdy w 'If music be the food of love ...' kosmiczni kowboje znów je¿d¿¿ na strzelnicy. W "Little Red Riding and Robin - Hoods" pojawiaj¿ si¿ przedszkolaki, a w "Love Bugs" MAP wyprasowuje kilka. W "Mobile Armored Personnel" (MAP) nasz bohater gra w pot¿¿nej operze kosmicznej, a "Mythopoea" to bardziej podró¿ mózgowa. W 'Special Angel Service' widzimy powrót do opery kosmicznej, a 'Supramazonic' jest w tradycji japöskiej Mangi. W "The House that Map Built" odnajdujemy staröytny szogart w jego labiryncie, przed "Valhalla For Starters" dla powracaj¿cych mi¿öników opery kosmicznej. W "Baby MAP" nasz bohater wraca do dzieci¿stwa, a w "Mapinie" döwiadcza edukacji genderowej.

  • von Robin Bright
    46,00 €

    'Bartholomew made a stab at what appeared to be a large fat sausage on his plate. Moving aside what looked like a couple of large potatoes, he made another stab at the apparent sausage, "It'd be difficult for the woman to sexually reproduce human brains without it." Bartholomew chewed on fully thoughtful.' Read more about Bartholomew, 'Flesh Fiction', and his unusual associates, like Caucasian Mysterious from 'Rag Time Blew' in Apple 2 and other stories, 'if'n they want the knickers from the car, the knickers are friends only with each other, so they can get in and out without being trapped in the tin by the car nibbles. No matter how small the bigot in it, or how much the pedestrian bigotry's attractive, the knickers have to avoid being stuffed in the tin of the car nibble, because left in the cars it's evidence on the backseat.'

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    41,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

    Odpowiedzi¿ Japo¿skiego Urz¿du ds. Mangi (JAM) by¿o wyräenie pewnego sprzeciwu. Twierdz¿c, ¿e Heavy Adze by¿a niebezpiecznym wirusem kryminalnym, identycznym z "w¿¿owym nasieniem" m¿¿czyzn, które przedostäo si¿ do ¿ona gospodarza futanaryjskiej rasy kobiet z w¿asnym nasieniem penisa, aby ukrä¿ jej "nasienie", zniewoli¿ i po¿re¿ j¿ jako jej obcy paso¿yt, JAM doszed¿ do wniosku, ¿e Duch ¿wi¿ty, o którym Jezus powiedziä, ¿e b¿dzie uczy¿ po nim, by¿ równie¿ postaci¿ w spisku, wi¿c stworzyli R Spynes Amanga jako Ducha ¿wi¿tego JAMa na obrazie Ewy...

  • von Robin Bright
    34,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    41,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    48,90 €

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    21,90 €

  • von Robin Bright
    41,00 €

    In Hollywood, district of Los Angeles, 'city of the angels', center of the west's mass media Empire on the US' coast, state of California, the ¿Hays code¿ (1933) banned scenes of human sexual reproduction between women forever: `... women, in love scenes, [must] at all times have ¿at least one foot on the floor¿ (in other words, no love scenes in bed).' As guitarist Howlin¿ Wolf observed in his lyrics to ¿Killing Floor¿ (1964), the human footrace is: ¿¿ down on the killin' floor, yeah.¿ Led Zeppelin, the English rock group, agreed with ¿The Lemon Song¿ (1969) in which the avowed Satanists plagiarized singer-songwriter Chester Arthur Burnett¿s song to celebrate black magician Aleister Crowley¿s Thelema religion: ¿I¿m going to leave my children down on this killing floor.¿ With ¿Trampled Underfoot¿ (1975), the Satanist icons of les poseurs with tanks¿ Heavy Metal genre triumphed over the human futanarian species of women¿s being ¿floored¿: ¿Gun down on my gasoline, I believe I'm gonna crack a head.¿ Mansions of gory with suicide machines. There's more ...

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

    The powers of slavery were considerable. After the discovery by Africäs DR Congo in 1983, the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), HIV/AIDS, was launched as homosexuality¿s biological weapon inspiring fearful faithfulness to the god of monogamy in ring slavery. 9/11 was discernible as ¿rough trade¿ at the World Trade Center for the spread of ¿brutality and violence¿. While the hijackings at Boston, Logan airport, were attributable to William F. Nolan¿s science fiction novel, Logan¿s Run (1967), it was black Mass., that is, Satanism was conducting an attack in Massachusetts, and a decade later at the Boston Marathon, on April 15, 2013, the terrorist bombs that disrupted the race were also attributable to Logan¿s Run which, made into a movie in 1976, featured the belief that a socio-economic system with scarce resources couldn¿t run with people over the age of 21, who were ¿runners¿ if they attempted to evade the ¿sandmen¿, who killed them. In short, homosexuality made an attempt at the beginning of the 21st century to prevent the human futa race from running.

  • von Robin Bright
    34,00 €

    Although science fiction writers have often depicted the loss of Atlantis, and/or Mu and Lemuria, etc., as resulting from a nuclear war arising from the too rapid advancement of technology, it¿s more likely to have been a war to enslave original humanity, that is, the djinn, who were ¿chine technology. Waged by primitives prepared to unleash the power of the atomic bomb in order to achieve their objective, it¿s a slave war depicted in the Bible as the destruction of the ¿cities of the plains¿, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 24), which were ¿homosexual¿, and from which only escaped the family of Lot, a cousin of Isaac, who founded Judaism, and so a cousin too of Isaac¿s half-brother, Ishmael, who founded Islam, and whose descendant was the Prophet Mohamed.

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

    It was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), ¿the father of psychoanalysis¿, that taught women had ¿penis envy¿, whereas the truth was that men envied women theirs, which is why they¿d smoked it down to the butt. Consequently, the humor in Friends (1994-2004) is often unconsciously, and brutally, racist, and the lines spoken by the women are an unusual perversion; the self-racism of a slaved species: humans.

  • von Robin Bright
    20,00 €

    The fictional premise of Star Trek (1966-) is that the presence of aliens amongst the worlds not of Earth, were accepted. Actor Michael Dorn as Lt. Worf, a male Klingon, for example, is in make-up, and doesn¿t give birth to aliens. Consequently, 1965¿s Femina Miss India beauty contest winner, actress Persis Khambatta, possessed by the alien, V¿Ger, in Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) represents women being mocked, while trying to make contact with traces of their own futa races. However, men¿s alien knows where it came from, which is why women are its pod bods denied knowledge of its futa race¿s potential for expanding its role as a dad¿s bag. Moreover, women are per se human, because they can fertilize their own host wombs, whereas men devour the contents in war, etc., and don¿t have host wombs, that is, it isn¿t their fut, whereas women need it to run, or they¿re food.

  • von Robin Bright
    24,00 €

  • von Robin Bright
    24,00 €

    W "kulturowym syllabusie" Hansa Heinricha Sterna (1992) przes¿ank¿ jest j¿zyk zwi¿zany z kontekstem sytuacyjnym, w którym wyst¿puje. Projektanci przewiduj¿ sytuacje, w których znajduj¿ si¿ uczniowie i wykorzystuj¿ je; na przyk¿ad British Council's`wychodz¿c do kina` LearnEnglish Teens` ¿wiczenie do s¿uchania, w którym obrazki s¿ prezentowane z gatunków filmowych, a uczniowie s¿ proszeni o wype¿nienie pola wyboru, aby okre¿li¿, czy uwäaj¿, ¿e obraz jest z horroru, science fiction, romansu, komedii, akcji, dramatu historycznego, lub filmu animowanego. W sytuacjach kulturowych, j¿zyk jest u¿ywany i uczony, wi¿c elementy `kulturowego programu nauczania` s¿ wäne dla wieloaspektowego podej¿cia.

  • von Robin Bright
    24,00 €

    Zrozumienie stosunku mieszkäców do turystyki i zaangäowanie spo¿eczno¿ci lokalnych stäo si¿ kluczowe dla zdrowia bran¿y turystycznej, jak wynika z badä przeprowadzonych przez ¿wiatow¿ Organizacj¿ Turystyki Narodów Zjednoczonych (UNWTO) w¿ród mieszkäców o¿miu miast europejskich, tj. Amsterdamu, Holandii, Barcelony, Hiszpanii, Berlina, Niemiec, Kopenhagi, Danii, Lizbony, Portugalii, Monachium, Niemiec, Salzburga, Austrii i Tallina, Estonii. Wyniki badä wykazäy, ¿e wi¿kszo¿¿ respondentów jest przekonana, ¿e "nie powinno by¿ ¿adnych ogranicze¿ dla wzrostu liczby odwiedzaj¿cych", a tylko niewielki odsetek chciäby, aby rozwojowi i marketingowi turystyki mo¿na by¿o zapobiec.

  • von Robin Bright
    34,00 €

    This summer liturgical calendar is devised to give pastors some idea of what is expected. There are Western practices of the church that differ from Eastern practices, because of the splitting of the Roman Empire, during which period, Constantinople, that is, modern Istanbul in Turkey, was the see of Rome in the East, while the see of Rome in the west was with the pope in the Vatican City, church of Rome, Italy. However, apart from these and ecumenical differences, the objective remains giving communion to the congregation. Consequently, the liturgies given in this guide are diverse but representative. All can be adapted to suit the requirements of the priest and/or the congregations upon the feast days and special occasions they¿re designed for.

  • von Robin Bright
    24,00 €

    Od czasu zäo¿enia Republiki Ludowej przez przewodnicz¿cego partii komunistycznej Mao Zedunga w 1949 r. w Chinach istniäy dwa systemy edukacyjne. Za czasów dynastii Qing (1636-1912) Cesarstwo Chi¿skie by¿o nieefektywnie rz¿dzone i zostäo obalone, zgodnie z seksagenarycznym cyklem kalendarzowym Chin, w czasie rewolucji Xinhai ("metalowa ¿winia") w 1912 r., po której nast¿pi¿ katastrofalny okres silnych lokalnych rz¿dów, znany jako "Era Warlordów". Nieudana autokracja nacjonalistycznego rz¿du Chi¿skiej Republiki Ludowej (ROC) generäa Chiang Kai-sheka, który w 1928 r. wprowadzi¿ egzamin na urz¿dnika s¿u¿by cywilnej w Yuan, doprowadzi¿a do powstania komunistycznej Republiki Chi¿skiej (CPC) w wyniku wojny domowej (1927-49). Zorientowane na egzaminowanie podej¿cie do edukacji zawdzi¿czamy w du¿ej mierze historycznej potrzebie przygotowania administratorów cesarskich od czasów dynastii Tangów (618-907), ale do 2010 r. podej¿cie zorientowane na jako¿¿, które zast¿pi¿o oceny oparte na egzaminach, stäo si¿ kolejnym rewolucyjnym ruchem.

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