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Bücher von Sharon Quinn

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  • von Sharon Quinn
    24,00 €

    Why am I here? A 'WHY' as great as this needs a great HOW. SELFGnosis exactly answers your Truly big ask. It's the next step followers of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. David Hawkins have been looking for.Learn what it takes to bring your life into the light, and the light into your life to be TRUE to your Spirit SELF and kick your ego to the curb!If It's Profound Answers You Seek, You'll Find Them in SELFGnosis® 101.The conversational tone of Sharon Quinn's heart-to-heart writing makes you feel she's sitting with you as you face the deeper meanings of life, death, ego-mind, and Spirit.You Get Candid Answers-In Easy-to-Understand Language.Bringing TRUTH into the 21st century, Sharon examines and answers profound questions such as:• Is there a purpose bigger than our life?• Is death the end of our existence?• How do we explain consciousness?• How do we divest ourselves of ego?Quinn provides you with clarity, breaks through the spiritual status quo as she puts an end to the mystery thought to be unknowable, and relieves the pressure of "trying to figure out" life's mysteries by yourself!What Do You Know about SELFGnosis® Breakthroughs?Tango with the Divine draws you into embracing the very real possibility of rekindling a beautiful relationship with your InSpirited Higher SELF, granting you the intimacy most people long for with Creator-God!Learn what it takes to:• Shift your default from habits to transformational change.• Solve your problems the Higher-SELF way.• End your birth-death cycles.

  • - Step-by-Step Skills to Empower Both Parent & Child
    von Sharon Quinn
    24,00 €

  • - Unearth Your Sacred Knowing
    von Sharon Quinn
    37,00 €

    Are you wanting Soul-level, dynamic change, looking for an eternal, timeless message that reveals meaning and growth from the cutting edge of TRUTH? Are you ready to shift from low gear into a Higher-Spirit gear?If so, to fully realize yourself, you must know your inner Higher SELF (your Christos-Spirit) as the person youre closest to! So: 1. Do not stop your enlightenment with common tip-of-the-iceberg mistakes that dominate todays most revered world traditions and beliefs. 2. Dare to go beyond merely awakening so that you can live the grace of your forgotten reality by being the Spirit you TRULY are! 3. Discover bigger things that await your Soul and get beyond the concepts to merge with your Higher SELF, your Beloved Christos-Spirit.Preface to Your Eternity is the first book of The SELFGnosis Trilogy, which changes what it means to be HUman. It does so with clarity, unlocking metaphysical conundrums and religious-spiritual straightjackets with everyday metaphors and profound insights forged from experience.This journey to Inner Clarity presents a Catalyst for Carving a New Coastline in Our Consciousness (a real paradigm-shift with a Spirit Rehab and Renaissance healing-support system, far more productive than any worship paradigm). It has practical keys for overcoming the paradigm paralysis that accompanies truly new knowledge, thus empowering its potentials to actualize.Learn what it means to create your Holy Resonance, connect with an unheard-of Spirit-freeing process for your transformation, and get beyond merely the current spiritual status quo of life betterment, self-improvement, and meditation disciplines.This is an original-thought book debuting a paradigm-shift that is about genuine spiritual fulfillment. It is cutting its teeth on the edges of an era that is attempting to close its cycles of religious dependence and its gaps. This awakening awareness does not quite fit established categories since it is making amazing breakthrough discoveries such as: 1. How spiritual traditions are facing their end-of-life cycle. 2. How ego transparency is the key to unlocking your unknown. 3. How to live for your eternity, not mortality, while living daily life. 4. How meditation is merely transcending levels within your mind. 5. How a newly advanced archetype opens vistas of awareness and opportunities for unparalleled, deep growth. 6. How you actually need to transcend the mind itself to regain your lost knowingness and InSpirited abilities (Gnosis)!With your SELFGnosis Inquiry, your Holy Resonance (your InSpirited-free Consciousness) can live in your daily shoes! Live it and get beyond just dreaming or praying for it! All this has the added benefit of dealing with and overcoming the forbidden death reality. Were born and eventually die. This reality is best dealt with from the beginning of our life. Learn how easy it is to not fear death--way cool, too!This book has on-page footnotes for uninterrupted reading, an instructive Glossary to enhance your understandings, 15 illustrations, a 33-page cross-reference index to aid learning and digesting this life-altering change in perception, a bonus preview of Volume Two, insightful understandings from universal Principles, and bellwether Truth for your acceptance. You deserve to know the TRUTH free from its wooly blankets (mans way of diluting info, making it comfortable, less probing, overly generalized). Read it. Be informed. Then decide.

  • - Discover the Biggest Purpose Ever Guiding You: A Spiritual Warm-Up
    von Sharon Quinn
    16,00 €

    The Big IF in Life encourages you to Be Fearlessly Inquisitive and to Live a Rich, Eye-Opening, and Brilliant Life! This book is a spiritual warm-up to exercise your thinking about life's actual purpose and your untapped options for living life with the utmost dignity, in harmony with the Creator's intention. To understand the authentic nature of the "IF" is to grasp the actual power of your free-will choice.The "IF" is the bull's eye to penetrate in each chapter--the focal point with a freeing, refreshing perception. You get a clean slate within your being and consciousness, like hitting a psyche (thinking-feeling) restart button. Clarity changes everything and frees you from the confusion of overly complicated approaches to God.For ease of grasping the metaphysical and abstract subject matter of Who-I-Am and "Why am I here?" the author uses metaphors to drive the message's deepest meanings home, and she does so in a way that anyone can understand. It's a big message everyone truly wants to know about, yet no one is talking about it in this manner.Are You Seeking Higher TRUTH for Personal Growth that Will Deeply Satisfy Your Longing for Spiritual Intimacy? Do you sense simple, logical, honest answers to God-Creator questions and meaning of life exist? Do you feel spiritual answers are within your reach and they're neither as convoluted nor as mystical as assumed to be? Do you desire more intimate, personal growth relationship with your Higher Spiritual SELF and the Creator? Do you wish you could easily understand God and this universe despite their profound depths? Do you sense a simple Sacred story of TRUTH buried within life's stories and theological-metaphysical conundrums? Do you think religion has come to its end-of-life cycle and is in need of an infusion of Higher Knowingness beyond New Age offerings? If so, The Big IF in Life will help you: Declutter theology conflicts. Unravel the mystery of God-Creator and us. Gain amazing insights and awaken to higher consciousness. Learn how your relationship to the Divine actually works and is doable. Regain a sense of control. Open your eyes and heart to an enriched world of possibilities. Ease your searching frustrations by realizing TRUTH from a widened angle of perception. Spiritual Issues Addressed Directly Without a Fuss: * What can I do to end my pain and suffering? * How did I get so amnesic in my Consciousness awareness? * Is the SELFGnosis remedy doable for everyone? * How should I view death to be on track with its reality? * What's likely my biggest stumbling block to overcome? This Concise, Practical Spirit-Awakening Guide Will: Connect dots of TRUTH, closing gaps of separation. Gently lead you to grasp what's been considered unknowable. Prompt you with on-point questions to mull over unparalleled viewpoints about existence, life and death, and eternity. Introduce you to a novel paradigm capable of accelerating spiritual healing and consciousness growth with common sense and a tried and true approach.

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