Über Tango with the Divine
Why am I here? A 'WHY' as great as this needs a great HOW. SELFGnosis exactly answers your Truly big ask. It's the next step followers of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. David Hawkins have been looking for.
Learn what it takes to bring your life into the light, and the light into your life to be TRUE to your Spirit SELF and kick your ego to the curb!
If It's Profound Answers You Seek, You'll Find Them in SELFGnosis® 101.
The conversational tone of Sharon Quinn's heart-to-heart writing makes you feel she's sitting with you as you face the deeper meanings of life, death, ego-mind, and Spirit.
You Get Candid Answers-In Easy-to-Understand Language.
Bringing TRUTH into the 21st century, Sharon examines and answers profound questions such as:
• Is there a purpose bigger than our life?
• Is death the end of our existence?
• How do we explain consciousness?
• How do we divest ourselves of ego?
Quinn provides you with clarity, breaks through the spiritual status quo as she puts an end to the mystery thought to be unknowable, and relieves the pressure of "trying to figure out" life's mysteries by yourself!
What Do You Know about SELFGnosis® Breakthroughs?
Tango with the Divine draws you into embracing the very real possibility of rekindling a beautiful relationship with your InSpirited Higher SELF, granting you the intimacy most people long for with Creator-God!
Learn what it takes to:
• Shift your default from habits to transformational change.
• Solve your problems the Higher-SELF way.
• End your birth-death cycles.
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