To talk about Bioethics is to talk about life. There are several definitions of bioethics, all of them accurate, such as that of the National Bioethics Commission, "It is the branch of applied ethics that reflects, deliberates and makes regulatory and public policy approaches to regulate and resolve conflicts in social life, especially in the life sciences, as well as in medical practice and research that affect life on the planet, both now and in future generations".The Pan American Health Organization points out that bioethics should not be invoked after ethical principles have been broken and we are faced with an ethically questionable situation that must be resolved. Bioethics should be incorporated into the regular work of health professionals and policy makers so that public health policies are based on bioethical principles. If I were to define bioethics, I would say doing good for the sake of doing good. The basic principles of bioethics, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and others such as solidarity, empathy, values such as respect and honesty.
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