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Krimi & Thriller

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  • von Ulrike Busch
    12,00 €

  • von M. L. Rio
    12,00 €

    As a young actor studying at an elite conservatory, Oliver felt doomed to always be in his friends' shadows. But when a surprise casting turns a good-natured rivalry between two of them into something dangerous, their stage roles spill over into real life.

  • - The First Novel By Quentin Tarantino
    von Quentin Tarantino
    12,00 €

    The highly anticipated, groundbreaking and hugely entertaining novel from one of the all-time great storytellers.

  • von John Grisham
    10,99 €

    Ein hochaktueller Roman um Profitgier, Betrug und Rache - John Grisham ist ein meisterhafter ErzählerSie wollten die Welt verändern, als sie ihr Jurastudium aufnahmen. Doch jetzt stehen Zola, Todd und Mark kurz vor dem Examen und müssen sich eingestehen, dass sie einem Betrug aufgesessen sind. Die private Hochschule, an der sie studieren, bietet eine derart mittelmäßige Ausbildung, dass die drei das Examen nicht schaffen werden. Doch ohne Abschluss wird es schwierig sein, einen gut bezahlten Job zu finden. Und ohne Job werden sie die Schulden, die sich für die Zahlung der horrenden Studiengebühren angehäuft haben, nicht begleichen können. Aber vielleicht gibt es einen Ausweg. Vielleicht gibt es eine Möglichkeit, nicht nur dem Schuldenberg zu entkommen, sondern auch die Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Ein geniales Katz- und Mausspiel nimmt seinen Lauf.

  • von Camilla Way
    12,00 €

    Versprichst du, nichts zu sagen? Beth wusste immer, dass etwas an ihrer Tochter Hannah seltsam ist. Der Mangel an Emotionen, das beunruhigende Verhalten, die scheinbare Freude daran, andere zu verletzen ... Manchmal hat Beth Angst vor ihrem eigenen Kind und dem, wozu es fähig sein könnte. Clara dachte immer, ihr Freund Luke käme aus einer perfekten Familie. Doch als er plötzlich spurlos verschwindet, beginnt sie, in seiner Vergangenheit zu graben - und entdeckt bald eine Verbindung zwischen Lukes lange verschwundener Schwester und einem seltsamen Mädchen namens Hannah. Wegen der Geheimnisse von einst ist Lukes Leben nun in Gefahr. Kann sie ihn finden, bevor es zu spät ist? Deutsche Erstausgabe

  • von Martin van Creveld
    29,90 €

    Adolf Hitler ist tot - nach seinem Selbstmord im Fuhrerbunker unter der Reichskanzlei findet sich der Diktator in der Holle wieder. Doch anstelle von Damonen und Fegefeuer erwartet ihn ein ruhiger, zu ruhiger, ganzlich eintoniger Ort, der stark an die Gefangniszelle in Landsberg 1924 erinnert. Nun allerdings kann er keinen Besuch mehr empfangen, und auch seine treue Blondi hat ihn verlassen, denn alle Hunde kommen in den Himmel. Es gibt rein gar nichts zu tun, und so beginnt der "e;Fhrer"e;, ber sein Leben zu plaudern - vor dem Hintergrund der Welt, wie wir sie heute kennen. Er trumpft auf, lt die Hhepunkte der "e;Kampfzeit"e; und des Dritten Reichs noch einmal Revue passieren, zeigt keinerlei Reue und zahlt seinen damaligen und heutigen Feinden postum alles heim. In der Hlle kommt Adolf Hitler endlich dazu, alle Karten auf den Tisch zu legen und seine ganz eigene Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts zu erzhlen.

  • von Luisa Dilek Quast
    13,99 €

    Zwei Freunde, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Zwei Herzen, die verzweifelt nach Trost suchen. Zwei Geheimnisse, die alles überschatten und ihre Verbindung auf die Probe stellen. Solea und Jules werden beide von ihrer Vergangenheit heimgesucht und versuchen, ihr Leben unter Kontrolle zu bekommen und ihre Eltern stolz zu machen. Glücklicherweise haben sie einander. Sie geben sich Halt und unterstützen sich gegenseitig. Doch als Solea Gefühle für ihren Mitbewohner Damian entwickelt, gerät ihre Freundschaft ins Wanken.

  • 12% sparen
    von Irvin Yalom
    15,00 €

  • von Kathy Reichs
    11,00 €

    Number One New York Times bestselling author Kathy Reichs returns with her nineteenth riveting novel featuring forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan, who must use all her tradecraft to discover the identity of a faceless corpse, its connection to a decade-old missing child case, and the reason the dead man had her phone number.

  • - The Story of the Hitler Diaries
    von Robert Harris
    13,00 €

    It's spring 1983. It seemed that one of the most startling discoveries of the century had been made, and that one of the world's most sought after documents had finally come to light, the private diaries of Adolf Hitler. What followed was the exchange of extraordinary sums of money for world-wide publishing rights. But that was just the beginning.

  • von Arthur Conan Doyle
    46,99 €

    "Han er forbrydelsens Napoleon, Watson ... Han sidder ubevægelig, som en edderkop midt i sit spind, men dette spind består af tusindvis af tråde, og han er bevidst om selv den mindste bevægelse i enhver af dem."I "over tusind sager" har Sherlock Holmes bekæmpet ondskab og kriminalitet og sørget for, at de skyldige blev bragt bag lås og slå. Men den største skurk af dem alle, en højt begavet mand, hvis hånd Holmes har anet bag en stor del af forbrydelserne, er hidtil undsluppet ham: Professor Moriarty. Holmes har dog langsomt arbejdet sig ind på ham, og nu er tiden kommet, hvor de to store modstandere endelig må krydse klinger.I sine "Erindringer om Sherlock Holmes" beretter dr. Watson om dette store og skæbnesvangre opgør. Om dette og om andre af vennen og mesterdetektivens store sager – mysteriet om den forsvundne væddeløbshest Silver Blaze, gåden om Musgraveritualet og mange, mange flere.Den nye komplette Sherlock Holmes-udgave består af ni bind svarende til de ni originale bøger. Bøgerne er forsynet med forord og noter og udstyret med originalillustrationer. Udgivelsen sker under vejledning af cand.mag. Svend Ranild, forfatter og Sherlock Holmes-kender.Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (1859-1930) var uddannet læge, men begyndte tidligt at skrive og forlod efterhånden lægegerningen helt til fordel for forfatterkarrieren. Doyle skrev i mange genrer – historiske romaner, science-fiction, eventyrromaner og nonfiktion – men det var historierne om mesterdetektiven Sherlock Holmes, der slog hans navn fast ogblev hans eviggyldige bidrag til verdenslitteraturhistorien.

  • von Agatha Christie
    8,98 - 10,48 €

    Ten invited guests on an island... Ten strangers, apparently with little in common, are lured to an island mansion off the coast of Devon by the mysterious U.N.Owen. Over dinner, a record begins to play, and the voice of an unseen host accuses each person of hiding a guilty secret. That evening, former reckless driver Tony Marston is found murdered by a deadly dose of cyanide. The tension escalates as the survivors realise the killer is not only among them but is preparing to strike again... and again...

  • von Don Winslow
    13,00 €

    A novel that features a mixed group of characters, each in his or her own way seeking some sort of salvation or redemption. It talks about the plot: how the US government and some of its quasi-autonomous agencies (CIA, FBI, DEA) all for their own reasons sponsored and financed the development of the drug cartels and their trade in Mexico.

  • 10% sparen
    von Frank Miller & David Mazzucchelli
    14,00 €

    In addition to telling the entire dramatic story of Batman's first year fighting crime, this collection includes reproductions of original pencils, promotional art, script pages, unseen David Mazzucchelli Batman art and more.

  • - (Hannibal Lecter)
    von Thomas Harris
    13,00 €

    An FBI trainee. A psychopath locked up for unspeakable crimes. And a serial killer getting ever closer to his latest victim... FBI rookie Clarice Starling turns to Dr Hannibal Lecter, monster cannibal held in a hospital for the criminally insane, for insight into the deadly madman she must find.

  • von Stephen King
    13,00 €

    Stephen King's international bestselling - and highly acclaimed - novel, also a hugely successful film starring Tom Hanks

  • - 50th Anniversary Edition
    von Mario Puzo
    13,00 €

    ______________________________________With an exclusive introduction by director Francis Ford CoppolaTyrant, blackmailer, racketeer, murderer - his influence reaches every level of American society. Meet Don Corleone, a friendly man, a just man, a reasonable man.

  • - The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 9
    von Elly Griffiths
    13,00 €

    Something evil is waiting in the dark tunnels under Norwich - forensic archaeologist Dr Ruth Galloway had better watch her step

  • von V. E. Schwab
    12,00 €

    Kell is plagued by his guilt. Having given up smuggling, he is visited by dreams of ominous magical events, waking only to think of Lila. As Red London prepares for the Element Games - an extravagant international competition of magic - a certain pirate ship draws closer. But another London is coming back to life. Black London has risen again.

  • 21% sparen
    von Jeph Loeb
    23,98 €

    Christmas. St. Patrick's Day. Easter. As the calendar's days stack up, so do the bodies littered in the streets of Gotham City. A murderer is loose, killing only on holidays. The only man that can stop this fiend? The Dark Knight. In a mystery taking place during Batman's early days of crime fighting, Batman: The Long Halloween is one of the greatest Dark Knight stories ever told. Working with District Attorney Harvey Dent and Lieutenant James Gordon, Batman races against the calendar as he tries to discover who Holiday is before he claims his next victim each month. A mystery that has the reader continually guessing the identity of the killer, this story also ties into the events that transform Harvey Dent into Batman's deadly enemy, Two-Face.The magnificent creative team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale reach their apex in Batman: The Long Halloween. This edition includes original 13-issue series as well as four additional story pages cut from the original series, which are presented fully colored and restored to their place in the story. Also featured are sketches and an introduction by the director and writer of The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan and David Goyer.

  • von V. E. Schwab
    13,00 €

    Victor and Eli, due to a research project gone wrong, become ExtraOrdinaries with supernatural powers. Ten years later Victor escapes from prison, determined to get his revenge on the man who put him there, while Eli has spent the years hunting down and killing other EOs.

  • - Cormoran Strike Book 2
    von Robert Galbraith
    13,00 €

    'Teems with sly humour, witty asides and intelligence ... A pleasure to read' TIMES-----Now a major BBC drama: The Strike seriesWhen novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife calls in private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, she just thinks he has gone off by himself for a few days - as he has done before - and she wants Strike to find him and bring him home.But as Strike investigates, it becomes clear that there is more to Quine's disappearance than his wife realises. The novelist has just completed a manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost everyone he knows. If the novel were published it would ruin lives - so there are a lot of people who might want to silence him.And when Quine is found brutally murdered in bizarre circumstances, it becomes a race against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless killer, a killer unlike any he has encountered before . . .A compulsively readable crime novel with twists at every turn, The Silkworm is the second in the highly acclaimed series featuring Cormoran Strike and his determined young assistant Robin Ellacott.*** The latest book in the thrilling Strike series, LETHAL WHITE is out now! ***-----PRAISE FOR THE STRIKE SERIES: 'One of the most unique and compelling detectives I've come across in years' MARK BILLINGHAM'The work of a master storyteller' DAILY TELEGRAPH'Unputdownable. . . Irresistible' SUNDAY TIMES'Will keep you up all night' OBSERVER'A thoroughly enjoyable classic' PETER JAMES, SUNDAY EXPRESS

  • - A True Story of Corruption, Murder and how I became Putin's no. 1 enemy
    von Bill Browder
    13,00 €

    Magnitsky's brutal killing has remained uninvestigated and unpunished to this day. His farcical posthumous show-trial brought Putin's regime to a new low in the eyes of the international community.

  • - Cormoran Strike Book 3
    von Robert Galbraith
    13,00 €

    'Deliriously clever' GUARDIAN-----Now a major BBC drama: The Strike seriesWhen a mysterious package is delivered to Robin Ellacott, she is horrified to discover that it contains a woman's severed leg.Her boss, private detective Cormoran Strike, is less surprised but no less alarmed. There are four people from his past who he thinks could be responsible - and Strike knows that any one of them is capable of sustained and unspeakable brutality.With the police focusing on the one suspect Strike is increasingly sure is not the perpetrator, he and Robin take matters into their own hands, and delve into the dark and twisted worlds of the other three men. But as more horrendous acts occur, time is running out for the two of them...A fiendishly clever mystery with unexpected twists around every corner, Career of Evil is also a gripping story of a man and a woman at a crossroads in their personal and professional lives. You will not be able to put this book down.*** The latest book in the thrilling Strike series, LETHAL WHITE is out now! ***-----PRAISE FOR THE STRIKE SERIES: 'One of the most unique and compelling detectives I've come across in years' MARK BILLINGHAM'The work of a master storyteller' DAILY TELEGRAPH'Unputdownable. . . Irresistible' SUNDAY TIMES'Will keep you up all night' OBSERVER'A thoroughly enjoyable classic' PETER JAMES, SUNDAY EXPRESS

  • - A spooky, gripping read from a bestselling author (Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 5)
    von Elly Griffiths
    13,00 €

    When murder strikes close to home, Dr Ruth Galloway is determined to find justice - without ending up in the firing line herself. A nailbiting new adventure for fans of Val McDermid and Ann Cleeves.

  • - The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 6
    von Elly Griffiths
    13,00 €

    Historical crimes involving a Victorian child killer may hold the key to several contemporary deaths in this macabre outing for Dr Ruth Galloway, forensic archaeologist. Perfect for fans of Val McDermid and Ann Cleeves.

  • 23% sparen
    von H. P. Lovecraft
    33,98 €

    The Cthulhu Mythos was H.P. Lovecraft's greatest contribution to supernatural literature. This anthology includes 23 of his weirdest tales, including 'The Call of Cthulhu', 'The Colour Out of Space', 'The Dunwich Horror' and 'The Shadow Out of Time'.

  • - Red Rising Series 3
    von Pierce Brown
    13,00 €

    Darrow is a Helldiver, one of a thousand men and women who live in the vast caves beneath the surface of Mars, generations of people who spend their lives toiling to mine the precious elements that will allow the planet to be terraformed. Just knowing that, one day, people will be able to walk the surface of the planet is enough to justify their sacrifice. The Earth is dying, and Darrow and his people are the only hope humanity has left. Until the day Darrow learns that it is all a lie. That Mars has been habitable - and inhabited - for generations, by a class of people calling themselves the Golds. A class of people who look down at Darrow and his fellows as slave labour, to be exploited and worked to death without a second thought. Until the day Darrow, with the help of a mysterious group of rebels, disguises himself as a Gold and infiltrates their society.

  • von Blake Crouch
    12,00 €

    The New York Times bestselling thriller of the year from Blake Crouch, author of the bestselling Wayward Pines trilogy

  • von Robert W. Chambers
    21,00 €

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