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  • von Dawn M. Barclay
    38,00 - 49,00 €

    This book combines advice from certified autism travel professionals, parents, and advocates to restructure every aspect of vacations for those with autism/ASD or mood/distraction disorders, though the tips can be used to soothe any child¿s travel anxieties.

  • - Getaway Ideas For The Local Traveler
    von Lisa Meyers McClintick
    20,00 €

    This second edition of Day Trips from the Twin Cities is your guide to hundreds of exciting things to do, see, and discover in your own backyard. With full trip-planning information and tips on where to eat, shop, and stop along the way, you can make the most of your time off and rediscover the simple pleasures of a day trip.

  • - Lyon, France
    von Marques Vickers
    40,00 €

    Evade the Tourist Herds and Enter Into An Insider's Lyon. For the infinitely curious, this edition offer known and unknown history, hidden delights and fascinating stories pervade the history of Lyon. This kaleidoscope of discovery, personalities, egos, scandals, conflict framed by sheer beauty creates a vivid tapestry defining over two millenniums. This guide transports you geographically and photographically to the precise famous and infamous locations where history occurred. The scenes may sometimes appear ordinary, weird, but often illuminate the physical background and descriptions behind events. Many of the narratives defy believability, yet they are true. This Twisted Tour Guide is your alternative to conventional travel. It accommodates the restless visitor, tourist and resident seeking a unique and different perspective to traditional tourism. Lyon remains one of the most beguiling, seductive and enchanting cities of the world. Historical Attractions: Settlement of Lugdunum, Fourviere Hill, Roman Amphitheatre, Aqueduct of Gier, Ancient Bath Sites, Amphitheatre des Trois Gaules, Montees du Gourguillon and Saint-Barthelemy, Chateau Pierre-Scize, Ille Barbe, Place Sathonay, Guillaume Leroy Studio, College of the Trinity, Ancient Astronomical Clock, Place Bellecour, Beaux Arts Museums, Traboule Passageways, Passage de l'Argue, Charvet Clock, Gadagne Museum, Celestins Theatres, Notre Dame Basilica, Bartholdi Fountain, Feyssine Park Bunkers, Immense Glacier Stone, Tata of Chasselay Cemetery Memorial, Hotel Terminus, Building Façade Murals, Deportation Center and Former Saint Paul Prison Inmate Mural Gallery Famous Architecture: Grand Hotel Dieu, Saint Bonaventure Church, Maison Lantillon, Hotel Paterin, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Cathedral, Saint Polycarpe Church, Maison Brunet, Fort de Caluire Ruins, Maison des Canuts, Fort Saint-Jean, Fort de Loyasse, Church of the Immaculate Conception, Bon Pasteur Church, Fort de Brun, Fourviere Tower, Fort Montluc, Fort de Montessuy, Lyon Music and Dance Conservatory, St. Nizier Church and Le Kraken Sculptural Installation Historical Noteworthy Events: Papal Coronation of Clement V, Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Eleven Lions Heads Mystery, First Hot Air Balloon Flights, Siege of Lyon, The White Terror, Revolt of the Canuts, Legendary Peeing Child Statue on Rue Lanterne, Festival of Lights, Lyon Commune Movement, Auguste Burdeau Memorial Omission, Invention of Cinematography, The Mitraillades Killings, Cognet de Seynes Automobile, World War II Jewish Deportations, Bombing of Grand Synagogue, Bron Airport Execution, Tablets and Memorial of Stolen Lives, Vinatier Mental Hospital Starvations, Sex Workers Church Takeover, Trial of Klaus Barbie, Ballet Maternity Leave Scandal and Rhone River Homeless Camp Criminality: Sadi Carnot Stabbing Death, The World's First Forensic Laboratory, Serial Killers Martin Dumollard and Luigi Richetto, Police Commissioner Rene Lacroix's Killing, Gros Caillou Gang Shootout, Mobster Jean Auge's Murder, Judge Francois Renaud's Contract Hit, INTERPOL Headquarters, Jean-Claude Romand's Family Slaughter and Axelle Dorier Car Dragging Death Profiles: Blandine The Slave, Saint Justus, Pere Auger, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier, Architect Pierre Bossan, Explorer Charles de Chavannes Mayor Antoine Gailleton, Lumiere Brothers, Edmond Locard, American Wartime Spy Virginia Hall, Butcher of Lyon Klaus Barbie, French Resistance Symbols Jean Moulin and Rene Hardy, Sister Elise Rivet, Historian Marc Bloch, Marguerite Flavien, Abbe Pierre and Pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet

  • von Gaston Leroux
    15,90 €

    "Le Crime de Rouletabille" est un roman policier écrit par Gaston Leroux, publié en 1912. Dans ce récit, le jeune reporter Joseph Rouletabille enquête sur un mystérieux crime commis dans un château isolé. Avec son intelligence et son esprit vif, Rouletabille résout le mystère en démêlant les indices et en déjouant les fausses pistes. Ce roman est souvent considéré comme un classique du genre, célèbre pour son intrigue captivante et ses rebondissements inattendus.

  • von Ernest Renan
    15,90 €

    "Vie de Jésus" est une oeuvre majeure écrite par Ernest Renan, un philosophe, historien et écrivain français du XIXe siècle. Publié pour la première fois en 1863, cet ouvrage a suscité un vif débat en raison de son approche critique de la biographie de Jésus-Christ. Dans "Vie de Jésus", Renan adopte une perspective rationaliste et cherche à expliquer la vie de Jésus en utilisant des méthodes historiques et scientifiques de son époque. L'oeuvre a été influente dans le domaine de la critique biblique, mais elle a également été controversée en raison de ses interprétations sécularisées et de son rejet de certains aspects traditionnels de la foi chrétienne. Bien que "Vie de Jésus" ait été critiqué par certains milieux religieux, il a eu un impact significatif sur la pensée religieuse et la recherche historique au XIXe siècle. Ernest Renan était une figure importante dans le contexte intellectuel et culturel de son temps.

  • von Émile Souvestre
    15,90 €

    "Un Philosophe sous les Toits" est un roman écrit par Émile Souvestre, un écrivain français du XIXe siècle. Ce livre a été publié pour la première fois en 1850. L'histoire est une sorte de chronique de la vie quotidienne d'un homme, l'auteur lui-même, qui choisit de vivre en marge de la société et de se retirer dans une mansarde parisienne. Le protagoniste, surnommé "Le Philosophe," observe la vie urbaine depuis son perchoir, partageant ses pensées sur la société, la nature humaine et les petites joies de la vie quotidienne. Le roman a une tonalité légère et humoristique, mais il aborde également des thèmes plus sérieux liés à la condition humaine. "Un Philosophe sous les Toits" est considéré comme l'une des oeuvres les plus réussies d'Émile Souvestre et a été apprécié pour sa simplicité, son humour et sa perspicacité dans l'observation de la vie urbaine.

  • von Claudius Ferrand
    9,99 €

    " Il y avait autrefois, au pays de Tango, une bourgade du nom de Mizunoé. Dans cette bourgade vivait un pêcheur, qui s'appelait Ourashima Taro. C'était un homme vertueux, au coeur sensible et bon qui, de sa vie, n'avait jamais fait ni souhaité de mal à personne. Taro revenait un soir de la pêche. La prise ayant été abondante, il rentrait satisfait et joyeux. Sur le rivage, il aperçoit une bande de petits garçons, qui semblaient prendre un malin plaisir à tourmenter une petite tortue, trouvée sur le sable. Taro n'aimait pas qu'on fît souffrir les bêtes. Il eut pitié de la tortue. S'approchant des enfants, et s'efforçant de donner à sa voix un ton impérieux: - Quel mal vous a donc fait, dit-il, cette innocente créature, pour la tourmenter de la sorte ? Ignorez-vous que les dieux punissent les enfants qui maltraitent les animaux ? - Mêlez-vous donc de ce qui vous regarde, répond insolemment le plus âgé de la troupe. Cette tortue n'appartient à personne. Nous sommes libres de la tuer si cela nous fait plaisir. Vous n'avez rien à y voir. Le pêcheur comprend qu'aucun raisonnement n'aura de prise sur ces coeurs sans pitié. Il change de tactique et, d'un ton plus radouci: - Allons, ne vous fâchez pas ainsi, mes enfants ! je n'avais pas l'intention de vous gronder. Je voulais vous proposer un marché. Voulez-vous me vendre cette tortue ? Je vous en donne vingt sous. Cela vous va-t-il ? Vingt sous ! C'était une fortune pour ces marmots. Ils acceptent sans hésiter; Taro leur donne donc deux petites pièces blanches; aussitôt ils courent au village acheter des gâteaux."

  • - Tome III
    von Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve
    22,90 €

    "Portraits Littéraires, Tome III" est la troisième partie de la série d'essais écrite par Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, un critique littéraire français du XIXe siècle. Cette série, intitulée "Portraits littéraires", constitue une collection d'analyses et de critiques littéraires où Sainte-Beuve explore la vie et l'oeuvre de divers écrivains contemporains de son époque. Comme dans les tomes précédents, les essais de Sainte-Beuve dans le "Tome III" adoptent une approche personnelle et psychologique de la critique littéraire. Il cherche à établir des liens entre la vie des écrivains et leurs oeuvres, offrant ainsi une perspective plus complète sur la création artistique. L'ensemble de la série "Portraits Littéraires" de Sainte-Beuve est considéré comme une contribution significative à la critique littéraire du XIXe siècle en France, offrant des perspectives profondes sur la vie intellectuelle et littéraire de l'époque.

  • von Camille Lemonnier
    15,90 €

    "Le Possédé" est un roman de l'écrivain belge Camille Lemonnier, publié pour la première fois en 1896. Voici un résumé global de l'oeuvre: L'histoire se déroule dans la Belgique rurale du XIXe siècle et explore les thèmes de la passion, de la folie et de l'obsession. Le personnage principal, François, est un jeune homme tourmenté par des pulsions intenses et des démons intérieurs. Sa vie est profondément affectée par ses relations tumultueuses avec les femmes, en particulier avec la belle et mystérieuse Mélanie. La trame narrative se développe autour des relations complexes entre François, Mélanie et d'autres personnages du village. Des éléments de surnaturel et de mysticisme sont intégrés, créant une atmosphère sombre et troublante tout au long du roman. Lemonnier explore la psychologie de ses personnages de manière intense, décrivant les tourments intérieurs de François et la manière dont son obsession pour Mélanie le pousse à la folie. Le village devient le théâtre de drames passionnels et de tragédies, dépeignant une société où les émotions brutes peuvent avoir des conséquences dévastatrices. "Le Possédé" est souvent considéré comme l'une des oeuvres les plus puissantes et provocantes de Lemonnier, reflétant son intérêt pour les aspects sombres de la nature humaine. C'est une exploration profonde des forces intérieures qui peuvent conduire à la destruction, et une plongée fascinante dans les profondeurs de l'âme humaine.

  • von Anatole France
    9,99 €

    "Le Jardin d'Épicure" d'Anatole France dévoile un monde de réflexions philosophiques et de méditations sur la vie. À travers des dialogues subtils et des personnages éloquents, l'auteur explore des thèmes tels que le bonheur, la sagesse et la recherche du sens de la vie. Inspiré par la pensée d'Épicure, France nous transporte dans un jardin intellectuel où la quête du bien-être spirituel et matériel prend toute sa signification. Les discussions, teintées d'ironie et d'humour, offrent une critique subtile de la société et des valeurs de l'époque. "Le Jardin d'Épicure" incarne une oeuvre où la philosophie et la littérature se rencontrent pour éclairer les profondeurs de l'existence humaine.

  • von Anatole France
    15,90 €

    "Histoire Comique" d'Anatole France plonge les lecteurs dans un univers humoristique où l'auteur maîtrise l'art de la satire. En utilisant un ton léger et comique, France explore les absurdités de la société de son époque. Les récits, tout en étant divertissants, renferment des critiques subtiles sur les conventions sociales, la politique et la condition humaine. L'humour subtil de France permet de dévoiler les contradictions et les hypocrisies de la société, offrant une lecture à la fois amusante et perspicace. "Histoire Comique" représente une oeuvre où le rire devient un moyen de déconstruction des normes sociales, faisant de chaque histoire une satire délicieusement instructive.

  • 18% sparen
    von Stein Ringen
    14,00 €

    In The Story of Scandinavia, political scholar Stein Ringen chronicles more than 1,200 years of drama, economic rise and fall, crises, kings and queens, war, peace, language and culture.  Scandinavian history has been one of dramatic discontinuities of collapse and restarts, from the Viking Age to the Age of Perpetual War to the modern age today. For a thousand years, the Scandinavian countries were kingdoms of repression where monarchs played at the game of being European powers, at the expense of their own populations. The brand we now know as "Scandinavia" is a recent invention. During most of its history, Denmark and Sweden, and to some degree Norway, were bloody enemies. These sentiments of enmity have not been fully settled. Under the surface of collaboration remain undercurrents of hatred, envy, contempt and pity.  What does it mean today to be Scandinavian? For the author, whose identity is Scandinavian but his life European, this masterly history is a personal exploration as well as a narrative of compelling scope.

  • von Peter Ufer
    29,90 €

    Das neue Dresden - Die Stadt 80 Jahre nach dem Zweiten WeltkriegFast 80 Jahre ist es jetzt her, dass die Bomben des Zweiten Weltkrieges große Wunden im Dresdner Stadtbild hinterließen. Eine schmerzhafte Zäsur für eine Stadt, die vor allem für ihre prachtvollen Barockbauten bekannt war.Heute, nach Jahrzehnten der Wiederauferstehung, präsentiert sich die einstige Residenzstadt Dresden wieder in vollem Glanz. Die Spuren der Zerstörung sind nur noch vereinzelt sichtbar, während die rekonstruierten Bauwerke ein eindrucksvolles Bild vergangener Epochen zeichnen. Gleichzeitig wurden moderne Neubauten errichtet, Gebäude aus der Zeit der DDR sorgfältig saniert oder durch zeitgemäße Architektur ersetzt. Das neue Dresden entstand.Fotograf Peter Schubert und Journalist Dr. Peter Ufer werfen in diesem Bildband gemeinsam einen Blick zurück - aber hauptsächlich nach vorn. Mit beeindruckenden Luftaufnahmen und historischen Motiven dokumentieren sie die Wiedergeburt einer Stadt nach dem Krieg. Die begleitenden Texte vermitteln ein lebendiges Bild der Gegenwart, gespickt mit detailreichen Anekdoten, und lassen Geschichte und Fotografie miteinander in einen inspirierenden Dialog treten. Dabei greift dieser Bildband immer wieder auf Fritz Löfflers Meisterwerk "Das alte Dresden" zurück, um zu zeigen, wie der Traum des berühmten Kunsthistorikers Wirklichkeit wurde.Altstadt: Frauenkirche Dresden auf dem Neumarkt, Residenzschloss Dresden, Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen mit Gemäldegalerie (Alte Meister), Albertinum, Kunstakademie, Fürstenzug, Hofkirche Dresden, Zwinger mit Kronentor, Theaterplatz, Semperoper, Stallhof, Striezelmarkt, Dampfschiffe und Dampfschiffparade mit Augustusbrücke über der Elbe, Blockhaus, Kulturpalast am Altmarkt, Palais im Großen Garten, Hauptbahnhof, Prager StraßeSüden: Leubnitz, Prohlis, Lockwitz, Technische Universität Dresden, Bismarcksäule, Fichteturm, ...Osten: Waldschlösschenbrücke, Elbschlösser, Blaues Wunder, Loschwitz, Schiffswerft Laubegast, Kleinzschachwitz, Fernsehturm, Schwebebahn, ... Westen: Schloss Übigau, Hafen-City, Friedrichstraße in Friedrichstadt, Messe Ostragehege, Yenidze, Flut 2002, ... Norden: Neustadt, Militärhistorisches Museum, Flughafen, Goldener Reiter, Neustädter Markt, Kunsthofpassage, Dreikönigskirche, Albertplatz, Glockenspielpavillon, Japanisches Palais, Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, Garnisonkirche, Pfunds Molkerei, ... Schlösser Kurfürst August der Starke: Albrechtsburg Meissen, Schloss Moritzburg, Schloss Wackerbarth, Hoflößnitz, Schloss Pillnitz, Barockgarten Großsedlitz und Burg Stolpen Bildband Format 28 x 26 cm 1. Auflage hochwertiger Offsetdruck mit zweifacher Titel-Veredlung (Goldfolienprägung) Fotos: Peter Schubert Texte: Dr. Peter Ufer 228 Seiten Erscheinung 11.03.2024 deutsch ISBN: 978-3-910680-77-7

  • von Momente von Martina Maier
    18,00 €

    Seelenspiegel.Unsere Seele muss viel aushalten.Wie hält sie das eigentlich oft aus ohne zu zerbrechen.Gefühle, Hoffnung, Enttäuschung....Seele sei still, Seele halte aus, Seele zerbreche nicht,Seele wie lange noch? Halte ich es aus?Wie oft haben wir uns das gefragt.Wie oft hat sich das jemand gefragt dessen Seele zerbrochen in Scherben liegt.Neugierig?Lies doch im Buch weiter.Lass die Zeiger der Zeit für dich arbeiten.

  • von Matilda Betham-Edwards
    21,00 €

    "In the Heart of the Vosges and Other Sketches by way of a Devious Traveller" by Matilda Betham-Edwards is a charming collection of tour sketches that takes readers on a delightful journey thru the picturesque landscapes of the Vosges region. The writer, known for her keen observational competencies and vibrant prose, invites readers to explore the heart of France, imparting glimpses into the beauty, subculture, and traditions of the Vosges mountains. The sketches are a blend of travelogue and private reflection, supplying a nuanced perspective at the people and locations encountered during Betham-Edwards' sojourn. With a "devious" and curious spirit, the author immerses herself inside the nearby customs, folklore, and herbal wonders of the Vosges. From quaint villages to rolling hills, every cartoon paints a shiny picture of the region's appeal. Betham-Edwards' writing is infused with an experience of wanderlust and a deep appreciation for the idyllic landscapes she explores. Through her evocative descriptions and attractive narratives, readers are transported to the coronary heart of the Vosges, experiencing the sights and sounds as though they have been proper there along the writer.

  • von C. Rochfort¿ Scott
    25,00 €

    "Excursions in the Mountains of Ronda and Granada, with Characteristic Sketches of the Inhabitants of Southern Spain Vol. I" by C. Rochfort¿ Scott takes readers on a captivating adventure through the lovely landscapes and colourful cultures of southern Spain. The author, C. Rochfort Scott, offers designated and evocative descriptions of the picturesque mountains of Ronda and Granada, portray a vibrant photo of the natural splendor that defines the area. The narrative is enriched with feature sketches of the inhabitants, offering readers a glimpse into the lives, traditions, and customs of the human beings dwelling in these mountainous areas. Scott's keen observations and immersive storytelling deliver the landscapes and cultures to life, developing an interesting travelogue that is going past the surface to explore the heart of the Spanish countryside. As readers embark on these excursions thru the lens of C. Rochfort¿ Scott, they may be handled to a travel narrative that mixes a love for nature with a deep appreciation for the diversity of human studies. "Excursions within the Mountains of Ronda and Granada" will become now not only a journey manual but a literary exploration of the intersections between geography, way of life, and personal discovery.

  • von Lafcadio Hearn
    25,00 €

    ¿Glimpses Of Unfamiliar Japan: First series" is an ancient Travelogue, Nonfiction story book written by Lafcadio Hearn. Offers a first rate useful resource for studying Japan's cultural historical past and historic context. Lafcadio Hearn's private reminiscences of Japan in the past due 1800s. Offers expertise about Japanese subculture, customs, and traditions. Investigates lesser-known aspects of Japanese culture and daily lifestyles. Includes observations approximately architecture, religion, and people beliefs. Includes symbolic descriptions of landscapes, cities, and rural places. Offers a unique attitude on Japan as visible via the eyes of a Western foreigner. Reflects Hearn's profound interest in and appreciation for Japanese culture. Includes anecdotes and reports with locals that lend depth to the story. Offers an awesome resource for studying Japan's cultural background and historic context.

  • von Charles Dixon
    23,00 €

    In "Fifteen Hundred Miles an Hour," Charles Edward Dixon, who is well-known for his exacting observations of the natural world, deftly combines his scientific fiction worldview with his abiding passion for the natural world. Being a renowned naturalist and ornithologist, Dixon's literary skills go far beyond the confines of conventional animal research, taking readers into undiscovered realms of the imaginative and speculative. Dixon, who is renowned for his unmatched commitment to careful observation, uses the same meticulous attention to detail in "Fifteen Hundred Miles an Hour" as he did in earlier ornithological writings. His narrative progresses at a speed that parallels the amazing swiftness of his bird subjects, all thanks to his acute observation of the subtleties found in the natural world. Dixon's ability to move fluidly between factual and hypothetical elements is demonstrated in "Fifteen Hundred Miles an Hour," demonstrating that his writing talents are not limited to conventional genres. Readers are encouraged to soar with Dixon on this literary trip as he explores the infinite wonders of nature and his own limitless imagination as a world-class biologist turned science fiction storyteller.

  • von Augustus E. Silliman
    22,00 €

    Augustus E. Silliman wrote a travelogue titled "A Gallop Among American Scenery: Sketches of American Scenes and Military Adventure," which was first released in 1843. The author's trip across different parts of the United States in the early 19th century is vividly and descriptively described in the book. Silliman provides in-depth insights on the people, environment, and military operations of the era. The story transports readers on an engrossing voyage through America's varied environment, revealing scenes of busy cities, rural splendour, and frontier landscapes. In order to shed light on the military lifestyle of that time period, Silliman interweaves tales of military exploits with his descriptions of the American landscape. Silliman's prose exhibits awe and excitement for the wide variety of American landscapes throughout the entire book. His story offers readers a glimpse into the social, cultural, and military facets of early 19th-century America as well as serving as a travelogue and historical record. "A Gallop Among American Scenery" is an engrossing examination of military life and the American terrain during a critical juncture in the history of the country, as well as a priceless historical document.

  • von Savita Pandit
    26,00 €

    ""Traveler's Delight: Visiting the World's Top 100 Tourist Places"" is a comprehensive travel guide that offers readers an immersive journey through some of the most iconic destinations around the globe. In this book, travelers can explore a diverse range of attractions, from natural wonders and historical landmarks to cultural hotspots and architectural marvels. Each destination is meticulously curated to provide readers with essential information, including historical background, notable features, travel tips, and recommended activities. Whether it's witnessing the majesty of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, or relaxing on the pristine beaches of the Maldives, ""Traveler's Delight"" aims to inspire and inform travelers as they plan their next adventure. With stunning photography, insightful commentary, and practical advice, this book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone looking to experience the world's most captivating tourist attractions firsthand.

  • von M. P. Prabhakaran
    45,00 €

    "I travel, therefore I am - apologies to Descartes for twisting his noble thought." That's how M. P. Prabhakaran explains his passion for travel in the "Preface" to this book. If academic qualifications are a measure of one's learning experience, he has a string of them, he says. But they are no match for what he has learned from his travels around the world, he adds. He shares with the readers what he learned through the pages of this book.He introduces them to the geopolitical, historical and cultural landscapes of various countries stretching from Argentina to China. He narrates in one English prose the scenic beauty of some of the places he visited and personal stories of some of the people he met. In the course of interacting with those people, he also projects among them the real image of India - the image of a country which, in spite of being multi-religious, multiethnic and multicultural, has remained intact as a single political entity and become the most vibrant democracy in the world. The book is a page turner.

  • von Rayan Musk
    35,00 €

    Solo Endeavors India's Untold Excellence is a hypnotizing venture through the core of the Indian subcontinent, an investigation that discloses the country's unlikely treasures and untold stories. This extraordinary endeavor is a festival of India's different scenes, rich social legacy, and the dynamic embroidery of its kin. As the excursion unfurls, Solo Endeavors India takes you past the ordinary traveler objections, directing you to places seldom investigated. The untold excellence lies in the less popular corners of the nation, where nature's marvels and mankind's set of experiences unite consistently. From the quiet backwaters of Kerala to the rough landscapes of Ladakh, each step on this undertaking vows to be a disclosure. The excellence of Solo Endeavors India's Untold Magnificence isn't restricted to actual scenes alone; it exemplifies the pith of India's social kaleidoscope. The excursion winds through old sanctuaries, clamoring markets, and distant towns, offering a bona fide look into the day to day routines of assorted networks. Each experience with local people turns into a story scratched in time, displaying the glow and neighborliness that characterize India. The vivid variety of India is reflected in its cooking, and Solo Endeavors guarantees that your sense of taste turns into a fundamental piece of the experience. From the searing kinds of road food in Delhi to the unobtrusive fragrances of flavors in South India, each feast is a tangible joy. The untold excellence of Indian gastronomy unfurls as Solo Endeavors acquaints you with territorial claims to fame, welcoming you to appreciate the spirit of every territory. The undertaking isn't just a visual gala however an orchestra of sounds that resounds with the heartbeat of India. From the melodic tunes of old style music in Varanasi to the cadenced beats of conventional dance structures, Solo Endeavors India catches the hear-able quintessence of the country. The untold excellence lies in what meets the eye as well as together as one of sounds that recount accounts of hundreds of years gone by. One can't neglect the structural wonders that intersperse the scene, and Solo Endeavors India reveals the untold magnificence of these verifiable fortunes. From the old complexities of Ajanta and Ellora Caverns to the grand fortifications of Rajasthan, each construction portrays a story of past periods. The combination of Mughal, Rajput, and pioneer impacts is a demonstration of India's layered history, and Solo Endeavors guarantees you witness these building ponders in the entirety of their greatness. The Untold Magnificence venture is a festival of differences - from the peacefulness of the Himalayas to the lively mayhem of Mumbai's roads. An odyssey rises above topographical limits and digs into the actual soul of India. The untold stories implanted everywhere woken up, making a vivid encounter that makes a permanent imprint on your recollections.

  • von C. Rochfort¿ Scott
    26,00 €

    "Excursions in the mountains of Ronda and Granada, with characteristic sketches of the inhabitants of southern Spain Vol. II" by C. Rochfort¿ Scott takes readers on a captivating adventure through the lovely landscapes and colourful cultures of southern Spain. The author, C. Rochfort Scott, offers designated and evocative descriptions of the picturesque mountains of Ronda and Granada, portray a vibrant photo of the natural splendor that defines the area. The narrative is enriched with feature sketches of the inhabitants, offering readers a glimpse into the lives, traditions, and customs of the human beings dwelling in these mountainous areas. Scott's keen observations and immersive storytelling deliver the landscapes and cultures to life, developing an interesting travelogue that is going past the surface to explore the heart of the Spanish countryside. As readers embark on these excursions thru the lens of C. Rochfort¿ Scott, they may be handled to a travel narrative that mixes a love for nature with a deep appreciation for the diversity of human studies. "Excursions within the Mountains of Ronda and Granada" will become now not only a journey manual but a literary exploration of the intersections between geography, way of life, and personal discovery.

  • von M. A. Stobart
    26,00 €

    The book ¿Flaming sword in Serbia and elsewhere¿ is a travel guide memoir written by M.A. Stobart. The book represents the experience of Stobart as a Nurse of red cross Britain during world war 1, and mostly spending her time in Serbia. Through the book, she has comprehensively explained the harsh reality of war and consequences of devastation after the battle ends, damage to legal properties and wounded soldiers, and most serious the medical facilities provided to wounded soldier. She depicts her journey, how she interacted with Siberian people and soldiers, spotting light on their resilience and courage during all tough times of world war. The whole narrative of the book covers all major factors of cultural and political horizons of the regions. The book is quite interacting by reflecting the impact of war on Siberian people and their struggle. Overall the book provides a fascinating and genuine information of people indulge in world war directly and indirectly.

  • von Walter Higgins
    23,00 €

    The main rivers of England are not plentiful. No majestic Nile leisurely meanders through arid regions and bountiful plains on its 3,000-mile journey to the ocean; no thunderous Brahmaputra plummets down its inclines, plummeting two or three miles as it spans half of a continent from frigid mountain summits to balmy coast. The largest rivers in England are merely the smallest, trickling creeks in contrast to these. Despite everything, the earth has always valued our small streams greatly. The rivers Tyne, Severn, Humber, Trent, Thames, Mersey, and Ouse, together with numerous other smaller but equally significant streams, have all contributed to the development of England's history and its subsequent rise to commercial prosperity. Valleys have been uplifted to create new highlands, and entire mountain ranges have vanished from view. Large tracts of land have sunk deep enough to let water to flow in and create new seas, while the ocean floor has been propelled up either abruptly or gradually, giving rise to whole new continents. Geology, the study of rocks and the fossils that are buried in them, has taught us everything we know about the planet.

  • von Monika Sintram-Meyer
    19,00 €

    Eine 74-Jährige im Ruhestand, die früher auf Reisen nie gefahren ist, hat Sehnsucht nach Frankreich, nach der Provence insbesondere. Sie stellt sich vor, am ersten Todestag ihres Mannes auf dem Gipfel des Mont Ventoux zu stehen. Beide waren früher häufig in Frankreich unterwegs. Sie prüft die Möglichkeiten. Die digitale Technik des Wagens sowie die Sicherheit im Umgang mit dem Smartphone geben ihr schließlich das sichere Gefühl: Sie kann und wird die Reise machen. Der Hund kommt natürlich mit und ein kleines, modernes Zelt wird angeschafft. Sie lässt sich treiben. Die Wetter App bzw. das Wetter bestimmt die Richtung. Sie meistert die Herausforderungen und kommt nach 3 Wochen glücklich zurück.

  • von Kristina Balakina
    28,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Earle S Hotta
    17,00 €

    A friend once asked the author how many countries I had visited and what was on my bucket list, and his reply was that it wasn't filled with things or places, but with people like "The Walnut Man" or "The Albeeno Aborigine" and the Ladyboy in "Bangkok Confidential" that he had met along the way and the stories that they shared about themselves. If anything, a little bit of luck, patience, and an ear for listening have made all the difference in seeing the world through a different set of lenses.The richness of travel is in each footstep taken like walking el Camino de Santiago in Spain, where each day is a new adventure along an 800-kilometer trail filled with stories of personal challenge, hardships overcome, immense satisfaction, and a bookmark in the lives of people from all corners of the world.Each story, each memoir is merely a point in time in someone's life and the reward was having it handed to you as a gift.

  • 45% sparen
    von Durgacharan Rakshit
    26,00 €

    Durgacharan Rakshit (1854-1938) was a scholar and a business owner. In thelate 1800s and early 1900s, he set out on an unprecedented set of travels thattook him to nearly all corners of India. Travelling by foot, boat, train, carriageand more, he traversed the length and breadth of the country-quite literally.In this detailed journal written over several years, Rakshit recounts seeingthe temples of Orissa and the small towns of Assam; he describes themountainous heights of Kashmir, the beauty of the Golden Temple in Amritsar,the magnificent Jain temples near Mount Abu, and the transcendent Taj Mahal.In the south, he travels through Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu,visiting cities, temples and towns, describing in detail what were for himunknown customs and ways of living.Everywhere, Durgacharan Rakshit turns his enquiring eye on the way menand women look, dress, and their religious and traditional beliefs. Fromthe elaborate rituals of major temples, to the price of bananas and betelnuts, nothing escapes his meticulous notice. Along the way he meets poets,administrators, wandering sadhus, businessmen, householders and more-allof which he records in his journal.Journeys Across India, first published in Bengali as Bharat Pradakshin in 1903-and still in print-is an invaluable and exhaustive portrait of India and Indiansociety rooted in history, and will be of immense interest to both scholars andthe lay reader.

  • von Eugene Vickery
    30,00 €

    The story "Harmonious Journey," is a tale of musical discovery and mentorship. A young man, named Enthusiast, meets a seasoned old traveler, an extraordinary harmonica player, named Balladeer, and they begin to travel together. Along their travels, Balladeer mentors his protégé Enthusiast on how to play the harmonica. The harmonica becomes an instrument for music, song, and storytelling.

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