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Bücher der Reihe Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fur Forschung Des Landes Nordrhein-Westf

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  • - Kritische Erlauterungen Und Vorschlage Insbesondere Zur Betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung Gemass Den Koordinierungsrichtlinien Der Kultusminister-Konferenz
    von Wilhelm Hasenack
    54,99 €

    bleiben. Schon um die Broschtire fUr Studierende preislich er­ schwinglich zu machen, war Ieider eine stoffliche Beschrankung notwendig.

  • von Jean Alexandre Dieudonne
    54,99 €

    The author describes the development of the Lie groups and their ad­ vancement into the modern mathematics. At the end of the last century Sophus Lie investigated in his voluminous work the local properties of the Lie groups. Not before about 1925 mathematicians, instigated by E. Cartan and H. Weyl, engaged in researching their global structure. Very soon the conception of Lie groups triumphantly advanced within the whole scope of mathematics. The author gives a detailed account of the various applications of the Lie groups, namely the linear representations of the Lie groups, their applications in differential geometry, differential topology, in algebraic geometry and re­ cently in arithmetic and in the theory of finite groups. Resume L'auteur deerit le developpement des «groupes de Lie» et leur entree dans les mathematiques modernes. Sophus Lie a etudie les proprietes loeales des «groupes de Lie» dans son reuvre volumineux aIa fin du dernier siede. Ce n' etait qu' a partir de 1925 qu' on s'est oeeupe de leur strueture globale aI'instigation de E. Cartan et H. Wey!.

  • - Ein Forschungsbericht
    von Max Braubach
    54,99 €

  • von Friedrich Rudolf Jung
    54,99 €

    Since the end of the war, the electronic methods for measuring distances have made considerable progress and very remarkable new possibilities in the field of surveying techniques have been found. Means originally serving war purposes only have been adapted to civilian and economic use by con­ tinued development of methods and equipment. After a survey on the conventional methods of triangulation applied in Germany and the United States and after a brief discussion of modern base measuring by means of the intcrference method according to Vais?la and the geodimeter according to Bergstrand, the Canadian trilateral method is taken as an example to show the specific possibilities the Shoran and the Hiran methods, developed from radar techniques, oHer to-day to a geo­ desist for exploring virgin areas. By these methods distances of about 300 to 400 kms can be measured with relatively high accuracy. The longest distances so far covered by one direct Hiran surveying action is known to be 884 kms (see page 55, note 20). Technical problems in the field of surveying arising in connection with the Shoran method are the main subjects, such as the calibration of instru­ ment reaction delay, the measuring and determining of the minimum sum and the reduction of the measured lengths to distances on the ground. Fur­ thermore, the accuracy achievable with Shoran or the more advanced Hiran­ system is discussed in detail, based on the Canadian results obtained during the period 1949 to 1953 and subsequent experience.

  • von Jean Danielou
    54,99 €

    Pere Danielou speaks about the relationship between the first Christian community and the Jewish society of this community. The studies of this subject were reanimated by the discovery of the Dead Sea-scrolIs and the gnostic scripts in Nag' Hammadi which throw light on a heterodox Christianity strongly influenced by Jewish institutions. Therefore the sub­ ject of this lecture is the specific type of Christianity fashioned by J ewish culture. The members of the Christian Community were obliged to observe Jewish customs with a strictness depending upon the intensity of the conflict between Israel and the Roman Empire up to the crisis in the year 70. This would seem to confirm the theory that St. Paul had to fight against a mighty Judaic Christianity his whole life long and that his victory was only a late victory. There were different currents within the Judaic Christianity as Judaism at the time of the beginning of Christianity was highly complex and many­ sided, currents starting hom a central orthodox Judaism and ranging to more and more developing side currents. One of these currents appears to be very dosely related to the society we learn about in the Qumran­ scripts and leads us nearer to the question as to the origin of a certain type of asceticism found to be distinctly marked in early Christianity.

  • von Franz Wever
    79,99 €

    Among the weapons which man has developed for attack and defence, the swords occupies a special place. This has its reason in the fact that the virtues of the sword bearer, and the virtues of the weapon itself har­ moniously blend in an almost unique manner. Thus between the sword and its bearer a very special relation developed, which fact was emphasized by mythology to a far greater measure than this was the case with any other weapon in history. The first part of our survey is meant ro demonstrate this. The place held by the sword among tne weapons was conduci ve to the consequence, that the highest art of handicraft was developed for its pro­ duction. In this connection the swordcut1ers and armourers, once the human being had taken to iron as a working material, had leamed to make use of the possibities which are inherent in this material, namely its forgeability and hardening capacity in a truly astonishing way. What is so surprising is the great similarity of the various techniques, which were developed at various localities and at various ages in the pro­ duction of the sword. This is to be shown in the second part of our survey.

  • - Gedanken Zum Alterswerk Des Giovanni Pisano
    von Herbert ~Von&#156 & Einem
    54,99 €

    The cathedral pulpit in Pisa re fleets a comprehensive construction of ideas in which must be included not only the railing panels and the figures between them, the figures and reliefs of the entresol, but also the figures and groups of figures of the support floor. The 12th verse of the psalm 84 written on the scroll which Christ holds in His left hand provides the key for the interpretation of the support floor: "Veritas de terra orta est et I ustitia de Coelo prospexit". Also the 11 th verse of the psalm 84 must be drawn upon: "Misericordia et Veritas obviaverunt sibi. Iustitia et Pax osculatae sunt". In theological literature and in painting of the Middle Ages both verses play an important role. Iustitia (Justice) and Veritas (Truth), Pax (Peace) and Misericordia (Mercy) being basic ideas and maxims in Christian thought and action (as can be illustrated by numerous literary and pictorial examples) are understood as virtues as weIl as a direct reference to Christ and His incarnation by Mary. This applies also to the pulpit. The figure of Christ must in this case be understood as "Iustitia de Coelo"; the female figure with the children at the breast as "Veritas de terra orta". The conception of Iustitia is associated with the conception of Pax just as the idea of Veritas is associated with that of Misericordia.

  • von Ludwig Raiser
    54,99 €

  • - Ikonographische Untersuchungen im Anschlu an ein bisher unbekanntes Sarkophagfragment
    von Erich Dinkler
    54,99 €

  • von Ernst Langlotz
    54,99 €

    Diese Untersuchungen wären nicht möglich gewesen ohne die liberale Unterstützung der Museumsdirektoren, die mir das Studium und das Photo­ graphieren der für diese Arbeit notwendigen Antiken in großzügigster Weise ermöglicht haben. Ihnen allen, vor allem den Direktoren Prof. Dr. Necati Dolounay, Nesih Firatli, Haki Gültekin Bey, Musa Baran und meinen Kol­ legen Prof. Arif Müfid Bey, laIe Inan, Yusuf Boysal Bey und dem Bürger­ meister von Foca-Phokaia Seldschuk Dirim Bey, sage ich meinen aufrichtigen Dank. Nicht minderen Dank aber schulde ich den Direktoren der europä­ ischen Museen, die mir seit Jahren erlaubt haben, ihre reichen für das Phokäerproblem wichtigen Sammlungen zu nutzen, vor allem meinen Freun­ den Semni und Chrestos Karousos, G. Miliadis, N. Platon, G. Bakalakis, Ch. Makaronas, J. Konstantinou, M. Brouskari, D. Lazaridis, N. Zaphyro­ poulos, M. Andronikos, A. de Franciscis, J. Bovio-Marconi, V. Tusa, P. Or­ landini, P. Griffo, A. Degrassi, M. Napoli, P. Sestieri, V. Panebianco, J. Ba­ belon, J. Charbonneau, P. Devambez, L. Kahil, R. Rolland, F. Benoit, P. Amandry, A. Blanco-Freijero, G. Fernandez-Chicarro y de Dios, A. Ra­ mos Folques, M. Almagro, G. Gomez Moreno, Ferdinando Lamberto Garcia Atanco und nicht zuletzt den Leitern des Deutschen Archäologischen Institu­ tes E. Kunze, Th. Kraus, H. Schlunk, R. Naumann und gewiß noch vielen anderen, die mir im Augenblick nicht gegenwärtig sind. Für Unterstützung bei der Durchführung mehrerer Reisen danke ich der Deutschen Forschungs­ gemeinschaft und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nord­ rhein-Westfalen. Dr. Zanker verdanke ich die Kontrolle der Zitate.

  • - Ein 6 Jahre Lang Durchgefuhrter Versuch, Einen Menschen Aus Dem Ertrag Von 1250 Qm Zu Ernahren
    von Theodor Krauß
    54,99 €

  • von Hans Peters
    54,99 €

    Article 2, Section I of the Fundamental-Law reads: "Every person has the right to the free development of his personality as long as he does not infringe on therights of others and does not contravene constitutional order or the morality code. " The purpose of the lecture is to give validity to the significance of this basic regulation, since some literature and the jurisdiction of highest courts have interpreted this sentence too relatively. This example can illustrate the dangers of a positivism of human and basic rights of men, inasmuch as the legal formulation tends all too easily to let these ethically established con­ ceptions which are based on historically founded ideas be interpreted by a generation of lawyers taught with a positive approach towards Civil Law. Under the direction of the Federal Constitutional Court - most prominent in the decision of 16 ]anuary 1957 (official records and decisions, vol. 6, on and from page 32) - the constitutional article was given an interpretation which was opposed in a double sense by the author in his statements.

  • von Ernst Joseph Cohn
    54,99 €

  • von Horst Lindner
    54,99 €

    Nach einleitenden Betrachtungen über das heute beherrschte Frequenz­ Leistungs-Gebiet elektromagnetischer Schwingungsenergie wird ein neues Verstärkerprinzip beschrieben, das im Mikrowellengebiet eine Verringerung des Eigenrauschens auf weniger als den zehnten Teil des Rauschens der bis jetzt bekannten Verstärker ergibt und die Handhabung einzelner Energie­ quanten in Aussicht stellt. Gewinn-und Bandbreiteeigenschaften der beiden technischen Varianten des Molekularverstärkers - Molekularverstärker mit Resonanzkreisen und Traveling-Wave Molekularverstärker - werden theo­ retisch untersucht und eine eingehende Beschreibung des Aufbaues und der elektrischen Eigenschaften der wichtigsten bisher durchgeführten Verstärker wird gegeben. ' Summary After certain introductory considerations on the frequency power range of electromagnetic oscillation energy in the present state of technique, the author describes a new amplifier principle resulting in areduction of inherent amplifier noise in the microwave range on less than a tenth of noise of amplifiers known today; this principle also seems to offer the possibility of handling single energy quants. The author then analyzes theoretically the gain and bandwidth characteristics of the two technical variants of the molecular amplifier - i. e. , molecular amplifier with resonant circuits and traveling-wave molecular amplifier -, and describes the struc­ tural and electrical characteristics of some amplifier types built until now.

  • - Mit Hilfe Der Uranylmethode Und Die Zukunftige Bedeutung Dieser Methode Fur Die Erforschung Der Strahlenwirkung
    von Siegfried Strugger
    54,99 €

  • von Ernst Derra
    54,99 €

    Following aseries of new, important accomplishments, which gave the way free for operative procedures at the heart and great vessels, this new branch of surgery has shown a rapid development. The respectable size of cardiac surgery is exempli6ed by the fact that about 8,100 cardiac operations have been carried out by the team of the Düsseldorf University Clinic within the last 17 years. By now, the majority of congenital as well as acquired lesions has become amenable to surgical treatment. In congenital heart disease, which is subdivided into 3 groups on the base of hemodynamic relations, about 22 lesions can be treated by corrective procedures at present. This nu mb er is increased considerably when the combination of single lesions is taken into account. From this large series coarctation of the aorta, valvular pulmonary stenosis, ductus arteriosus Botalli, atrial and ventricular septal defect and trilogy, tetralogy and pentalogy of Fallot have been selected as examples to outline the standard of operative technique and to discuss the obtained results with regard to world literature. Generally, operative risk has decreased considerably, there are, however, still variations with different lesions depending from complicating moments and from the grade of disease.

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