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Bücher der Reihe Kierkegaard Studies. Monograph Series

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  • 10% sparen
    - Self, Death, and God after Kierkegaard and Derrida
    von Marius Timmann Mjaaland
    176,00 €

    There are certain things that can be explained and certain things that cannot be explained. This book is about the latter. It is a book about death: how death interrupts and influences the reflection on the self. It is a book about God: a detailed and critical discussion on how Kierkegaard and Derrida apply the concept of God in their philosophical reflections. The most ground-breaking analysis concerns the famous passage on the self (A.A) in The Sickness unto Death, where the author combines logical, rhetorical and dialectical means to establish a new perspective on Kierkegaard's thinking in general. The Cartesian doubt then constitutes a common trait for his detailed and rigorous analysis of Derrida and Kierkegaard on death, madness, faith, and rationality - showing how they both seek to break up the Hegelian Aufhebung from within, but still remain dependent on Hegel.After Kierkegaard and Derrida, the certainty and total uncertainty of death - and of God as infinite other - gives the self a basic, though non-foundational, responsibility. The significance of this responsibility, of this other, of this death, requires sustained and thorough consideration. Where others mark a conclusion, this book therefore marks a point of departure: reflecting on oneself at the graveside of a dead man - thus introducing an Autopsia.

  • von Viktor Martens
    99,95 €

    Innerhalb des christlichen Offenbarungsbegriffes besteht ein denkwürdiges Verhältnis zwischen der Wahrheit und ihrer Verhüllung. Dieses Verhältnis wird bei Kierkegaard und Bonhoeffer mithilfe des Begriffes des "Inkognito Christi" christologisch reflektiert. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt die zentrale Funktion auf, die das Thema für das Denken der beiden Autoren besitzt. Das "Inkognito Christi" wird zum Ermöglichungsgrund für das Ärgernis, ebenso aber auch für den Glauben, und erhält damit eine elementare Bedeutung für die Frage nach dem Christsein überhaupt. Dabei wird die Gegenüberstellung von Kierkegaard und Bonhoeffer in Widerspruch und zustimmender Weiterführung fruchtbar. In der Betrachtung des verborgenen Christus, der verborgenen Kirche sowie des Einzelnen vor dem verborgenen Christus wird das Thema zuletzt dogmatisch ausgeführt. Es erfolgt demnach ein hermeneutischer Beitrag zur Debatte um zwei einflussreiche christologische Entwürfe sowie um deren Beziehung, darüber hinaus jedoch auch die Entfaltung eines wichtigen theologischen Themas für die Gegenwart.

  • - Eine Studie zu seinem Freiheitsverstandnis
    von Dorothea Glockner
    169,95 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Kierkegaards existenzdialektischer Begriff der Angst, dessen systematischer Hintergrund und philosophiegeschichtliche Wirkung
    von Deng Zhang
    119,95 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Sren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Struktur- und praxistheoretische Perspektiven auf Kierkegaards Existenzdenken
    von Matthias Engmann
    159,95 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Grundprobleme der Religionsphilosophie und Eschatologie im Denken Soren Kierkegaards
    von Istvan Czako
    114,95 €

    Obwohl Kierkegaards Selbstverstandnis als religioser Schriftsteller"e; allgemein bekannt ist, gehort der dogmatische Aspekt seines Denkens nicht zu den haufigsten Forschungsgegenstanden. Das Grundanliegen der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, einige von Kierkegaards zentralen Problemkomplexen im Schnittpunkt von Dogmatik und Religionsphilosophie (Offenbarung, Inkarnation, Unsterblichkeit, Glaube) zu rekonstruieren, und zwar mit besonderer Rucksicht auf den geschichtlichen Diskussionskontext der posthegelschen Epoche. Dabei soll zugleich die Originalitat der Kierkegaardschen Konzeption sichtbar werden. Der abschlieende Ausblick auf Karl Jaspers' und Karl Rahners Kierkegaard-Rezeption zielt darauf, einige wichtige, aber bislang noch weitgehend unerschlossene Segmente der komplexen Wirkungsgeschichte seines A uvres darzustellen.

  • - Kierkegaard, Adorno und die negative Dialektik kritischer Subjektivitat
    von Asaf Angermann
    144,95 €

    Das Verhaltnis zwischen Kierkegaard und Adorno ist durch eine komplexe Paradoxie gepragt: Wahrend Adorno Kierkegaard explizit als Vordenker einer ubersteigerten und daher entfremdeten Subjektivitat bezeichnet, scheint seine eigene negative Konzeption der Subjektivitat von Kierkegaards Denken besonders beeinflusst zu sein. Durch eine Untersuchung der Subjektivitatskonzeption im Denken Kierkegaards und Adornos und eine Art Spurensuche"e; der Kierkegaardschen Philosophie in Adornos Werk, beabsichtigt die vorliegende Studie, die negative Dialektik kritischer Subjektivitat aus dieser Perspektive zu hinterfragen. Die Analyse der ebenso expliziten wie impliziten Facetten der Auseinandersetzung um die Begriffe subjektive Wahrheit, Existenz, Innerlichkeit und Negativitat verdeutlicht die Nahe und die Differenzen zwischen Kierkegaard und Adorno. Dadurch wird die philosophische Subjektivitatsfrage in ein neues Licht gestellt: Sie wird zu der Frage nach Moglichkeit, Unmoglichkeit und sozialhistorischer Verunmoglichung jener Subjektivitat, die Kierkegaard als Ironie und Inkommensurabilitat und Adorno als Nichtidentitat und negative Dialektik verstanden haben.

  • von Heiko Schulz
    169,95 €

    Der vorliegende Band bietet eine Sammlung teils andernorts publizierter, teils bislang unveroffentlichter Arbeiten zur Philosophie und Theologie Soren Kierkegaards. Das Spektrum der Texte und Themen reicht von systematischen Einfuhrungsartikeln uber wissenschafts- und erkenntnistheoretische Grundlegungsfragen bis hin zu begriffsanalytischen, ontologischen und theologischen Spezialuntersuchungen. Die Beitrage sind durchweg von einem doppelten, genetisch-rekonstruktiven und geltungstheoretisch-konstruktiven Interesse geleitet. Zum einen wollen sie zur Losung hermeneutischer Probleme beitragen, die Kierkegaards Texte en detail und/oder als Ganzes aufwerfen. Auf der Basis einer kritischen Plausibilitatstaxierung der behandelten Aussagezusammenhange wird zweitens der Versuch unternommen, deren religionsphilosophisch und/oder theologisch prinzipielles Potential abzuschatzen, aufzunehmen und weiter zu entwickeln. Die Dialektik von Aneignung und Reflexion erweist sich in der Umsetzung beider Teilziele als bestimmend: Kein restlos Reflektiertes kann angeeignet, kein Angeeignetes restlos reflektiert sein.

  • von Sergio Munoz Fonnegra
    159,95 €

  • von Heiko Schulz
    152,95 €

    Der Band enthalt eine Sammlung von deutsch- und englischsprachigen Aufsatzen, die sich mit der Rezeption Soren Kierkegaards befassen, und zwar am Leitfaden der Begriffe Aneignung und Reflexion. Der Doppelsinn im Genitiv des Untertitels ist dabei durchaus beabsichtigt: Denn es geht nicht nur um die (explizite) Aneignung sowie die (implizite) Reflexion des Kierkegaard'schen Denkens in ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte, sondern auch um Vorlaufer und exemplarische Quellen seines eigenen Denkens. Der Schwerpunkt in der Rekonstruktion der Rezeptionsgeschichte liegt auf den sog. pseudonymen Werken und deren Wirkung in der vornehmlich innerdeutschen Philosophie und Theologie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, wahrend der Ruckgang auf die Quellen primar Kierkegaards Auseinandersetzung mit einigen Hauptvertretern des (post-)hegelianischen Denkens nachzeichnet. Beide Textgruppen fordern zahlreiche uberraschende, bislang unbekannte oder aber zu Unrecht marginalisierte Zusammenhange in der Genese wie in der komplexen Wirkungsgeschichte des Kierkegaard'schen Denkens zutage.

  • - Kierkegaards Auseinandersetzung mit der Ethik Kants und der Rechtsphilosophie Hegels
    von Smail Rapic
    220,00 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • 17% sparen
    - On Kierkegaard's 'Frygt og Baeven' and the Aesthetics of Suspense
    von Andreas Seland
    99,95 €

    What is suspense, and why do we feel it? These questions are at the heart of the first part of this study. It develops and defends the ¿imminence theory of suspense¿ ¿ the view that suspense arises in situations that are structurally defined by something essential being imminent. Next, the study utilizes this theory as an interpretative key to Søren Kierkegaard¿s seminal work ¿Frygt og Bæven¿ (¿FB¿). FB is an exploration of what it means to take the story of Abraham and Isaac as a paradigmatic example of faith. The study argues that a core aspect of how Kierkegaard conceptualizes faith through the figure of Abraham is suspense. The argument is built upon the observation that to have faith is to be a hero. To be hero means to belong to a story. Stories manifests different conceptualizations of time. Abraham¿s story, as FB frames it, is radically geared towards something imminent ¿ it is characterized by an essential relation of suspense. The study then explores how suspense not only forms part of the conceptualization of faith, but is also part of how this conceptualization is communicated. Thus, the study argues that there exists a symmetry of suspense between the rhetorical and the conceptual levels of the text.

    110,00 €

    In the wake of World War I, existential thinking changed the intellectual landscape. Although existential thinking comes in various forms, they all draw on a concept of human existence that originates with Kierkegaard.

  • - Das Glaubensverstandnis des jungen Kierkegaard und seine philosophisch-theologischen Voraussetzungen
    von Gerhard Schreiber
    159,95 €

    Die vorliegende Studie ist die erste Detailstudie zum Glaubensverstandnis des jungen Kierkegaard. In Verschrankung von werkimmanenter und rezeptionsgeschichtlicher Analyse werden die Grundlagen dieses Glaubensverstandnisses einerseits anhand seiner Schriften und Aufzeichnungen aus der Studienzeit (1830-1841) herausgearbeitet, andererseits zugleich auf deren philosophisch-theologische Quellen und Voraussetzungen hin untersucht. Dabei wird deutlich, dass sich wichtige Aspekte und Elemente der Glaubenstheorie des spateren Schriftstellers bereits beim Theologiestudenten Kierkegaard praformiert finden. In seiner Auseinandersetzung mit anderen Denkern und gepragt durch philosophisch-theologische Diskussionen in seinem zeitgenossischen Umfeld ist Kierkegaard in seiner vita ante acta' zu Einsichten uber die Eigenart und die lebenspraktischen Konsequenzen des christlichen Glaubens gelangt, die er im schriftstellerischen Werk in einer Weise aufnehmen, fortfuhren und literarisch fruchtbar machen wird, die umgekehrt erst als Reflex jener fruhen Uberlegungen voll verstandlich werden.

  • - Authorship and Performance in Kierkegaard's Literary and Dramatic Criticism
    von Joseph Westfall
    163,00 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Derrida liest Kierkegaard
    von Tilman Beyrich
    109,95 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • von Joachim Boldt
    159,95 €

    Interprets Kierkegaard's provocative work, in which the Danish philosopher makes the biblical account of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, the epitome of faith.

  • - Dekonstruktion, Glaube und Kierkegaards pseudonyme Literatur
    von Jochen Schmidt
    179,95 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Subjektivitat und Wahrheit / Subjectivity and Truth. Akten des Schleiermacher-Kierkegaard-Kongresses in Kopenhagen Oktober 2003 / Proceedings from the Schleiermacher-Kierkegaard Congress in Copenhagen October, 2003
    250,00 €

    Presents the main proceedings from the International Congress on Schleiermacher and Kierkegaard at Copenhagen in October 2003. This volume reflects the modern interest in the relationship between those two figures representing the 19th century's philosophy and theology.

  • - Lauterungen bei Hegel und Kierkegaard
    von Markus Kleinert
    169,95 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - A Commentary on Either/Or
    von Karsten Harries
    96,00 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Kierkegaard, Aristotle and the Rebirth of Tragedy
    von Daniel Greenspan
    163,00 €

    The Passion of Infinity generates a historical narrative surrounding the concept of the irrational as a threat which rational culture has made a series of attempts to understand and relieve. It begins with a reading of Sophocles' Oedipus as the paradigmatic figure of a reason that, having transgressed its mortal limit, becomes catastrophically reversed. It then moves through Aristotle's ethics, psychology and theory of tragedy, which redefine reason's collapses in moral-psychological rather than religious terms. By changing the way in which the irrational is conceived, and the nature of its relation to reason, Aristotle eliminates the concept of an irrationality which reason cannot in principle dissolve. The book culminates in an extensive reading of Kierkegaard's pseudonyms, who, in a critical retrieval of both Greek tragedy and Aristotle, prescribe their apparently pathological age a paradoxical task: develop a finite form of subjectivity willing to undergo an unthinkable thought allow the transcendence of a god to enter into the mind as well as the marrow, to make a tragic appearance in which a limit to the immanence of human reason can again be established.

  • - Eine historisch-systematische Studie zum Religionsbegriff
    von Andreas Krichbaum
    194,95 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Von der Metaphysik des Willens zur Philosophie der Existenz
    114,95 €

    Schopenhauer und Kierkegaard sind zwei zentrale und wirkmächtige Philosophen des Nachidealismus, deren Verhältnis zueinander in den Beiträgen dieses Bandes erstmals umfänglich diskutiert wird. Dabei treten eine Reihe augenfälliger Gemeinsamkeiten, aber auch Differenzen in den Blick: Schopenhauer wie Kierkegaard arbeiten sich in je eigener Weise kritisch am Erbe der idealistischen Philosophien Fichtes, Schellings und Hegels ab. Zugleich weisen sie in ihren Analysen existenzieller Grundphänomene voraus in die Moderne: Themen wie Angst, Langeweile und Schuld gehören zum gemeinsamen Problembestand. Gemeinsam ist beiden zudem der Versuch einer Neubegründung der Ethik in Abkehr von der Moralphilosophie Kants- sei sie mitleidstheoretisch oder existenzphilosophisch motiviert.Die Beiträge untersuchen das Verhältnis Schopenhauer- Kierkegaard systematisch und historisch aus philosophischem, theologischem und literaturwissenschaftlichem Hintergrund und in einer Vielzahl von Themengebieten: In der Perspektive von Metaphysik und Ethik, Freiheit und Erbsünde, Existenzphilosophie und Theorie des Leidens, Kunst und Ästhetik, Religion und Wissenschaft, hinsichtlich Kierkegaards expliziter Auseinandersetzung mit Schopenhauer und nicht zuletzt im Spannungsfeld von Idealismus und Moderne.Komplettiert wird der Band durch eine erstmals vollständige und kommentierte Übersetzung von Kierkegaards späten Journalnotizen zu Schopenhauer ins Deutsche.

  • von Ulrich Knappe
    96,00 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • 13% sparen
    - The Culture of Golden Age Denmark
    140,00 €

    Interpreting Kierkegaard in the general context of Golden Age Denmark, this interdisciplinary anthology features articles which treat his various relations to his most famous Danish contemporaries. By means of the analyses of these various relations, aspects of Kierkegaard's authorship are brought into new and insightful perspectives.

  • - "Hineintauschen in das Wahre"
    von Mariele Nientied
    194,95 €

    Steadfastly resisting established practice in academic writing, Kierkegaard emphasizes the indispensability of "indirect communication" where religious truth is concerned. Here, the author draws on the thinking of Wittgenstein to discuss this idea.

  • - A Reconstruction
    von Niels Nymann Eriksen
    100,00 €

    Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations, Habilitation theses, conference proceedings and single author works by senior scholars. The goal of KSMS is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. To this end the series publishes monographs in English and German. Potential authors should consult the Submission guidelines. All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.

  • - Kierkegaard's Critique of the Spectacular City
    von George Pattison
    100,00 €

    This text is an exposition of and commentary on Kierkegaard's critical view of the modern city of Paris.

  • - Proceedings from the Conference "Kierkegaard and the Meaning of Meaning It", Copenhagen, May 5-9, 1996
    163,00 €

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