Über Cell Biology Course
ocell biology (cytology) is a scientific discipline that studies cells, both structurally and functionally, and uses them for applications in biotechnology. It is concerned with the cellular ecosystem, i.e. the dynamic, self-regulating equilibrium of cellular functions, in a normal or disturbed context. The field of cell biology involves a multitude of coordinated chemical reactions and fine regulatory mechanisms between millions of micro- and nanoscopic constituents. These constituents ensure the long-term architecture and functioning of the cell.1 The practice of cell biology involves the use of both simple, artisanal techniques and complex technologies in terms of processes and equipment. Depending on the nature of the cellular element studied (e.g. DNA, RNA, protein, protein complex, metabolite, organelle, membrane, etc.) and the cellular functions analyzed (movement, metabolism, morphology, enzymatic activity, signaling pathways, cellular health, etc.), different technologies are chosen.
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