Über Dark Forces
This award winning novel is the first in the trilogy of the famous Dream Corporation. Beginning with an invention to control our own dreams, a threat is discovered to everything we know. This original science fiction mystery adventure is about a group with psychic abilities co-operating with AI to avert nothing less than the destruction of our universe. The story moves at dramatic pace to the most incredible dramatic conclusion and includes romance, thrills, high tension, technical wonders and fierce battles, both in the real world and in the Dream-Worlds. In the manner of dreams it involves magicians, gods, vampires, space travel, armies, gladiators, the White House and more. Apart from that, a planet the size of Mars is heading to Earth on a collision course. That is, if we're not all dreaming! Who can really tell the difference?
This will keep you guessing and take you in a journey like no other. It will teach you more about dreams than you thought possible and have you questionnig the nature of reality itself. "I think therefore I am." Are you sure?
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