Über Evangelistic Paradigm for Contemporary India
It¿s an in-depth study, and a must-read book for the mission practitioners in India. In his critical approach to the text, Dr. Hruda Ranjan Lohora divulges missional elements used by Jesus while dealing with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, and then relatively analyzes the context of Jesus¿ time and the contemporary Indian context. Discovering the similarity of both contexts by his critical analysis, Dr. Hruda affirms Jesus¿ evangelistic model as appropriate in the present Indian context. This book displays his sturdy evangelistic mindset and missionary passion for the unreached and un-evangelized people groups in India. (Dr. Saji Lukos, D.Min. Founder & President Reaching Indians Ministries International, Chicago (USA) Mission India, Nagpur (India) )
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