Über Feast of the Vultures
Bode, a University graduate finds it difficult getting a job, two years after National Youth Service, in Nigeria. Desperation drove him into accepting a job offer as a Chauffeur to a man obssessed with his daughter - Lara. Though well paid, his job and life depended on one condition: "Have nothing to do with daughter", his employer had warned. Through a web of greed and chain murders, Bode found himself loved by Lara. He needed his job, the survival of his employer and family were also in his hands, yet his life was in danger due to his passion for Lara. Common sense wants him to escape, duty wants him to stay, and rescue his employer from the Vultures, and Lara's love is luring him to the brink of death. With this web, he finds himself as the preserved carcass in the 'Feast of the Vultures'. Would he survive?
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