Über Grandma Margie's Tale of Redemption
"Grandma Margie's Tale of Redemption: Zacchaeus and Jesus" written by award winning filmmaker and renowned author Dr. K.T. Zulkowski is a heartwarming story that follows the journey of Zacchaeus, a tax collector who undergoes a transformative encounter with Jesus. Through the eyes of Grandma Margie, Zipporah, and Zion, readers are taken on a captivating adventure that explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of compassion.As Grandma Margie shares the tale with her grandchildren, Zipporah and Zion, they learn valuable lessons about empathy, understanding, and the importance of second chances. The story beautifully illustrates how even those who have made mistakes can find redemption and change their ways when shown love and acceptance.
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