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Bücher veröffentlicht von Birkhauser Basel

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  • 17% sparen
    von Robert Tausky
    50,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Bruno Cordani
    95,00 €

    Because of the correspondences existing among all levels of reality, truths pertaining to a lower level can be considered as symbols of truths at a higher level and can therefore be the "foundation" or support leading by analogy to a knowledge of the latter. This confers to every science a superior or "elevating" meaning, far deeper than its own original one. - R. GUENON, The Crisis of Modern World Having been interested in the Kepler Problem for a long time, I have al­ ways found it astonishing that no book has been written yet that would address all aspects of the problem. Besides hundreds of articles, at least three books (to my knowledge) have indeed been published al­ ready on the subject, namely Englefield (1972), Stiefel & Scheifele (1971) and Guillemin & Sternberg (1990). Each of these three books deals only with one or another aspect of the problem, though. For example, En­ glefield (1972) treats only the quantum aspects, and that in a local way. Similarly, Stiefel & Scheifele (1971) only considers the linearization of the equations of motion with application to the perturbations of celes­ tial mechanics. Finally, Guillemin & Sternberg (1990) is devoted to the group theoretical and geometrical structure.

  • 13% sparen
    von F. Wolfgang Tegethoff
    148,00 €

  • von Cédric Julien Poget
    29,90 €

  • von Andrei N. Borodin & Paavo Salminen
    204,00 €

  • von Hans Triebel
    108,00 €

    This book deals with the constructive Weierstrassian approach to the theory of function spaces and various applications. The first chapter is devoted to a detailed study of quarkonial (subatomic) decompositions of functions and distributions on euclidean spaces, domains, manifolds and fractals. This approach combines the advantages of atomic and wavelet representations. It paves the way to sharp inequalities and embeddings in function spaces, spectral theory of fractal elliptic operators, and a regularity theory of some semi-linear equations. The book is self-contained, although some parts may be considered as a continuation of the author's book "Fractals and Spectra" (MMA 91). It is directed to mathematicians and (theoretical) physicists interested in the topics indicated and, in particular, how they are interrelated.

  • von Peter Brandt
    34,99 €

    Nach 3 Abs. 2 EG-Verbraucherschutzdurchsetzungsgesetz (VSchDG) berichtet die Zentrale Verbindungsstelle den fur den Verbraucherschutz zustandigen obersten Landesbehorden jahrlich, erstmals zum 31. Dezember 2007, umfassend und in anonymisierter Form uber die im Zusammenhang mit dem VSchDG empfangenen und weitergeleiteten Ersuchen um Amtshilfe und Informationsaustausch. Der vorliegende erste Bericht reflektiert die durch das BVL als Zentrale Verbindungsstelle vorgenommenen Ubermittlungen im ersten Jahr nach Inkrafttreten des VSchDG.Nach Artikel 21 Abs. 2 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2006/2004 ber die Zusammenarbeit im Verbraucherschutz erstatten die Mitgliedstaaten der Kommission alle zwei Jahre, vom Datum des Inkrafttretens dieser Verordnung an gerechnet, Bericht ber die Durchfhrung der Verordnung. Der vorliegende erste Bericht enthlt die relevanten Angaben fr die Jahre 2007 und 2008.

  • - Sachstandsbericht zu den Bienenvergiftungen durch insektizide Saatgutbehandlungsmittel in Suddeutschland im Jahr 2008
    von Peter Brandt
    34,99 €

    Ende April und Anfang Mai 2008 kam es in einigen Regionen in Sudwestdeutschland zu Bienenvergiftungen, bei denen nach letzten Erhebungen etwa 11.500 Volker von 700 Imkern teilweise erheblich geschadigt wurden. Sofort nach Bekanntwerden der Vorfalle begann eine intensive Suche nach den Ursachen. Dabei arbeiteten das Ministerium fur Ernahrung und Landlichen Raum in Baden-Wurttemberg (MLR) und die Behorden vor Ort mit der Imkerschaft, der Bienenuntersuchungsstelle im Julius Kuhn-Institut (JKI), dem Bundesamt fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) und der Pflanzenschutzmittel-Industrie zusammen. Schnell richtete sich der Verdacht auf Maissaatgut, das mit dem insektiziden Wirkstoff Clothianidin behandelt war, ein Verdacht, der durch die chemischen Analysen des Julius Kuhn-Instituts bestatigt wurde.

  • 13% sparen
    - Conference on Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics (OTAMP) 2006, Lund, Sweden
    von Jan Janas
    140,00 €

    The volume contains the proceedings of the OTAMP 2006 (Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics) conference held at Lund University in June 2006. The conference was devoted to the methods of analysis and operator theory in modern mathematical physics. The following special sessions were organized: Spectral analysis of Schrodinger operators; Jacobi and CMV matrices and orthogonal polynomials; Quasi-periodic and random Schrodinger operators; Quantum graphs.

  • - Applications in Science, Medicine, Economics and Management
    von Roger J. Hosking
    151,00 €

    The construction of mathematical models is an essential scientific activity. Mathematics is associated with developments in science and engineering, but more recently mathematical modelling has been used to investigate complex systems that arise in other fields. This book demonstrates the application of mathematics to research topics in ecology and environmental science, health and medicine, phylogenetics and neural networks, theoretical chemistry, economics and management.

  • 11% sparen
    von Dan Burghelea
    95,00 €

    This book consists of a collection of original, refereed research and expository articles on elliptic aspects of geometric analysis on manifolds, including singular, foliated and non-commutative spaces. The topics covered include the index of operators, torsion invariants, K-theory of operator algebras and L2-invariants. There are contributions from leading specialists, and the book maintains a reasonable balance between research, expository and mixed papers.

  • von Luis Graca
    140,00 €

    It is now accepted that T cell activation by an antigen-presenting cell requires the organization of a supramolecular structure ¿ the immune synapse. This structure, with different types of molecules spatially segregated, is involved in the delivery of quantitative and qualitative signals critical for T cell activation, and therefore in controlling the nature of the immune response. This volume discusses the progress in manipulating components of the immune synapse as a strategy to regulate the immune response in immune pathology, such as transplantation, autoimmunity and allergy. Donnadieu reviews the current knowledge on the molecular composition and organization of the immune synapse and how the formation of this structure can be modulated by chemokines. It is also known that the immune synapse formation is critical for the activation of naive T cells, as well as their functional polarization. The second chapter discusses the conversion of naive T cells into regulatory T cells (Treg) when components of the immune synapse are manipulated in such a way that the T cells receive suboptimal activation signals.

  • von Vasile Staicu
    183,00 €

    Differential equations are a fast evolving branch of mathematics and one of the mathematical tools most used by scientists and engineers. This book gathers a collection of original articles and state-of-the-art contributions, written by highly distinguished researchers working in differential equations, delay-differential equations, differential inclusions, variational problems, Young measures, control theory, dynamical systems, chaotic systems and their relations with physical systems. The forefront of research in these areas is represented in this volume.The book and all contributions are dedicated to Arrigo Cellina and James A. Yorke on their 65th anniversary. Their remarkable scientific career covered all the above areas and was one of the main driving forces behind the work of many of the authors and the editor of this volume.For researchers and graduate students in mathematics, physics and engineering, the material in this book will be a valuable resource, and a tool for everyone working in differential equations, chaos and variational problems. It brings the reader to the frontiers of research in the areas mentioned above and will stimulate further research.

  • - The Gunter Lumer Volume
    von Herbert Amann
    96,00 €

    Gunter Lumer was an outstanding mathematician whose work has great influence on the research community in mathematical analysis and evolution equations. He was at the origin of the breath-taking development the theory of semigroups saw after the pioneering book of Hille and Phillips of 1957. This volume contains invited contributions presenting the state of the art of these topics and reflecting the broad interests of Gunter Lumer. 

  • 12% sparen
    von Thibault Damour & Vincent Rivasseau
    94,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Vincent Rivasseau
    95,00 €

  • von Nicola Gaedeke
    26,99 €

  • von Karim Boulabiar
    119,00 €

    This book presents nine survey articles addressing topics surrounding positivity, with an emphasis on functional analysis. The book assembles a wide spectrum of research into positivity, providing up-to-date information on topics of current interest. The discussion provides insight into classical areas like spaces of continuous functions, f-algebras, and integral operators. The coverage extends is broad, including vector measures, operator spaces, ordered tensor products, and non-commutative Banach function spaces.

  • von Kim Williams
    53,00 €

    This issue is dedicated to various kinds of patterns in architecture. Buthayna Eilouti and Amer Al-Jokhadar address patterns in shape grammars in the ground plans of Mamluk madrasas, religious schools. Giulio Magli goes back further in history, to the age of Greek colonies in Italy before they were conquered by the Romans, to examine patterns in urban design. In Traditional Patterns in Pyrgi of Chios: Mathematics and Community Charoula Stathopoulou examines the geometric patterns that decorate the buildings of the town of Pyrgi, on the Greek island of Chios. Curve Fitting is a study of ways to construct a function so that its graph most closely approximates the pattern given by a set of points. Dirk Huylebrouck¿s paper examines how a pattern of points extracted from an arch might be associated to a precise mathematical curve. James Harris looks at the designs of Frank Lloyd Wright and Piet Mondrian to extract the rules of their pattern generation and propose possible applications.

  • - Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 2005
    von Robert Dalang
    140,00 €

    This volume contains refereed research or review papers presented at the 5th Seminar on Stochastic Processes, Random Fields and Applications, which took place at the Centro Stefano Franscini (Monte Verita) in Ascona, Switzerland, from May 29 to June 3, 2004. The seminar focused mainly on stochastic partial differential equations, stochastic models in mathematical physics, and financial engineering.

  • von André C. M. Ran, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Israel Gohberg & usw.
    151,00 €

  • von Carlos Mora-Corral & Julian Lopez-Gomez
    124,00 €

  • von Luminita Barbu & Gheorghe Morosanu
    108,00 €

  • - Lecture Notes of a CIMPA Summer School held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2005
    von Rolf-Peter Holzapfel
    130,00 €

    This volume comprises lecture notes, survey and research articles originating from the CIMPA Summer School Arithmetic and Geometry around Hypergeometric Functions held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, June 13-25, 2005. It covers a wide range of topics related to hypergeometric functions, thus giving a broad perspective of the state of the art in the field.

  • von Jan Janas
    151,00 €

    This volume contains lectures delivered at the International Conference Operator Theory and its Applications in Mathematical Physics (OTAMP 2004), held at the Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Bedlewo near Poznan, Poland. The idea behind these lectures was to present interesting ramifications of operator methods in current research of mathematical physics.

  • von Karl-Heinz Förster
    151,00 €

    This volume contains contributions written by participants of the 4th Workshop on Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Applications, held at the TU Berlin, Germany, December 17 to 19, 2004. The workshop covered topics from spectral, perturbation, and extension theory of linear operators and relations in inner product spaces.

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