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  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    We all know that when reforms and innovations are implemented on their own, the end result may not be as expected or the expected result may be achieved later. Therefore, in the establishment of a new economic system and relations, all sectors will be supported by the government to the extent necessary, which will guarantee the effectiveness of the ongoing reforms.The gradual implementation of economic reforms and renewals in our country, and the state's role as the main reformer in this process, is a unique impetus for the country's transition to a market economy. This process requires making many new and important decisions for the economy of our country regarding attracting investments and regulating their management.

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    Today, enterprises are widely operating as economic entities that can quickly adapt to changes in the economic environment and constantly require new techniques and technologies . Therefore, special attention is being paid to the development of the enterprise and ensuring its competitiveness in our republic. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Mirziyoev noted : ... We need organizational, legal steps, we need to create financial mechanisms and conditions. ...

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    An important factor is to ensure employment in the economic revival of the rural population by labour from the potential to effectively use social harmony and achieve stability in achieving economic development of the society. development of market relations rural population work with employment in the field all able to work in our government's strategy is focused on the human factor conditions for people to develop their abilities and provide their own style of work to create middle chains more than 68 per cent of the nearly 1 million jobs created have been in rural areas.

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    The main issue of agriculture is to satisfy the needs of the country's population for food and industry for raw materials on the basis of ensuring the stability of agricultural production and increasing its economic efficiency. Today, the annual consumption of food products per capita is 47.3%. The import of food products is decreasing year by year, and the volume of its export is increasing significantly.

  • von Zukhriddin Tillanazarov
    46,00 €

    Control is a component of management and is a process that includes observation, analysis, and verification of the implementation of the state function and purpose in state management. Control is the final part of the management cycle and marks the beginning of a new cycle in management. Control, as a function of management, monitors the activity of the managed object, making it possible to assess the purpose and effectiveness of the decisions made and identify deviations from the results of their implementation, and make corrections. Thus, the control is carried out at such a stage of the management cycle that whether the actual reality is by the accepted plans or not. If the circumstances of the deviations are negative, then the reason for their occurrence and the culprits will be determined, and measures aimed at their correction will be determined. Thus, the control function is multifaceted and includes the analysis of the actual situation to compare the work performed with the set goal, evaluate the controlled activity, and take measures to correct the identified deficiencies.

  • von Shahnoza Abraeva
    46,00 €

    Monografiq poswqschena odnomu iz aktual'nyh woprosow sowremennoj lingwistiki, esche nedostatochno polno razrabotannomu wo francuzskom qzykoznanii. Awtor klassificiruet ih po funkcional'no-stilisticheskoj roli na sleduüschie: nejtral'nye, razgoworno-bytowye, prostorechnye, argoticheskie i knizhno-poäticheskie frazeologicheskie edinicy. Dannaq klassifikaciq predstawlqetsq cennoj w plane bolee glubokogo opisaniq ispol'zowaniq frazeologizmow w stilisticheskih celqh.

  • von Sh. J. Teshayev
    46,00 €

    Ushbu monografiyada polipragmaziya täsirida, buyrakning zararlanishi bilan bog¿liq, organizmda rivojlanadigan patologik holatlarni kamaytirish, tashxislash, davolash va asoratlarini oldini olishda zamonaviy tibbiy xizmat ko¿rsatish darajasini yangi bosqichga ko¿tarish va sifatli tibbiy xizmat ko¿rsatishda zamonaviy texnologiyalarni qo¿llashni takomillashtirish bilan kasalliklar asorati natijasidagi nogironlik va o¿lim ko¿rsatkichini kamaytirish imkonini beradi.Hozirgi kunda jahon sog¿liqni saqlash tashkiloti mälumotlariga ko¿ra sivilizatsiyaning jadal rivojlanishi bilan birga dori vositalarini noto¿g¿ri qo¿llash orqali kasalliklar ham oshib bormoqda. Bularning ichida yallig¿lanishga qarshi dori vositalari polipragmaziyasi inson hayotiga sezilarli xavf tug¿dirmoqda. Bugungi kunga kelib «...nefrologiya va buyrak transplantatsiyasining jadal rivojlanishi bilan bog¿liq holda morfologlarning buyrak tuzilishini va siydik ajratish tizimning muhim äzosi sifatida o¿rganishga bo¿lgan qiziqishi doimiy ravishda ortib bormoqda...».

  • von Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw
    35,00 €

    Nedostatochnaq issledowannost' duhownoj äwolücii sobstwennogo «Ya» wsqkogo cheloweka i sobstwennoj lichnosti s pozicij wozmozhnosti ispol'zowaniq samyh raznyh sistem prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat: ot landshaftno-geograficheskih do misticheskih opredelqüt aktual'nost' temy nastoqschej raboty awtora.Ob#ektom issledowaniq awtora qwlqetsq lichnost' kak triedinaq suschnost', k obreteniü kotoroj stremitsq chelowek. Predmetom issledowaniq qwlqetsq chast' zhizni cheloweka ot rozhdeniq do takogo wozrasta, kogda chelowek obretaet lichnost' i preobrazuet eö. Takaq chast' zhizni harakterizuetsq periodami bifurkacionnyh perehodow s uslozhneniem struktury duhownogo mira cheloweka w sisteme wnutrennih prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat.Osnownye polozheniq i wywody ätoj raboty mogut sluzhit' teoreticheskoj osnowoj dlq dal'nejshego estestwenno-nauchnogo, religiowedcheskogo i filosofskogo izucheniq opredeleniq duhownoj äwolücii cheloweka i stanowleniq triedinoj lichnosti, a takzhe dlq prakticheskogo ispol'zowaniq filosofami, psihologami, swqschennosluzhitelqmi, zhurnalistami.

  • von Sitora Menglieva
    46,00 €

    Monografiq poswqschena izucheniü dogowornyh otnoshenij w älektronnoj kommercii, s tem samom w rabote analiziruetsq i srawniwaetsq nacional'noe zakonodatel'stwa Respubliki Uzbekistan i drugih gosudarstw w ramkah älektronnoj kommercii, predstawleno prawowoe i doktrinal'noe opredelenie ponqtiq älektronnoj kommercii i dogowora w uslowiqh älektronnogo wzaimodejstwiq, a takzhe opredeleno prawowoe polozhenie sub#ektow onlajn torgowli, rassmotreno dogoworno-prawowoe regulirowanie otnoshenij, woznikaüschih w älektronnoj kommercii. Monografiq prednaznachena dlq specialistow, issledowatelej i studentow po älektronnoj kommercii.

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    46,00 €

    Developing the economy under the framework of reforming and liberalizing the banking system, which is one of the important links of the market relations, organizing the activities of local banks in accordance with the requirements of the international banking system and further improving their activities are considered urgent tasks of the day. A society cannot make healthy progress without having a well-developed banking system and banking activities.

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    The modern world is developing very rapidly. In particular, the age of information technology has created a huge competitive environment in all spheres, providing its consumers with a number of conveniences. Similarly, another area, Islamic finance, is one of the fastest growing areas in the global financial market. Currently, the assets of Islamic financial institutions worldwide are growing at an average annual rate of 14 per cent and currently have a share of 6 per cent of the global financial market. Although the market share is very small compared to conventional financial institutions, it is estimated that Islamic financial services will reach US$3.69 trillion in the global financial market by 2024. This high level of growth is certainly a result of the very high demand that exists in the industry. Members of the Muslim faith, who are the main customers of Islamic finance, account for about 1.8 trillion or 24% of the world's total population. It is clear that there is a huge market in Islamic finance and the challenge of meeting the existing demand is very relevant today.

  • von Cassiano Vasques Frota Guterres
    34,00 €

    The objective was to identify, through an in silico study , natural molecules characterized in the hydroalcoholic extract of Ocimum citriodurum in the laboratory that could act by antioxidant action, resembling experimental studies for teaching Organic Functions based on this interaction.According to the HPLC-MS methodology, 7 chemical constituents have been identified, most of which is rosmarinic acid, corresponding to 38.65%. Therefore, with the in silico activity, the active potential (Pa) determined for the hydroalcoholic extract of Ocimum citriodurum was exactly 0.547, thus identifying the antioxidant action present in it. By way of comparison, the reliability of the in silico study was tested in vitro. The extract also showed active antioxidant activity against the DPPH method, with a 50% efficient concentration (EC 50 ) of 50.53 mg/L. Furthermore, through the results of the similarity research, the Didactic Sequence (SD) was elaborated addressing the topic of bioactive molecules and antioxidants with the PASS Online and Pubchem server addressing the content of Organic functions.

  • von Mukhiddin Kalonov
    80,00 €

    The textbook was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, which includes the subject and methods of accounting, cash and bookkeeping, accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets, accounting for investments, accounting for materials, labor and its payment. accounting, cost accounting, accounting for products, goods (work and services) and their sales, accounting for capital, funds and financial results, accounting for taxes and other mandatory payments, financial reporting, organization of management accounting, budgeting and cost control topics are covered theoretically and practically.This textbook is recommended for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of economics of higher educational institutions. It can also be used as a guide by accountants, auditors, managers and tax inspectors.

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    Since the time when our country gained independence and implemented economic reforms, the government has been paying great attention to monetary and credit relations, because no country can fully develop its economy without establishing relations in the monetary sphere. It is necessary to emphasize that the development of foreign economic relations and internal relations in accordance with the path of the market economy chosen by our Republic depends on the level of development of monetary relations. Therefore, as President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev stated, "The liberalization of the foreign exchange market in the country requires an increase in the level of liquidity in the economy and the involvement of free funds in important investment and infrastructure projects . "

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    Before the stage of industrial development in the countries of the world, priority was given to natural and labor resources in ensuring economic growth, and during the stage of industrial development to material resources, in the current period after industrial development, the role of intellectual and information resources comes to the fore. The development of the world's leading countries is new. knowledge, innovation, global information systems, new technologies and venture business economy.

  • von Turdiqulov Sherzod Duminovich
    51,00 €

    So¿nggi yillarda jahon tilshunosligida tilning millat tarixiy tajribasi, madaniy taraqqiyotidan mälumot tashuvchi onomastik birliklari va ularning madaniy kodning madaniy semantikasi bilan aloqasini o¿rganishga bag¿ishlangan tadqiqotlarga keng o¿rin berilmoqda. Zotan, onimlar ¿ tilning avlodlar tajribasiga doir bilimlarni to¿plash, jamlashdan iborat kumulyativ vazifasini voqelantiruvchi unsurlarga hatto jamiyatning siyosiy-mafkuraviy hayotida ahamiyatli unsurlar sifatida qaralmoqda. Toponimik obyektlar millat tarixi va madaniyatining shakllanish bosqichi, millatning millat sifatida ravnaq topishiga guvoh birliklar hisoblanadi.O¿zbekistonning bir qator viloyatlari toponimiyasini lingvistik, tarixiy tipologik nuqtayi nazardan tahlil qilishga bag¿ishlangan anchagina monografiyalar nashr etildi, bir qancha dissertatsiyalar yozildi, toponimlarning izohli lug¿atlari tuzildi. Xususan, teologik bilimlar va teonimlar bilan bog¿liq joy nomlari tizimini struktur, etnolingvomadaniy jihatdan tadqiq qilish va ularning etimologiyasi, genezisiga doir mälumotlarni aks ettiruvchi leksikografik asarlarni yaratish ana shunday dolzarb masalalar sirasiga kiradi.

  • von Shohjahon Olimov
    34,00 €

    Today, the measures to prevent the budget deficit, it is necessary to manage the elimination of the deficit both theoretically and practically, first of all, from the point of view of public interest. The most important task of the budget policy in the reforms is to solve the tasks of stabilizing the budget deficit in the economy. In this way, it is to ensure the optimal balance between deficit and allocating funds to current expenditures of social importance, stimulating the revival of economic activity.

  • von Navro'zbek Soyimnazarov
    34,00 €

    Emotsional intellekt rivojlanishining yoshga bog¿liq ayrim xususiyatlari tadqiqotchilar tomonidan aniqlangan. Hayotiy tajriba ortib borgani sari emotsional intellekt, ayniqsa, ösmirlik va yetuklik davrida oshadi. Bundan xulosa qilish mumkinki, bolaning hissiy intellekt darajasi kattalarnikidan ancha past va unga tenglasha olmaydi, lekin bu hissiy intellektni bolalik davrida shakllantirish maqsadga muvofiq degani emas.Ilgari inson hayotining intellektual tomoni shaxsiyatning hissiy tarkibiy qismiga qarshi edi. Endi ma'lum bölishicha, hissiyot bilimning maxsus turi sifatida insonga atrof-muhit sharoitlariga muvaffaqiyatli moslashish imkonini beradi va aql toifasi bilan bog¿liq. Tuyg¿ular va intellekt amaliy yönalishda birlasha oladi. Bu integratsiya shaxsning barkamol rivojlanishi uchun zarurdir. Bugungi ösib kelayotgan yosh avlodga bölgan e¿tibor yanada oshib bormoqda. ¿Biz yoshlarga doir davlat siyosatini xech og¿ishmasdan, qa'tiyat bilan davom ettiramiz. Nafaqat davom ettiramiz, balki bu siyosatni eng ustuvor vazifamiz sifatida bugun zamon talab qilayotgan yuksak darajaga kötaramiz¿ .

  • von Abror To'rayev
    34,00 €

    Ushbu uslubiy qöllanma professor-öqituvchilar va bilim oluvchilar uchun möljallangan bölib ¿Mafkuraviy jarayonlarning tizimli tahlili¿ fanidan ¿Konservatizm va neokonservatizm mafkuralari¿ mavzusini chuqurroq örganish, zamonaviy siyosiy mafkuraviy jarayonlardagi tendensiyalar mohiyatini anglash hamda mafkuralarning destruktiv tas¿rini baholash könikmalarini shakllantirishga qaratilgan. Uslubiy qöllanma A.Qodiriy nomidagi Jizzax Davlat pedagogika universiteti O¿quv-uslubiy kengashining 2023-yil 25-apreldagi 9-son qarori bilan nashrga tavsiya etildi.

  • von Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw
    39,00 €

    Nedostatochnaq issledowannost' duhownoj äwolücii sobstwennogo «Ya» wsqkogo cheloweka i sobstwennoj lichnosti s pozicij wozmozhnosti ispol'zowaniq samyh raznyh sistem prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat: ot landshaftno-geograficheskih do misticheskih opredelqüt aktual'nost' temy nastoqschej raboty awtora.Ob#ektom issledowaniq awtora qwlqetsq lichnost' kak triedinaq suschnost', k obreteniü kotoroj stremitsq chelowek. Predmetom issledowaniq qwlqetsq chast' zhizni cheloweka ot rozhdeniq do takogo wozrasta, kogda chelowek obretaet lichnost' i preobrazuet eö. Takaq chast' zhizni harakterizuetsq periodami bifurkacionnyh perehodow s uslozhneniem struktury duhownogo mira cheloweka w sisteme wnutrennih prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat.Osnownye polozheniq i wywody ätoj raboty mogut sluzhit' teoreticheskoj osnowoj dlq dal'nejshego estestwenno-nauchnogo, religiowedcheskogo i filosofskogo izucheniq opredeleniq duhownoj äwolücii cheloweka i stanowleniq triedinoj lichnosti, a takzhe dlq prakticheskogo ispol'zowaniq filosofami, psihologami, swqschennosluzhitelqmi, zhurnalistami.

  • von Shahrizoda Qo'ziyeva
    46,00 €

    Mazkur qo'llanmada yozuvchi Shukur Xolmirzayevning nasridagi obrazlar tahlil qilinadi. Obrazlarning o'ziga xos jihatlari, ruhiyati, tabiat bilan jonli tarzda mushtarakligi va betakror tashbehlar vositasida tasvirlangan oddiy va ravon tilda yozilgan hikoyalari markazida turuvchi sujet chizgisi yakka bir obraz misolida yuzaga chiqadi. Jumladan, sadoqat, burgut, qushlar, Qo'ziboy chol obrazining bevaqt o'limi, ovchi, tabiat, ona, qahramonlar ruhiyati, nafs, takabbur inson, hayvonlar, kuy, umid, irodali ayol, insoniylik, vijdon, bolalar obrazi, mehr, ko'ngil va do'stlik timsollari kitobxonga yanada tushunilishi oson bo'lishi maqsadida izohlangan. Shukur Xolmirzayev nasridagi tabiiylik insonni yanada o'qishga, ishtiyoqini kuchaytirishga va shu bilan birga ichki kechinmalarni ham chuqur his qilib, har bir hikoyadagi obraz bilan birga yashashga undaydi.

  • von Aleksandar Halmi
    72,00 €

    U radu je autor ¿elio konfrontirati dvije meta-teorijske koncepcije (¿anrove) u smislu analize njihovih filozofskih ishodi¿ta, koji se odnose na postmodernu epohu i teoriju kaosa i kompleksnosti. Prvo se razmatra postmoderna epoha u "Postmodernom stanju" (Lyotard) i Foucaultov poststrukturalizan (Arheologija znanja) a zatim se postupno prelazi na filozofsko tematiziranje kaosa i kompleksnosti (Bhaskarov "kriti¿ki naturalizam"). Na temelju navedene konfrontacije autor izvodi sli¿nosti i razlike ove dvije znanstvene "kategorije" koje imaju paradigmatske pretenzije. Polaze¿i od konstatacije da postmoderno mi¿ljenje i teorija kaosa/kompleksnosti predstavljaju dvije recentne metateorijske koncepcije i znäajne kulturno-znanstvene ¿injenice, autor nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje ima li njihova pojavna podudarnost neki dublji smisao i ¿to ona znäi za dru¿tvene znanosti?

  • von Hossein Farmani
    46,00 €

    Professional teaching is complex and has many dimensions. Teachers need a professional attitude towards their job in order to have energy and passion for work. One of the goals of education is the academic progress of students, and the results of teachers' educational activities are in the educational outcomes of students. Research has shown that the academic progress of students is closely related to the professional attitude of teachers, which in turn is influenced by the characteristics, beliefs and opinions of teachers about their professional abilities.On the other hand, a teacher's sense of commitment can determine job performance and educational quality, and a committed teacher is known as the most essential component of school success. According to Brown, Anfara and Rancy's studies, in schools that have high efficiency and teachers' expectations from students are higher and the sense of cooperation between colleagues is stronger, teachers are proud of their jobs, have stronger relationships with parents and parents' associations, and teachers and feel more effective.

  • von Qurbonov Shoxrux
    46,00 €

    Oila shaxs tarbiyasining asosiy ilk bo¿g¿ini hisoblanadi. Oilalardagi tartib intizom, ahillik, inoqlik, mänaviy ¿ axloqiy munosabatlar mustahkam va sog¿lom bo¿lsa, ota-onaning ibratli odobi, xulqi namunali sog¿lom muhitni vujudga keltirib, tälimning muhim poydevori bo¿ladi. Ushbu risolada oila va kishilararo munosabat tizimida mänaviy muhitning roli va shaxs tarbiyasida ibratning o¿rni hamda uni shakllantirish usullari yoritilgan. Mazkur risola pedagoglar, ota-onalar va tarbiyaviy-tashkiliy ishlarda faoliyat yuritayotgan mutaxassislar hamda tälim muassasalari tyutorlari uchun mo¿ljallangan.

  • von Zarina Deshmukh
    67,00 €

    The Mystical Madmen is about Spirituality, Mysticism and Existentialism present in the writings of Kahlil Gibran and Paulo Coelho. It compares the writings of Kahlil Gibran and Paulo Coelho in the eight books selected, analyses their thoughts on spirituality and existentialism and the context for their mysticism. After a brief introduction to these three concepts, it discusses Kahlil Gibran¿s writings and its impact of Paulo Coelho. It had been claimed by many that Coelho is a Gibran of our times. This book examines and analyses if there had been any influence on Coelho of Gibran that can entitle him to be a modern-day Gibran.

  • von Ocztos István
    34,00 €

    A Komplex Instrukciós Program egy olyan új típusú módszertani megközelítés, mely a kötelez¿en tanított és tanult szakmai kompetenciák mellett a közösségépítéshez is jelent¿sen hozzá kíván járulni. Kisebb közösségekbe helyezi el a tanuló egyént, képességeit és m¿ködését ezáltal teszi értelmezhet¿vé és értékessé. Az oktatási környezetben a tanulók mindegyike aktívan részt vesz a tanórai munkákon, lehet¿séget kap a megnyilvánulásra. A modell ezt a feladatok, csoportok, a csoportokban kiosztott szerepek rotációjával éri el. A tanulók különböz¿ szerepkörökben mutatkozva adnak a feladatokra megoldásokat, alkalmanként cserél¿d¿ társakkal dolgoznak együtt. A dolgozat célja e módszer alkalmazásának kipróbálása középfokú oktatási rendszerben, építész szakmacsoportos szakképzés tantrágyainak keretében, mely a tanulói visszajelzésekre és egy empirikus vizsgálatra kívánja alapozni a hatékonyságát.

  • von Zukhriddin Tillanazarov
    34,00 €

    The efficiency of enterprise management, the less time spent on the formation and implementation of goals, the higher. This includes, in addition to the experience and qualifications of the head of the enterprise (manager) and other persons responsible for the performance of management functions, organizational and technical measures for the reduction of time spent on management practices and work procedures, the mechanization and automation of management processes, and the rational organization of making and implementing management decisions. is achieved by applying a set of measures. In order to correctly make a decision aimed at achieving a positive result, it is necessary to foresee the possible results of making this decision, to correctly evaluate various options of development prospects. This determines the main strategic tasks of enterprise management. Among them are not only maximum profit, but also renovation and modernization of production, production of modern products that meet the needs of consumers, determining the directions of activity taking into account today's and future perspectives.

  • von Anvar Gafurov
    46,00 €

    This monograph is devoted to the improvement of the information system in the corporate management of the coal industry. In particular, the tendency of formation and development of corporate governance in the digital economy are systematized; the need for informatization in corporate governance, organizational features of information disclosure in corporate governance are revealed.Scientific proposals and practical recommendations have been developed in the monograph that aimed at strengthening the material and technical base for the development of corporate governance in the coal industry, improving the information system and the mechanism for its use in Uzbekkumir JSC, issues such as developing methods for improving the management of Uzbekkumir JSC have been resolved by using information systems.The monograph is intended for teachers of economics, researchers, independent researchers, graduate students and university students. It can also be used by executives, managers and other corporate management professionals in the coal industry.

  • von Irfan Syamsuddin
    51,00 €

    Honeyd is an open source software that allows user to set up and run multiple virtual hosts on a computer network. These virtual hosts can be configured to mimic several different types of servers, allowing the user to simulate an infinite number of computer network configurations. HoneyD is primarily used to enhance security of computer networks.In this book, a practical HoneyD implementation is presented to readers. Readers will find step by step installation up to implementation of HoneyD to defend IT network infrastructure from cyber attacks.

  • von Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw
    39,00 €

    Nedostatochnaq issledowannost' duhownoj äwolücii sobstwennogo «Ya» wsqkogo cheloweka i sobstwennoj lichnosti s pozicij wozmozhnosti ispol'zowaniq samyh raznyh sistem prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat: ot landshaftno-geograficheskih do misticheskih opredelqüt aktual'nost' temy nastoqschej raboty awtora.Ob#ektom issledowaniq awtora qwlqetsq lichnost' kak triedinaq suschnost', k obreteniü kotoroj stremitsq chelowek. Predmetom issledowaniq qwlqetsq chast' zhizni cheloweka ot rozhdeniq do takogo wozrasta, kogda chelowek obretaet lichnost' i preobrazuet eö. Takaq chast' zhizni harakterizuetsq periodami bifurkacionnyh perehodow s uslozhneniem struktury duhownogo mira cheloweka w sisteme wnutrennih prostranstwenno-wremennyh koordinat.Osnownye polozheniq i wywody ätoj raboty mogut sluzhit' teoreticheskoj osnowoj dlq dal'nejshego estestwenno-nauchnogo, religiowedcheskogo i filosofskogo izucheniq opredeleniq duhownoj äwolücii cheloweka i stanowleniq triedinoj lichnosti, a takzhe dlq prakticheskogo ispol'zowaniq filosofami, psihologami, swqschennosluzhitelqmi, zhurnalistami.

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