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Bücher veröffentlicht von Huong Sen Buddhist Temple

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  • von Medagama Nandawansa
    38,00 €

    Sri Lanka is a beautiful teardrop-shaped island in the Indian Ocean. It is a country based on the Buddha's philosophy nurtured for more than 2,600 years. The message of the Buddha's compassion and wisdom penetrated deep into the Sinhalese island. The spiritual practice of precepts-samadhi-wisdom as taught by the Buddha is an indispensable part of the daily life of Sri Lankans. Looking at the past, especially during the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries, the ancient Sinhala culture and Buddhist monks were influenced by Western countries. How did the Sri Lankan Sangha find a solution to adopt the conceptual modernization and still keep their traditions in Sri Lankan Buddhist society? How did the Sri Lanka Buddhist monks use their means, efforts, and contributions for the sake of this cause? These historical points serve as a compelling invitation to welcome international monastics and scholars from various nations who wish to visit and immerse themselves in this rich cultural heritage.Under the warm sunlight of July 16, 2023, on the beautiful grounds of the Sri Lanka Vidyala Maha Piriven in Colombo, Sri Lanka, there were many bright golden robes of Asian monastics from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Burma, Cambodia, Taiwan, and Vietnam. They were gathered to participate, learn and experience this Sri Lanka historical high mark, a seminar on "Buddhism in Sri Lanka during the Period of the Nineteenth to Twenty-first Centuries." It was organized by the Maha Mahinda International Dharmadutha Society with the collaboration and sponsorship of Huong Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA.At this seminar, many learned monastics, speakers, delegates, spiritual leaders, and researchers presented their meaningful papers to shine light on this matter for listeners and readers. They were Prof. Ven. Medagama Nandawansa Thera (Patron, Maha Mahinda International Dharmadutha Society and Chief Incumbent of Sri Lanka Vidyalaya Maha Pirivena), Dr. Ven. Kahawatte Siri Sumedha (Chief Incumbent of Jambudvipa, Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple, Varanasi, India), Mr. Sanath Ediriweera (Chairman, Public Service Commission and the Honorable Secretary of the Maha Mahinda International Dharmadutha Society), Ven. Prof. Beligalle Dhammajoti (Professor at the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Ruhuna), Ven. Taldena Ariyawimala and Dr. A.A.R. Priyanka (Senior Lecturers of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Ruhuna), the talented MC, Ven. Prof. Raluwe Padmasiri (Professor at the Department of Buddhist Thought, Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya), Ven. Sooriyawewe Somananda Thera (the Principal of the Sri Lanka Vidyala Maha Pirivena), Ven. Ketagoda Wimalajothi Thera (Deputy Principal, Sri Lanka Vidyalaya Maha Pirivena), Ven. Bhikkhuni Madulle Vijithananda (Abbess of Sakyadhita Training and Meditation Center), Dr. Ven. Bhiksuni Gioi Huong (Lecturer at Vietnam Buddhist University in HCM City and Abbess, Huong Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA), Rev. O.U. Dhammadheera, Ms. M. D. Sachini Hansika Chandrapala, Mr. Anuda Kanchana, and Mrs. K.V.J. Koshalee (Lecturer at the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Ruhuna). These papers are rich in knowledge, analysis, and information on Sri Lankan Buddhist history with specific focus on the period of the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries. They have been gathered together and are slated for publication in a book, which will serve as a valuable and dependable resource for academic studies and research.Huong Sen Buddhist Temple, September 30, 2023With Metta, The Editorial Board

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Thích N¿
    24,00 €

    Có nh¿ng câu vi¿t m¿c m¿c ¿¿n gi¿n nh¿ng r¿t thâm thúy, có giá tr¿ bi¿u c¿m, t¿¿ng hình, t¿¿ng thanh, toát lên ý ngh¿a siêu tuy¿t c¿a cüc ¿¿i mà tác gi¿ mün chia s¿. Chúng gi¿ng nh¿ khuôn vàng th¿¿c ng¿c ¿úc ra nh¿ng nhân cách Thánh hi¿n, hay ít nh¿t c¿ng là t¿o ¿¿¿c khuôn m¿u nhân b¿n, ¿¿o ¿¿c làm ng¿¿i, cho nh¿ng ai c¿m nh¿n, chiêm nghi¿m và ün n¿n s¿ng theo.T¿p s¿u t¿m này có tên ''Danh Ngôn Nuôi D¿¿ng Nhân Cách" (Good Words Nurture a Good Manner) b¿i l¿ m¿c l¿c có 194 tiêu ¿¿, trong ¿ó có hàng tr¿m, hàng ngàn khuôn vàng ¿¿ tr¿¿ng d¿¿ng nhân cách không ng¿ng, nh¿ ¿¿¿c minh h¿a qua các danh ngôn nh¿: ''¿¿¿ng ¿¿i là chi¿c thang không h¿t n¿c, vi¿c h¿c là quy¿n sách không có trang cüi cùng" (Kalamin), ''Ng¿c ch¿ là ng¿c khi ¿¿ công mài d¿a. N¿u không là ng¿c thì ch¿ là ¿á mà thôi" (C¿ nhân), ''Hoàng kim có cái giá c¿a nó, ki¿n th¿c thì vô giá. Trí th¿c uyên bác là viên kim c¿¿ng mà ánh sánh c¿a nó t¿a ra là v¿n hóa" (Khuy¿t danh), vv... Tuy¿n t¿p v¿i 194 câu chân ngôn nh¿ th¿ s¿ giúp b¿n ¿¿c thay ¿¿i ít nhi¿u v¿ nhân sinh quan, v¿ cách s¿ng, bi¿t cách x¿ th¿ khôn ngoan, khéo léo, h¿¿ng thi¿n và cüi cùng là ¿¿ nuôi d¿¿ng và hình thành nhân cách thánh hi¿n. T¿p sách nh¿ món quà tinh th¿n mà ng¿¿i s¿u t¿m ¿ã góp nh¿t, vi¿t tay (9 cün x 100 trang = 900 trang) và ghi l¿i süt chi¿u dài th¿i gian h¿n 30 n¿m. Hôm nay ¿¿¿c ¿ánh máy và ¿óng thành tuy¿n t¿p và d¿ch ra ti¿ng Anh, ¿¿ nhi¿t tình truy¿n c¿m h¿ng ¿¿n b¿n ¿¿c ¿¿ng lý t¿¿ng và s¿ thích. Xin chân thành c¿m ¿n các tác gi¿ h¿u danh hay khuy¿t danh c¿a các danh ngôn trí tü này, ¿¿ cho t¿p sách ¿¿¿c hình thành và hi¿n di¿n cho l¿i ích s¿ ¿ông. S¿ có nhi¿u sai sót khi góp nh¿t, ¿ã có r¿t nhi¿u câu khuy¿t danh, xin ''L¿y ý quên l¿i". Nhi¿u danh ngôn c¿a các tác gi¿ n¿¿c ngoài, nh¿ng khi s¿u t¿m b¿ng ti¿ng Vi¿t (không có b¿n g¿c ti¿ng Anh), nên bây gi¿ ph¿i chuy¿n ng¿ ti¿ng Anh (s¿ khác v¿n phong v¿i b¿n g¿c c¿a tác gi¿) và r¿t mong ¿ón nh¿n s¿ góp ý c¿a các thi¿n trí th¿c g¿n xa ¿¿ l¿n tái b¿n sau ¿¿¿c hoàn thi¿n h¿n. Nhân d¿p này c¿ng thành th¿t c¿m ¿n Ban Chuy¿n ng¿ ti¿ng Anh (Ni s¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng và Pamela Kirby), ban ¿ánh máy b¿n th¿o (S¿ cô Viên Ti¿n), b¿n s¿a chính t¿ ti¿ng Vi¿t (Ph¿t t¿ Thanh Phi) và ban thi¿t k¿, xüt b¿n và phát hành sách (S¿ cô Viên An) và nhi¿u ban n¿a. Ipxen ¿ã nói: ''B¿t k¿ m¿t ng¿¿i nào, m¿t ng¿¿i v¿ ¿¿i hay m¿t ng¿¿i bình th¿¿ng s¿ tr¿ thành nhà th¿, n¿u nhìn th¿y ¿¿ng sau nh¿ng c¿ ch¿ c¿a mình m¿t lý t¿¿ng". Chúc các b¿n ¿¿c ¿¿u là nh¿ng nhà th¿ thành công trong lý t¿¿ng c¿a mình. Th¿ phòng Chùa H¿¿ng Sen, Mùa d¿ch Covid toàn c¿u tháng 8, 2020 Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Thích N¿
    12,00 €

    Theo nh¿ kinh Ph¿t, loài ng¿¿i chúng ta ¿ang ¿¿i di¿n v¿i bao nhiêu ¿i¿u th¿ng kh¿? ¿¿c Ph¿t d¿y có tám n¿i kh¿ ¿au mà nhân löi ¿ ¿¿i ai c¿ng ph¿i ¿¿i m¿t, trong ¿ó có "C¿u b¿t ¿¿c kh¿". Chính vì l¿ ¿ó, nên ta th¿y cüc ¿¿i không ¿¿p nh¿ ta ngh¿. Tuy nhiên, cüc ¿¿i không ¿¿p nh¿ m¿ là do nh¿ng ¿i¿u ta mong c¿u không ¿¿¿c nh¿ ý mün, ch¿ b¿n ch¿t cüc s¿ng không ph¿i v¿y. Cüc s¿ng v¿n ¿¿p cho nh¿ng ng¿¿i có t¿ t¿¿ng l¿c quan.B¿i cüc ¿¿i ¿¿p hay không là do tâm ta t¿¿ng tác v¿i ¿¿i nh¿ th¿ nào. Cho nên, m¿c ¿ích c¿a cün sách nh¿ này là giúp chúng ta làm th¿ nào ¿¿ s¿ng tích c¿c, an l¿c dù cüc ¿¿i không ¿¿p nh¿ ta mong ¿¿i. Hay nói khác h¿n, n¿u m¿i ng¿¿i trong chúng ta ¿¿u bi¿t ¿ng d¿ng và phát huy l¿i Ph¿t d¿y thì m¿i ng¿¿i s¿ bi¿t cách chuy¿n hóa n¿i kh¿ ni¿m ¿au, bi¿t cách ch¿p nh¿n, ¿¿i di¿n v¿i nh¿ng ¿i¿u b¿t nh¿ ý trong cüc s¿ng v¿i tâm bình th¿n, t¿ t¿i, an l¿c. V¿y làm th¿ nào ¿¿ s¿ng an l¿c?Vâng, con ng¿¿i ¿ ¿¿i, mün s¿ng an l¿c thì c¿n b¿n là tâm không còn kh¿ ¿au. Và theo l¿i Ph¿t d¿y, n¿i kh¿ c¿a chúng sanh ¿ ¿¿i thì muôn ngàn nh¿ng t¿u trung l¿i ¿¿u n¿m trong bát kh¿ (tám n¿i kh¿). Nh¿ng n¿i kh¿ ¿au ¿ó là: sanh, già, b¿nh, ch¿t, c¿u không ¿¿¿c nh¿ ý, th¿¿ng yêu ph¿i chia lìa, ghét nhau nh¿ng v¿n h¿i ng¿, s¿ th¿nh suy c¿a thân ng¿ ¿m. ¿ây là kh¿ ¿¿, chân lý ch¿c th¿t, m¿t s¿ th¿c v¿ b¿n ch¿t kh¿ cho ta th¿y t¿t c¿ n¿i kh¿ ¿au trên th¿ gian này, mà m¿i chúng sanh ¿¿u ph¿i ch¿u: Này các T¿ kheo, sanh là kh¿, già là kh¿, b¿nh là kh¿, t¿ là kh¿, s¿ng chung v¿i ng¿¿i mình không ¿a thích là kh¿, xa lìa ng¿¿i thân yêu là kh¿, mong mün mà không ¿¿¿c là kh¿, tóm l¿i chính thân ng¿ ün là kh¿."¿¿ tài bài vi¿t này s¿ liên quan ¿¿n n¿i kh¿ s¿ 7 trong 8 kh¿, t¿c do ¿i¿u mong c¿u không nh¿ ý mün là chúng ta th¿y ¿¿i không nh¿ m¿.Ng¿¿i x¿a d¿y: "Tâm b¿t bi¿n gi¿a dòng ¿¿i v¿n bi¿n". Vâng, ¿ó chính là tinh th¿n tùy duyên b¿t bi¿n c¿a ¿¿o Ph¿t. Và nh¿ vào tinh th¿n này, ng¿¿i con Ph¿t luôn s¿ng an l¿c gi¿a th¿nh suy c¿a dòng ¿¿i. Có nhi¿u cách ¿¿ s¿ng v¿ng chãi an l¿c gi¿a ¿¿i nh¿:Không phi¿n nãoLuôn ngh¿ v¿ ng¿¿i khác nhi¿u h¿n là chính mìnhThi ân mà không c¿n báo ¿ápTu t¿p chánh pháp là c¿ h¿i và c¿ng là trách nhi¿m t¿o ra m¿t th¿ gi¿i t¿t ¿¿p, h¿nh phúcKhông làm kh¿ mình và làm kh¿ ng¿¿iLuôn nh¿n ra l¿i l¿m và xin l¿i vì sai l¿m do mình t¿o nên.

  • von Kahawatte Siri Sumedha Thero
    36,00 €

    On a summer afternoon in 2023, on the Kandy plateau in Sri Lanka, renowned for its veneration of the sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha, on the lush green grounds of the University of Peradeniya, Kandy, the Departments of Education and Buddhist Studies held a Buddhist Seminar on July 14, 2023, with the patronage of Maha Mahinda International Dharmadutha Society, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Huong Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA.The conference was attended by many prestigious monastic doctorates, professors, lecturers, and scholars from several universities such as Prof. Ven. Medagama Nandawansa Thera (Maha Mahinda International Dharmadutha Society and Chief Incumbent of Sri Lanka Vidyalaya Maha traveled), Dr. Ven. Kahawatte Siri Sumedha (Chief Incumbent of Jambudvipa, Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple,Varanasi, India), Dr. Prabath Ekanayake (Dean of the Faculty of Arts), Prof. Walter Senevirathne (Head of the Department of Education), Prof. H.M. Mahinda Herath (Head of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies), Prof. Prasad Sethunga (Director General of the National Education Foundation), Dr. Ven. Bhik¿ü¿ Gioi Huong (Lecturer at the Vietnam Buddhist University in HCM City and Abbess, Huong Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA), Dr. Samarakoon Banda (Senior Lecturer, the Department of Education), Dr. Kasun Dharmasiri (Senior Lecturer, the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya), Bhik¿ü¿ TN Vien An (Lecturer of English, Huong Sen and Dieu Ngu School, California, USA), Ven. Madugalle Sudaththa (Lecturer, the Department of Social Sciences and Comparative Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradapura), Ven. Panadure Dumindalankara and Ms. H.M.L.M. Munasinghe (Lecturers for Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya).The theme of the Buddhist seminar was Global Spread of Buddhism with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. Many papers covered this compelling subject describing how global Buddhism and Sri Lanka are addressing contemporary challenges across various domains, including philosophy, psychology, history, and practical aspects. These papers aim to explore and gain insights into the intricate interplay between world Buddhism and society, with a particular focus on issues of concern within Sri Lanka.We would like to sincerely thank Prof. Ven. Medagama Nandawansa Thera, Dr. Ven. Kahawatte Siri Sumedha, Dr. Ven. Bhik¿ü¿ Gioi Huong, Dr. Prabath Ekanayake, Prof. Walter Senevirathne, Prof. H.M. Mahinda Herath, co-organizers of this meaningful Kandy seminar. We would also like to express our gratitude to Prof. Prasad Sethunga for effectively leading the seminar as the Master of Ceremonies.We also acknowledge the efforts of Ms. H.M.L.M. Munasinghe and others for your kind remarks in contact with other lecturers to get the papers and information for our seminar book. Thank you so much for your gracious welcome to the Huong Sen Temple's delegation of ten monastic disciples, Peradeniya University's staff, and those who kindly gave their assistance for this seminar and all those who contributed to the success of this seminar and the publication of the book.May the Buddha bless you all. Huong Sen Buddhist Temple, September 15, 2023 With metta, The Editorial Board

  • von Ha Nguyen
    30,00 €

    R¿t tình c¿, sau nhi¿u n¿m chúng tôi b¿ xa cách nhau theo v¿n n¿¿c n¿i trôi, m¿i ng¿¿i l¿u l¿c theo m¿t chân tr¿i. Tôi t¿ tr¿i Tây ghé th¿m ng¿¿i anh em c¿, ¿ó là anh Nguyên Hà nhà báo ký gi¿ ngày x¿a ¿ Sài Gòn. Anh v¿n sinh ¿¿ng và t¿n t¿y trong tr¿¿ng v¿n tr¿n bút nh¿ khi chúng tôi còn chung h¿c V¿n Khoa ngày nào. Ngay c¿ khi ¿ã ra t¿i n¿¿c ngoài, anh c¿ng tham gia và tích c¿c theo ¿üi con ¿¿¿ng ch¿ ngh¿a "¿n c¿m nhà ¿i vi¿t chuy¿n thiên h¿", không màng t¿i l¿i, danh.Sau bao chuy¿n hàn huyên k¿ ni¿m, Nguyên Hà m¿ ra cho tôi ¿¿c qua m¿t cün sách do anh v¿a vi¿t : "Gi¿i H¿¿ng - Th¿m Ng¿¿c Gió Ngàn", tôi m¿i ¿¿¿c bi¿t ¿¿n m¿t v¿ n¿ tu còn r¿t tr¿ nh¿ng tài hoa và ¿¿c h¿nh h¿n ng¿¿i cùng nh¿ng lý t¿¿ng siêu vi¿t ¿ang theo ¿üi thì v¿ n¿ tu này ¿ang ¿ ngôi v¿ hàng ¿¿u : S¿ ¿i tu t¿ khi còn r¿t nh¿. T¿ ch¿n l¿y con ¿¿¿ng xüt gia. Kham nh¿n ch¿p nh¿n t¿t c¿ nh¿ng th¿ thách cam go thi¿u th¿n t¿ v¿t ch¿t ch ¿¿n tinh th¿n ¿¿ tr¿ thành m¿t ni cô ¿¿t t¿i h¿c v¿ cao c¿p khi tüi còn nh¿, v¿n ch¿¿ng thi phú h¿n ng¿¿i. Süt ¿¿i lo chuy¿n phát huy, xây d¿ng, chia s¿ v¿i m¿i ng¿¿i theo g¿¿ng ¿¿c h¿nh t¿ bi. T¿ thành l¿p và tr¿ thành ng¿¿i n¿ tr¿ trì m¿t ngôi chùa ¿ ngay gi¿a vùng sa m¿c hoang s¿ thanh v¿ng, th¿t là can ¿¿m xi¿t bao. R¿i v¿ Ni Cô này vi¿t bao nhiêu là cün sách, làm bi¿t bao nhiêu v¿n th¿ ¿¿o ¿¿c, làm nh¿c, gi¿ng pháp, phát tri¿n v¿ các m¿t tâm linh v¿i c¿ m¿t t¿ sách kh¿ng l¿...¿¿c xong cün sách, tôi "n¿" ng¿¿i vi¿t thì ít mà bái ph¿c v¿ n¿ chân tu ¿¿c h¿nh này thì nhi¿u.Tôi chân thành c¿u chúc s¿ có nhi¿u ng¿¿i may m¿n ¿¿c ¿¿¿c cün sách này ¿¿ có c¿ h¿i h¿c h¿i thêm v¿ giáo lý nhà Ph¿t, ¿¿ng th¿i noi theo ¿¿¿c t¿m g¿¿ng d¿c h¿nh c¿a v¿ n¿ chân tu tr¿ trì này ¿¿ th¿ng ti¿n thêm ph¿n h¿nh ¿¿o. Cám ¿n b¿n tôi, ngòi bút Nguyên Hà.Ti¿n s¿ Khoa Ph¿m

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Thích N¿
    41,00 €

    T¿ lâu các kinh sách Ph¿t Giáo Vi¿t Nam b¿ ¿nh h¿¿ng b¿i ngôn ng¿ âm Hán Vi¿t c¿a Trung Qüc. T¿ nh¿ng th¿ k¿ 20 (n¿m 2000 tr¿ ¿i) các kinh sách d¿n d¿n ¿ã ¿¿¿c ch¿ tôn thi¿n ¿¿c T¿ng Ni chuy¿n qua qüc ng¿ ti¿ng Vi¿t, ¿¿ Ph¿t t¿ d¿ ¿¿c, nh¿t là nh¿ng v¿ ch¿a có ki¿n th¿c v¿ âm Hán Vi¿t.Ng¿¿i biên sön xüt gia t¿i Chùa Liên Hoa, Bình Th¿nh, v¿i Tôn S¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm, các kinh sách trong Chùa t¿ng b¿ng ti¿ng Vi¿t do Tôn s¿ chuy¿n ng¿. T¿ n¿m 2005 tr¿ ¿i, ng¿¿i biên sön ¿¿nh c¿ và höng pháp t¿i Hoa K¿. Nhi¿u Chùa ¿ Hoa K¿ v¿n còn t¿ng kinh b¿ng âm Hán Vi¿t và nhi¿u n¿i ph¿i t¿ng b¿ng ti¿ng Anh cho ng¿¿i b¿n ¿¿a và th¿ h¿ con cháu th¿ hai sanh t¿i M¿ có th¿ t¿ng hi¿u ¿¿¿c. Ph¿t t¿ Vi¿t t¿ng kinh b¿ng ti¿ng Vi¿t mà v¿n ch¿a hi¿u ¿¿¿c ý ngh¿a ¿n sâu trong l¿i kinh và càng b¿i r¿i h¿n khi t¿ng kinh b¿ng b¿ng âm Hán Vi¿t. ¿ó là lý do thúc ¿¿y, chùa H¿¿ng Sen biên sön m¿t cün "NGHI L¿ HÀNG NGÀY" b¿ng ti¿ng Vi¿t và t¿ng h¿p g¿n 50 bài kinh:Các bài kinh mà ch¿ Ni và Ph¿t t¿ th¿¿ng tu t¿p t¿ng ni¿m hàng ngày ¿¿ nhi¿p thân kh¿u ý, chánh ni¿m t¿nh giác, sám h¿i t¿i l¿i, thâm nh¿p l¿i Ph¿t, khai m¿ Ph¿t trí.Các bài kinh t¿ng ph¿ bi¿n c¿m ân ¿¿c c¿a Ch¿ Ph¿t và B¿ tát, s¿ tr¿¿ng, cha m¿, ¿¿t n¿¿c, ¿àn na tín thí ¿¿ ph¿c v¿ các ngày l¿ Vía Ph¿t giáo. Các nghi th¿c ph¿c v¿ ¿¿i ¿¿ng chúng sanh nh¿ phóng sanh, h¿ng thün (¿ám c¿¿i), c¿u an (c¿u cho b¿nh nhân), c¿u siêu (c¿u cho ng¿¿i ch¿t), cúng linh, tang l¿, an táng, h¿a táng,vv... ¿áp ¿ng nhu c¿u tâm linh tôn giáo cho qün chúng. Tài li¿u biên sön d¿a vào các nghi t¿ng c¿a Chùa D¿¿c S¿ - T¿nh ¿¿ Ni Vi¿n H¿i Tri¿u Âm (Tôn S¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm), Chùa Ph¿t T¿ (Hòa Th¿¿ng Thích Thi¿n Thanh), Làng Mai (S¿ Ông Nh¿t H¿nh) và Chùa Giác Ng¿ (Th¿¿ng T¿a Thích Nh¿t T¿), vv... Là h¿u h¿c, ki¿n th¿c và s¿ tu t¿p còn h¿n h¿p, trong lúc biên sön, s¿ có nhi¿u thi¿u xót không th¿ tránh kh¿i, kính mong Ch¿ tôn thi¿n ¿¿c T¿ng Ni và thi¿n h¿u tri th¿c th¿¿ng xót ch¿ d¿y ¿¿ l¿n sau tái b¿n ¿¿¿c hòan ch¿nh h¿n. Chúng con thành kính tri ân. N¿u có chút công ¿¿c nào, xin nguy¿n h¿i h¿¿ng c¿u siêu cho h¿¿ng linh thân ph¿ Ph¿m V¿n Danh (Pd Chánh ¿¿c Minh) và h¿¿ng linh thân m¿u Tr¿n Th¿ Sáu (Pd B¿n ¿n) cùng t¿t c¿ chúng sanh trong 10 ph¿¿ng th¿ gi¿i s¿m gi¿i thoát giác ng¿, tr¿ v¿ Ph¿t tâm v¿n có. Linh quang riêng chi¿u, v¿¿t kh¿i c¿n tr¿nTh¿ bày chân th¿¿ng, ch¿ng k¿t v¿n t¿Tâm tánh không nhi¿m, v¿n t¿ viên thànhCh¿ lìa v¿ng duyên, t¿c nh¿ nh¿ Ph¿t.(Thi¿n s¿ Bá Tr¿¿ng)Nam Mô A Di ¿à Ph¿t.N¿ng Xuân Tân S¿u, Ph¿t l¿ch 2565 - D¿¿ng l¿ch n¿m 2021, Thành tâm kính l¿y,H¿u h¿c: Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿ TN
    31,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting) - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple.Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed 3 volumes of the English version of WEEKLY BUDDHIST DISCOURSE CHANTING.The first volume includes 54 popular Buddhist discourses from the sources of "The Middle Length Discourses of The Buddha" (Majjhima Nik¿ya), "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha" (Samyukta Agama), "Increased by One Discourses" (Anguttara Nikaya), "Chanting from the Heart" (Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices) of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, "Daily Chanting-50 Discourses and Annual Festivals" of Huong Sen Temple and others.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions-any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple.We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature.If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding. H¿¿ng Sen Temple, Riverside, CaliforniaMarch 7, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhik¿u¿¿ TN
    31,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple.Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed 3 volumes of the English version of WEEKLY BUDDHIST DISCOURSE CHANTING.The first volume includes 54 popular Buddhist discourses from the sources of "The Middle Length Discourses of The Buddha" (Majjhima Nik¿ya), "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha" (Samyukta Agama), "Increased by One Discourses" (Anguttara Nikaya), "Chanting from the Heart" (Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices) of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, "Daily Chanting - 50 Discourses and Annual Festivals" of Huong Sen Temple and others.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on... because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple.We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature.H¿¿ng Sen Temple, Riverside, CaliforniaMarch 7, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Thích N¿
    47,00 €

    Trân tröng gi¿¿i thiê¿u hai tâ¿p säch Nghiên c¿¿u vê¿ Kinh Hoa Nghiêm cüa Ni S¿ Thi¿ch N¿¿ Gi¿¿i H¿¿ng:Quy¿n 1: PHÁP NG¿ KINH HOA NGHIÊM: nô¿t dung lä nh¿ng câu Phäp ng¿ cüa Kinh, v¿n tr¿¿ng hàng dài t¿ng ph¿m ¿¿¿c trích thành nhi¿u ¿ön ng¿n ¿¿ d¿ hi¿u ý kinh Hoa Nghiêm.Quy¿n 2: TINH HOA KINH HOA NGHIÊM: 1. Trình bày n¿i dung tri¿t lý ¿ m¿i ph¿m và trích ¿ön chánh v¿n.Hai tâ¿p säch näy cö m¿¿t lä thänh quä nghiên c¿¿u trong ch¿¿ng tri¿nh hö¿ng phäp cö danh x¿ng Vi Diê¿u Phäp Media cüa Hô¿i ¿ô¿ng T¿ng Giä Giäo Hô¿i Phâ¿t Giäo Liên H¿¿u My¿ Viê¿t - Vietnam America Buddhist Felllowship Sangha mä Ni S¿ lä vi¿ ¿äm träch thuyê¿t giäng trên b¿ng tâ¿n TV väNetword hàng tün süt hai n¿m qua.Ni S¿ Thi¿ch N¿¿ Gi¿¿i H¿¿ng lä ¿ê¿ t¿¿ cüa mô¿t Bâ¿c thäc ¿¿¿c danh Ni Phâ¿t Giáo Viê¿t Nam, tr¿¿¿ng läo Ni Häi Triê¿u Âm. Ni s¿ tô¿t nghiê¿p täi Höc Viê¿n Phâ¿t Giäo Viê¿t Nam, du höc täi ¿äi Höc New Delhi ¿n ¿ô¿, nhâ¿n höc vi¿ Tiê¿n Si¿ Phâ¿t Höc. Sau ¿ö, ¿¿¿¿c Tr¿¿¿ng Läo Höa Th¿¿¿ng Thi¿ch Män Giäc bäo länh ¿ê¿n Hoa ky¿ Hö¿ng Phäp. Hiê¿n khai säng vä trü tri¿ chüa H¿¿ng sen miê¿n Nam California vä giäng däy täi Höc Viê¿n Phâ¿t Giäo Viê¿t Nam täi TPHCM.Ni S¿ Thi¿ch N¿¿ Gi¿¿i H¿¿ng ¿ä nghiên c¿¿u, tr¿¿¿c täc, di¿ch thuâ¿t vä ¿ä xuâ¿t bän 53 täc phâ¿m Phâ¿t Höc. Vä trong n¿m 2022 ¿ä hoän tâ¿t ¿ê¿ in 2 tâ¿p sách vê¿ Kinh Hoa Nghiên näy.Theo ¿¿i s¿ Trí Kh¿i (538-597) và truy¿n thuy¿t ¿¿i th¿a Ph¿t giáo nói r¿ng sau khi ¿¿¿c Phâ¿t ch¿¿ng ngô¿ Vô Th¿¿¿ng Chänh ¿¿¿ng Chänh Giäc, ngài li¿n nh¿p ¿¿i ¿¿nh H¿i ¿n tam müi ¿ê¿ thuyê¿t gi¿ng Kinh Hoa Nghiêm trong 21 ngày ¿¿ hóa ¿¿ hàng th¿¿ng th¿a B¿ Tát.Ph¿m Hoa Nghiêm - ch¿ Ph¿n là Gä¿avy¿ha - t¿¿ng ¿¿¿ng v¿i b¿ 40 quy¿n c¿a Pháp s¿ Bát-nhã nên c¿ng ¿¿¿c g¿i là T¿ th¿p Hoa Nghiêm, th¿¿ng ¿¿¿c xem là toàn b¿ Hoa Nghiêm kinh (Avatäsaka). B¿i vì b¿ kinh ¿¿i th¿a mang bi¿t danh Gä¿avy¿ha ¿¿¿c xem nh¿ là 9 b¿ kinh c¿t y¿u ¿ Nepal. T¿i Trung Qüc và Tây T¿ng, ph¿m Gä¿avy¿ha ¿¿¿c g¿i là ph¿m "Nh¿p Pháp gi¿i" (¿¿¿, Dharmadh¿tuprave¿a) gô¿m 100.000 slokas (k¿).Hai bô¿ kinh Hoa Nghiêm tiê¿ng Viê¿t hiê¿n nay ¿¿¿¿c Tr¿¿¿ng Läo Höa Th¿¿¿ng Thi¿ch Tri¿ Ti¿nh vä tr¿¿¿ng läo Höa Th¿¿¿ng Thi¿ch Minh ¿i¿nh di¿ch t¿¿ bän cüa Tam täng Phäp s¿ Thâ¿t Xoa Nan ¿ä vä Phâ¿m 40 cüa Tam täng Bät Nhä th¿¿i ¿¿¿¿ng.Trân tröng, ki¿nh gi¿¿i thiê¿u ¿ê¿n ch¿ vi¿ ¿öc giä.Chùa Vi¿t Nam - Los Angeles,Ngày 20 tháng 06 n¿m 2022Hòa Th¿¿ng Thi¿ch Nh¿ Minh

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Thích N¿
    42,00 €

    Trân tröng gi¿¿i thiê¿u hai tâ¿p säch Nghiên c¿¿u vê¿ Kinh Hoa Nghiêm cüa Ni S¿ Thi¿ch N¿¿ Gi¿¿i H¿¿ng:Quy¿n 1: PHÁP NG¿ KINH HOA NGHIÊM: nô¿t dung lä nh¿ng câu Phäp ng¿ cüa Kinh, v¿n tr¿¿ng hàng dài t¿ng ph¿m ¿¿¿c trích thành nhi¿u ¿ön ng¿n ¿¿ d¿ hi¿u ý kinh Hoa Nghiêm.Quy¿n 2: TINH HOA KINH HOA NGHIÊM: 1. Trình bày n¿i dung tri¿t lý ¿ m¿i ph¿m và trích ¿ön chánh v¿n.Hai tâ¿p säch näy cö m¿¿t lä thänh quä nghiên c¿¿u trong ch¿¿ng tri¿nh hö¿ng phäp cö danh x¿ng Vi Diê¿u Phäp Media cüa Hô¿i ¿ô¿ng T¿ng Giä Giäo Hô¿i Phâ¿t Giäo Liên H¿¿u My¿ Viê¿t - Vietnam America Buddhist Felllowship Sangha mä Ni S¿ lä vi¿ ¿äm träch thuyê¿t giäng trên b¿ng tâ¿n TV väNetword hàng tün süt hai n¿m qua.Ni S¿ Thi¿ch N¿¿ Gi¿¿i H¿¿ng lä ¿ê¿ t¿¿ cüa mô¿t Bâ¿c thäc ¿¿¿c danh Ni Phâ¿t Giáo Viê¿t Nam, tr¿¿¿ng läo Ni Häi Triê¿u Âm. Ni s¿ tô¿t nghiê¿p täi Höc Viê¿n Phâ¿t Giäo Viê¿t Nam, du höc täi ¿äi Höc New Delhi ¿n ¿ô¿, nhâ¿n höc vi¿ Tiê¿n Si¿ Phâ¿t Höc. Sau ¿ö, ¿¿¿¿c Tr¿¿¿ng Läo Höa Th¿¿¿ng Thi¿ch Män Giäc bäo länh ¿ê¿n Hoa ky¿ Hö¿ng Phäp. Hiê¿n khai säng vä trü tri¿ chüa H¿¿ng sen miê¿n Nam California vä giäng däy täi Höc Viê¿n Phâ¿t Giäo Viê¿t Nam täi TPHCM.Ni S¿ Thi¿ch N¿¿ Gi¿¿i H¿¿ng ¿ä nghiên c¿¿u, tr¿¿¿c täc, di¿ch thuâ¿t vä ¿ä xuâ¿t bän 53 täc phâ¿m Phâ¿t Höc. Vä trong n¿m 2022 ¿ä hoän tâ¿t ¿ê¿ in 2 tâ¿p sách vê¿ Kinh Hoa Nghiên näy.Theo ¿¿i s¿ Trí Kh¿i (538-597) và truy¿n thuy¿t ¿¿i th¿a Ph¿t giáo nói r¿ng sau khi ¿¿¿c Phâ¿t ch¿¿ng ngô¿ Vô Th¿¿¿ng Chänh ¿¿¿ng Chänh Giäc, ngài li¿n nh¿p ¿¿i ¿¿nh H¿i ¿n tam müi ¿ê¿ thuyê¿t gi¿ng Kinh Hoa Nghiêm trong 21 ngày ¿¿ hóa ¿¿ hàng th¿¿ng th¿a B¿ Tát.Ph¿m Hoa Nghiêm - ch¿ Ph¿n là Gä¿avy¿ha - t¿¿ng ¿¿¿ng v¿i b¿ 40 quy¿n c¿a Pháp s¿ Bát-nhã nên c¿ng ¿¿¿c g¿i là T¿ th¿p Hoa Nghiêm, th¿¿ng ¿¿¿c xem là toàn b¿ Hoa Nghiêm kinh (Avatäsaka). B¿i vì b¿ kinh ¿¿i th¿a mang bi¿t danh Gä¿avy¿ha ¿¿¿c xem nh¿ là 9 b¿ kinh c¿t y¿u ¿ Nepal. T¿i Trung Qüc và Tây T¿ng, ph¿m Gä¿avy¿ha ¿¿¿c g¿i là ph¿m "Nh¿p Pháp gi¿i" (¿¿¿, Dharmadh¿tuprave¿a) gô¿m 100.000 slokas (k¿).Hai bô¿ kinh Hoa Nghiêm tiê¿ng Viê¿t hiê¿n nay ¿¿¿¿c Tr¿¿¿ng Läo Höa Th¿¿¿ng Thi¿ch Tri¿ Ti¿nh vä tr¿¿¿ng läo Höa Th¿¿¿ng Thi¿ch Minh ¿i¿nh di¿ch t¿¿ bän cüa Tam täng Phäp s¿ Thâ¿t Xoa Nan ¿ä vä Phâ¿m 40 cüa Tam täng Bät Nhä th¿¿i ¿¿¿¿ng.Trân tröng, ki¿nh gi¿¿i thiê¿u ¿ê¿n ch¿ vi¿ ¿öc giä.Chùa Vi¿t Nam - Los Angeles,Ngày 20 tháng 06 n¿m 2022Hòa Th¿¿ng Thi¿ch Nh¿ Minh

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    13,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple.Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, Riverside, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    14,00 €

    Modern life makes us feel tired, not peaceful, always troubled and unstable. Therefore, we come to meditate to find peace and focus mindfully for ourselves and surround.Meditation is the method to cencentration of the mind. Reading the Buddha's name of Pure Land Sect is also a popular way leading to the pointness.If we sincerely and earnestly recite the phrase Namo Amitabha Buddha every moment, every day and keep this practice for a long time, we will see the wonderful of Amitabha Buddha at present. We will reach the sublime state of Samadhi of Buddha invocation.The practice of Huong Sen Buddhist Temple belongs to both sects of Meditation and Pure Land. In Meditation, it has the Pure Land and in the Pure Land, it has Meditation. Nuns and Buddhist often practice the Contemplation of Immeasurable Loving, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity, the Four Establishments of Mindfulness and Reading the Buddha's Name.This small book is composed to share our understand and daily practice to Buddhists. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding. May all of us develop the sincere mind, the rebirth-aspiration and the merit-dedication in the Blissful Land here and now.Every moment, we invoke and recitethe name of Amitabha BuddhaHe embraces and protectsHis light is unobstructedOu life became tolerant, penetrate.Our mind is the immeasurable lightBuddha did not leave the world.We recite Amitabha BuddhaInviting Buddha into the heartCompasionate seeds spreads all overThe West is here and now.We prostrate to the Tathagata, the Infinite Light.We prostrate to the Suchness Savior, the Boundless Life.Namo Amitabha Buddha (3 times) (ooo)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, Riverside, CaliforniaApril 01, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    13,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    14,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    14,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    12,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    12,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    14,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    13,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    14,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    13,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    15,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    16,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    13,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    15,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple. Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:Practice MeditationThe Ceremony for PeaceThe Rice Offering to BuddhasThe Lunch Offering at the Dining HallThe Ritual Offering Food To Hungry GhostsThe Pureland Course of Amitabha SutraThe Medicine Buddha SutraThe New Year CeremonyThe Great Parinirvana CeremonyThe Buddha's Birthday CeremonyThe Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)The Marriage CeremonyThe Blessing Ceremony for The DeceasedThe Ancestral CeremonyThe Enlightened Buddha CeremonyThe Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awarenessgives rise to benefits without limit.We vow to share the fruits with all beings.We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,and numerous beings whogive guidance and support along the path.(Thích Nh¿t H¿nh)H¿¿ng Sen Temple, CaliforniaMarch 15, 2023Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    42,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple.[1] Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 15 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions.With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày," and translated it into English.We should chant at least once a day, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions-any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Late Great Master, Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, and the Monks and Nuns of Plum Village for the book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices. The book is really helpful in leading us to insight to realize the real nature of life, human beings, and the world as they are.¿ We also would like to offer special thanks to our Late Esteemed Master, the Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm, for guiding us daily in the right way of practice since the 1980s.Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng [1] Please read:

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Bhikkhun¿
    36,00 €

    Every day Nuns and Buddhists at H¿¿ng Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi L¿ Hàng Ngày - 50 Kinh T¿ng và các L¿ Vía trong N¿m" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhun¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder H¿i Tri¿u Âm at Liên Hoa Temple and D¿¿c S¿ Temple.[1] Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng composed 3 volumes of the English version of WEEKLY BUDDHIST DISCOURSE CHANTING.The first volume includes 54 popular Buddhist discourses from the sources of "The Middle Length Discourses of The Buddha" (Majjhima Nik¿ya), "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha" (Samyukta Agama), "Increased by One Discourses" (Anguttara Nikaya), "Chanting from the Heart" (Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices) of Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, "Daily Chanting - 50 Discourses and Annual Festivals" of Huong Sen Temple and others. We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions-any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Thích Nh¿t H¿nh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhun¿ H¿i Tri¿u Âm and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature. If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.Bhikkhun¿ TN Gi¿i H¿¿ng [1] Please read:

  • von Gi¿i H¿¿ng Thích N¿
    97,00 €

    Theo ¿ánh giá c¿a T¿ kheo Ni - Ni tr¿¿ng Thích N¿ Nguyên Thanh (Tr¿ trì chùa An L¿c ¿ San Jose, Hoa K¿) thì "T¿p sách NI GI¿I VI¿T NAM HO¿NG PHÁP T¿I HOA K¿... là m¿t b¿¿c ¿¿u tiên phong và là s¿ ¿óng góp tích c¿c cho m¿t b¿c tranh sinh ¿¿ng c¿a Ni Gi¿i Vi¿t Nam t¿i Hoa K¿. T¿p sách tái hi¿n ¿¿¿c l¿ch s¿ truy¿n th¿a và ti¿p n¿i m¿ng m¿ch Ph¿t Pháp c¿a hàng N¿ l¿u trong k¿ nguyên m¿i - K¿ nguyên c¿a th¿ k¿ XX - XXI hi¿n ¿¿i và d¿n thân".Hay, nh¿ T¿ Kheo Ni - Ni Tr¿¿ng Thích N¿ Giác H¿¿ng (Tr¿ trì chùa V¿n H¿nh ¿ Seattle, Hoa K¿) tâm s¿: "Là b¿c ti¿n b¿i v¿ Ni ¿i tr¿¿c, ¿¿ th¿ hi¿n s¿ ¿¿ng c¿m, và ¿¿ khích l¿ sách t¿n Ch¿ Ni tr¿ tôi ¿ã m¿o müi nh¿n l¿i, NI GI¿I VI¿T NAM HO¿NG PHÁP T¿I HOA K¿ - T¿p sách nh¿ m¿t s¿i dây g¿n k¿t ch¿ Ni s¿ng ¿ Hoa K¿, chung s¿c trong các Ph¿t s¿, cùng nhau hoàn thành b¿n ph¿n c¿a nh¿ng ng¿¿i con gái ¿¿c Ph¿t dành tr¿n m¿t ¿¿i tu hành trong l¿i s¿ng thanh b¿n gi¿n d¿, nh¿ng không ng¿ng trau d¿i t¿ duy, th¿ng hoa lên ¿¿nh cao c¿a trí tü, m¿i mang ¿¿¿c chân lý trong nh¿ng l¿i d¿y vàng ng¿c c¿a ¿¿c Ph¿t h¿¿ng con ng¿¿i ¿¿n CHÂN - THI¿N - M¿. Nh¿ng tôi c¿ng bi¿t ¿¿ hoàn thành nhi¿m v¿ c¿a m¿t s¿ gi¿ Nh¿ Lai, "nh¿ng ng¿¿i con gái c¿a ¿¿c Ph¿t v¿¿ng ph¿i không ít th¿ thách và khó kh¿n"".Th¿t ¿úng v¿y, ¿¿c k¿ 70 bài vi¿t (cùng 460 ¿nh t¿ li¿u kèm theo) c¿a trên 60 v¿ thüc Ni Gi¿i Vi¿t Nam ¿ang h¿ng ngày, h¿ng gi¿ bi¿t t¿ v¿¿t qua nh¿ng khó kh¿n khác bi¿t, tr¿ ng¿i v¿ ngôn ng¿, t¿p quán, l¿i s¿ng và v¿n hóa c¿a c¿ dân nh¿p c¿ v¿i c¿ dân b¿n ¿¿a ¿¿ không ng¿ng xi¿n d¿¿ng Chánh pháp - Höng D¿¿ng Ph¿t Pháp ¿úng nh¿ tâm ni¿m c¿a sön gi¿ Ti¿n s¿ - Ni s¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng trong "L¿i ¿¿u" c¿a T¿p sách này: "Dòng ch¿y c¿a Ch¿ Ni t¿ th¿i Ph¿t ¿¿n th¿i c¿n và hi¿n ¿¿i ¿ã hi¿n h¿u Höng Pháp và ti¿p n¿i l¿p tr¿¿c l¿p sau và ¿i mãi. ¿i mãi không ng¿ng ngh¿. Tuy¿n t¿p NI GI¿I VI¿T NAM HO¿NG PHÁP T¿I HOA K¿ nh¿ nh¿ng nét ch¿m phá ghi l¿i nhân duyên ¿¿ sanh, b¿ x¿ và Höng Pháp c¿a c¿ng ¿¿ng Ch¿ Ni Vi¿t Nam t¿i nhi¿u ti¿u bang c¿a Hoa K¿ trong th¿ k¿ XX và XXI (tính t¿ n¿m 1975 ¿¿n nay) nh¿ m¿t ni¿m tin m¿t s¿ t¿ hào chính ¿áng, m¿t s¿ hãnh di¿n chính ¿áng c¿n ¿¿¿c xem là m¿t c¿m nang chia s¿ kinh nghi¿m cho l¿p Ni chúng h¿u h¿c tri¿n v¿ng sau này".Nhà Xüt b¿n chúng tôi th¿u hi¿u và ¿¿ng c¿m v¿i nh¿ng gì mà hai v¿ T¿ kheo Ni - Ni tr¿¿ng Thích N¿ Nguyên Thanh và T¿ kheo Ni - Ni tr¿¿ng Thích N¿ Giác H¿¿ng, cùng ti¿n s¿ - Ni s¿ Thích N¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng - Nhà sön gi¿ ¿ã t¿a b¿ch trên ¿ây v¿ nh¿ng gì mà Ni Gi¿i Vi¿t Nam ¿ Hoa K¿ ¿ã ¿¿t ¿¿¿c, ¿ã làm ¿¿¿c và c¿n làm ti¿p, c¿n ¿¿t ti¿p, trên con ¿¿¿ng xi¿n d¿¿ng Chánh pháp Höng pháp nói riêng. Và duy trì b¿o t¿n phát tri¿n b¿n s¿c v¿n hóa Ph¿t giáo Vi¿t Nam ¿ Hoa K¿ c¿ng nh¿ ¿ h¿i ngöi nói chung.NXB H¿NG ¿¿C

  • von Gioi Huong Bhikkhun¿
    36,00 €

    This revised and enlarged edition of Rebirth Views in the ¿¿rangama S¿tra was first published ten years ago (2008). The second, third, and fourth editions were reprinted in 2012, 2014, and 2016 at Ph¿¿ng ¿ông Publishing. This current edition (2018) will be printed at H¿ng ¿¿c Publishing, HCM City, Vi¿t Nam. In presenting this edition, I have maintained the contents written in the first edition, however, for the sake of greater clarity, a few changes have been made, errors have been corrected, the P¿li and Sanskrit terms are included, and a summary, as well as discussion questions, have been added at the end of each chapter.I would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks Bhikkhun¿ Viên Ng¿, Bhikkhun¿ Di¿u Giác, Bhikkhun¿ Viên Quang, and Pamela C. Kirby (English editor) who worked as my assistants for English translating, proofreading, book design, and publication of this book.Dr. Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng

  • von Gioi Huong Bhikkhuni
    89,00 €

    In 2018, our teacher, Master Venerable Gi¿i H¿¿ng, completed forty years of ordination, study and service in Buddhism. The period of forty years is not a long time for a person who putswholeheartedness, perseverance and determination in practice as reflected in the Buddha's teaching, "Light a torch in the darkness" and "Trust in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. " Yes, those forty years were short but held a very passionate penetrating of the Dharma Love, the Life Love, and the Humanity Love. From that feeling, we along with many Buddhist friendsat H¿¿ng Sen Temple in Bình Chánh District, Sàigòn, and H¿¿ng Sen Temple in Perris, California, earnestly suggested that Master Gi¿i H¿¿ng accept and allow us to put together a book of collected writtings with the title, Forty Years in the Dharma: A Life of Study and Service - Venerable Bhikkhuni Gi¿i H¿¿ng. We had to waita while, because of the Master's humility, inherent modesty and "without desire" lifestyle. Then, fortunately, Master Gi¿i H¿¿ng finally agreed to allow us to carry out this volume. To us, this collection plays the role of an offering. Itsymbolizes our presence, our gift, our reward. Yes, all that good and beneficial is for Master Gi¿i H¿¿ng, forus and for all Buddhists of H¿¿ng Sen Temple. We could not hide our surprise ofwholehearted joy and blessing because in just three months- from October to the end of December 2019, after the Venerable Bhikkhuni Gi¿i H¿¿ng's invitation to the most venerablemonks, nuns and close Buddhist followers, we received your 130 articles, poems, andcalligraphies which encourage us practice, share living experiences and send the best regards. We always remember your preciousgifts and teachings as we prepare our spiritual luggage on the way to practice. This anthologycelebrates a journey of forty years practiceof Master Gi¿i H¿¿ng, marking what has passed, looking back and then continuing on. The collection is the life experiences and lessons for future generations of nunsto follow. For anonymous enlightened practitioners, this book may not be necessary, but for novices and Buddhist beginners, this volume plays a very necessary role as a guided road towards the ultimate goal. Openning each page of the book, we see beautiful memories of a young nun who committed to Buddhist servicein a country abroad. It iswell- illustrated with photos. These articles are written with sincere words, vividly describing a nun who has been ordained since a child, who preserved moral precepts, overcame difficulties in cultivation to gain religious and life knowledge, engaged in study abroad tocollect East- West quintessence, nurtured great aspirations, built temples, wrote books, composed poems and preached in the new land. We sincerely pay homage toyour noble contributions. We cherish each article, every image of the monks, nuns, brothers and friends whohave been given to Master Gi¿iH¿¿ng. You all have set an example of a Buddhist nun disciples in the modern timeand maintaineda beautiful image to encourage our nuns to diligently practice. These are beautiful flowers left for the human world. The title of the book is Forty Years in the Dharma: A Life of Study and Service - Venerable Bhikkhuni Gi¿i H¿¿ng"(40 N¿m Tu H¿c Và Höng Pháp c¿a Ni S¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng). It is bilingual, written in Vietnamese and English. Each language has 400 pages, so we would like to print two separate books in Vietnamese and Englishfor our readers' convenience. In the English section, there are many passages, especially music and poems which are briefly translated, essentially keeping the main points. Please authors kindly accept it.

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