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Bücher veröffentlicht von PSYCHOLOGY PRESS

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  • von William R Uttal
    83,00 €

    Originally published in 1978, this book develops a conceptual synthesis of the field of physiological psychology, the science specifically concerned with the relationship between the brain and the mind. It was designed to elucidate the important questions under investigation, the basic intellectual and technical problems that were encountered, and the significance of the major empirical results of the time. Of equal or even greater importance is the author's derivation of the general principles relating brain and mind that had emerged after decades of modern research into this important question. Included in the volume are historical and philosophical perspectives on the mind-brain problem as well as extensive discussions of instruments, methodology, empirical findings and theory. Here is a powerful heuristic tool that informs the reader about the concepts and ideas implicit in this science rather than simply exhaustively listing experimental results. The author does not ignore findings; he organizes them into three broad categories - localization; representation, and learning - then emphasizes the relationships among experiments. This is a book that synthesizes, integrates, and stresses concepts, principles and problems. The careful organization of the book makes it especially useful for students of brain and mind at all levels.

  • - From Social Interaction to Self-Regulation
    von Rafael M Diaz
    83,00 €

    Since the publication of Vygotsky's Thought and Language in the United States, a number of North American and European investigators have conducted systematic observations of children's spontaneous private speech, giving substantial support to Vygotsky's major hypotheses -- particularly those regarding the social origins of higher psychological functions. However, there still remain many vital questions about the origins, significance, and functions of private speech: How can social and private speech be validly differentiated? What kinds of social interactions promote the use of private speech? What are the sources of individual differences in the use of private speech? This unique volume addresses these and many other important questions. Characterized by a strong emphasis on original data, it reports on systematic observations of spontaneous private speech in children and adults in both laboratory and naturalistic settings. In addition to its systematic analysis of common methodological problems in the field, the book contains the most comprehensive bibliography of the private speech literature currently available.

  • - Psycholinguistics): An Introduction
    von Sam Glucksberg
    79,00 €

    How is speech produced and understood in the context of everyday communication? First published in 1975, this book is considered one the best of the early books in this field. The task of psycholinguistics is to discover how people produce and comprehend speech. This encompasses virtually all aspects of psychology, including perceptual, conceptual, and social processes. The authors tried to capture the flavour of this approach to the psychology of language by describing the major contemporary issues, problems, and phenomena, of the time, being dealt with in laboratories and in field studies, and by trying to make sense of the data they had. Experimental Psycholinguistics: An Introduction does not try to deal exhaustively with any one issue in linguistics or in psychology. Rather it tries to integrate the authors' knowledge of language and language behaviour so that someone entering the field has an intelligible framework with which to start.

  • 10% sparen
    - An Introduction to Sentence and Discourse Processes
    von Murray Singer
    56,00 €

    Originally published in 1990, this comprehensive volume addresses the central issues of sentence and discourse processes, with particular emphasis placed on reading and listening comprehension. The text material is accessible to both upper-level undergraduate and graduate students and informative for professionals and educators. In this regard, this uncommon volume identifies the logic of both the specific experimental manipulations that are described, and the more general on-line and memory measures frequently invoked. The principles presented in the text are supported by hundreds of numbered and unnumbered examples, and by precise tables and figures.

  • - Strategies and Solutions
    von Nick Bouras
    79,00 €

    This book considers how mental health services have evolved over the past three decades to meet the needs of people with intellectual disability, focusing on the ways that theories and policies have been applied to clinical practice.Nick Bouras and Geraldine Holt both have extensive experience in developing and running mental health services and bring together international contributors all with longstanding expertise in the fields of mental health and intellectual disability. They present the current evidence-based practice on how people with intellectual disability can be best cared for in clinical settings. The book embraces a foreword by Professor David Goldberg and is divided into three sections: development of specialist mental health services, clinical practice, and training as an integrated component of service delivery.Chapters cover topics including: the association between psychopathology and intellectual disability international perspectives neuroimaging and genetic syndromes training professionals, families and support workers. Mental Health Services for Adults with Intellectual Disability provides an overview of the many improvements that have been made in services for people with intellectual disability, as well as examining the shortcomings of the services provided. It offers strategies and solutions for the wide array of interdisciplinary professionals who want to develop the range of resources on offer for people with intellectual disability.

  • von Morton Ann Gernsbacher
    85,00 €

    This book presents a new theoretical framework -- what Gernsbacher calls the Structure Building Framework -- for understanding language comprehension in particular, and cognitive processing in general. According to this framework, the goal in comprehending both linguistic and nonlinguistic materials is to build a coherent mental representation or "structure" of the information being comprehended. As such, the underlying processes and mechanisms of structure building are viewed as general, cognitive processes and mechanisms. The strength of the volume lies in its empirical detail: a thorough literature review and solid original data.

  • - Psycholinguistics)
    von Steven Schwartz
    79,00 €

    Originally published in 1978, the contributors to this volume, including the leading figures in experimental psychopathology, were largely concerned with deducing the behaviour of schizophrenics from general psychological theories of language, learning and cognition. Their emphasis on deduction reflected a modern reliance on laboratory experimentation, and, taken as a whole, the chapters cover the breadth and variety of current approaches of the time to the study of schizophrenic language and cognition. The first part of the volume is concerned with recent developments in the study of schizophrenic language. The second part deals with various aspects of schizophrenic cognition. The final chapter, by the editor, attempts to review and integrate what was currently known about schizophrenic cognition and language. This chapter contrasts the various experimental methodologies used to validate theories by pointing out areas of agreement and disagreement as well as possible directions for future theory and research. Here is a book that at the time presented the most up-to-date overview available on language and thought in schizophrenia. Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

  • - Assessment and Remediation
    von Nick Miller
    79,00 €

    Society is becoming increasingly multi-lingual and this presents monolingual professionals, particularly those in special education and speech pathology, with severe problems. Is the language delay in a child from a bilingual environment a result of this background or is there a specific speech problem? Is a child's poor performance in school due to his problems of coping with two languages, or does he need remedial teaching?Originally published in 1984, this book is not concerned with second language learning, but with speech and learning difficulties in bilingual children as they are presented to remedial teachers, psychologists and speech therapists. To this end the first group of specially written articles deals with the patterns of language usage in bilingual communities and the social and psychological factors which shape these patterns; with processes in normal bilingual language acquisition; and with the relationship between cognitive development and growing up with two languages. Management issues and methods involved in helping children with language problems are also tackled: they include taking case histories, family liaison, counselling, bilingual programmes, mother tongue teaching, curriculum development and the training of personnel to work in the bilingual-bicultural field. This book provided a great deal of practical help, in a field that was relatively new at the time of writing, and helped to enlighten readers on the issues involved and assist in crystalising thought and directing future research.

  • - Toward a Social-Psychological Answer
    von C Daniel Batson
    82,00 €

    Are our efforts to help others ever driven solely by altruistic motivation, or is our ultimate goal always some form of self- benefit (egoistic motivation)? This volume reports the development of an empirically-testable theory of altruistic motivation and a series of experiments designed to test that theory. It sets the issue of egoism versus altruism in its larger historical and philosophical context, and brings diverse experiments into a single, integrated argument. Readers will find that this book provides a solid base of information from which questions surrounding the existence of altruistic motivation can be further investigated.

  • von John R Anderson
    85,00 €

    This important volume examines the phenomena of cognition from an adaptive perspective. Rather than adhering to the typical practice in cognitive psychology of trying to predict behavior from a model of cognitive mechanisms, this book develops a number of models that successfully predict behavior from the structure of the environment to which cognition is adapted. The methodology -- called rational analysis -- involves specifying the information-processing goals of the system, the structure of the environment, and the computational constraints on the system, allowing predictions about behavior to be made by determining what behavior would be optimal under these assumptions. The Adaptive Character of Thought applies this methodology in great detail to four cognitive phenomena: memory, categorization, causal inference, and problem solving.

  • von William R Uttal
    82,00 €

    Originally published in 1973, this book deals with what were, even at that time, the well-known neural coding processes of the sensory transmission processes. The book was written to demonstrate the common features of the various senses. It concentrates on the most peripheral neural aspects of the senses starting with the physical transduction process and culminating in the arrival of signals at the brain.

  • - Memory)
    von David Kay
    78,00 €

    Originally published in 1902, this title was discovered as a manuscript after the author's death and was published 4 years later. David Kay published articles on various subjects and was one of the sub-editors on the eighth edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica. After writing an article on mnemonics he became very interested in the subject of memory. He had already published a title in 1888, Memory: What It Is, and How to Improve It, and this volume was intended to build on that discussion. A great opportunity to read one of the early discussions on human memory.

  • von Gideon Keren
    83,00 €

    Language comprises a major mark of humans compared with other primates and is the main vehicle for social interaction. A major characteristic of any natural language is that the same communication, idea, or intention can be articulated in different ways--in other words, the same message can be "framed" differently. The same medical treatment can be portrayed in terms chance of chance of success or chance of failure; energy reduction can be expressed in terms of savings per day or savings per year; and a task can be described as 80% completed or 20% uncompleted. In this book, contributors from a variety of disciplines--psychology, linguistics, marketing, political science, and medical decision making--come together to better understand the mechanisms underlying framing effects and assess their impact on the communication process.

  • - A Computer Model
    von Janet Kolodner
    79,00 €

    'Someday we expect that computers will be able to keep us informed about the news. People have imagined being able to ask their home computers questions such as "What's going on in the world?"...'. Originally published in 1984, this book is a fascinating look at the world of memory and computers before the internet became the mainstream phenomenon it is today. It looks at the early development of a computer system that could keep us informed in a way that we now take for granted. Presenting a theory of remembering, based on human information processing, it begins to address many of the hard problems implicated in the quest to make computers remember. The book had two purposes in presenting this theory of remembering. First, to be used in implementing intelligent computer systems, including fact retrieval systems and intelligent systems in general. Any intelligent program needs to use and store and use a great deal of knowledge. The strategies and structures in the book were designed to be used for that purpose. Second, the theory attempts to explain how people's memories work and makes predictions about the organization of human memory.

  • - Discoveries and inventions in Visualization
    von Ronald A Finke
    82,00 €

    Bringing together the results of experiments on discovery and invention in visualization conducted by the author over a three year period, this book reports new findings on the generation of creative inventions and concepts using mental imagery, and proposes a reconceptualization of the creative process. Creative Imagery introduces the concept of "preinventive forms" and describes an approach to creative invention differing from those typically used in problem-solving studies. There are two unique features of this book. First, it combines the experimental methods of cognitive science with the opportunity to explore and discover creative inventions in imagination. Second, it provides readers with numerous opportunities to use the creative imagery techniques to develop their own inventions and conceptual discoveries. This text is of particular interest to scientists working in the fields of experimental psychology, cognitive psychology, and cognitive science. The techniques for generating creative inventions will also be of interest to people working in engineering, architectural design, and the visual arts.

  • - Memory)
    von Charles Hulme
    39,00 €

    "Working memory" is a term used to refer to the systems responsible for the temporary storage of information during the performance of cognitive tasks. The efficiency of working memory skills in children may place limitations on the learning and performance of educationally important skills such as reading, language comprehension and arithmetic. Originally published in 1992, this monograph considers the development of working memory skills in children with severe learning difficulties. These children have marked difficulties with a wide range of cognitive tasks. The studies reported show that they also experience profound difficulties in verbal working memory tasks. These memory problems are associated with a failure to rehearse information within an articulatory loop. Training the children to rehearse material is shown to help alleviate these problems.The implications of these studies for understanding normal memory development, and for models of the structure of working memory and its development are discussed. It is argued that the working memory deficits seen in people with severe learning difficulties may contribute to their difficulties on other cognitive tasks.

  • - A Special Issue of Visual Cognition
    von Herman Muller
    65,00 €

    This special issue of Visual Cognition collects some 30 articles on Visual Search and Attention by leading experts from a variety of disciplines, including experimental psychology, neuropsychology, neurophysiology and computational modelling. The articles are updated versions of papers presented at the 2003 Munich Visual Search Symposium. The symposium's goal, carried forward in this collection, was to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue, in order to identify important shared issues and consider ways of how these can be resolved using convergent methodologies. Reflecting the symposium discussions, the Special Issue is divided into four thematic sections: preattentive processing and role of memory in visual search, brain mechanisms and computational modelling of visual search.

  • von Peter Howell
    116,00 €

    This book is a comprehensive guide to the evidence, theories, and practical issues associated with recovery from stuttering in early childhood and into adolescence. It examines evidence that stuttering is associated with a range of biological factors -- such as genetics -- and psychological factors -- such as anxiety -- and it critically assesses theoretical accounts that attempt to integrate these findings. Written so that it can be used flexibly to meet the demands of courses about stuttering, the book may be used as a text at the undergraduate or graduate level in psychology or speech-language science.

  • - Ape, Primitive, and Child
    von L S Vygotsky
    85,00 €

    The surge of contemporary interest in Vygotsky's contribution to child psychology has focused largely on his developmental method and his claim that higher psychological functions in the individual emerge out of social processes, that is, his notion of the "zone of proximal development." Insufficient attention has been given to his claim that human social and psychological processes are shaped by cultural tools or mediational means. This book is one of the most important documents for understanding this claim. Making a timely appearance, this volume speaks directly to the present crisis in education and the nature/nurture debate in psychology. It provides a greater understanding of an interdisciplinarian approach to the education of normal and exceptional children, the role of literacy in psychological development, the historical and cultural evolution of behavior, and other important issues in cognitive psychology, neurobiology, and cultural and social anthropology.

  • - Neurological, Cognitive and Evolutionary Perspectives
    von Dahlia W Zaidel
    88,00 €

    The significance of art in human existence has long been a source of puzzlement, fascination, and mystery. In Neuropsychology of Art, Dahlia W. Zaidel explores the brain regions and neuronal systems that support artistic creativity, talent, and appreciation.Both the visual and musical arts are discussed against a neurological background. Evidence from the latest relevant brain research is presented and critically examined in an attempt to clarify the brain-art relationship, language processing and visuo-spatial perception. The consequences of perceptual problems in famous artists, along with data from autistic savants and established artists with brain damage as a result of unilateral stroke, dementia, or other neurological conditions, are brought into consideration and the effects of damage to specific regions of the brain explored. A major compilation of rare cases of artists with brain damage is provided and the cognitive abilities required for the neuropsychology of art reviewed.This book draws on interdisciplinary principles from the biology of art, brain evolution, anthropology, and the cinema through to the question of beauty, language, perception, and hemispheric specialization. It will be of interest to advanced students in neuro-psychology, neuroscience and neurology, to clinicians and all researchers and scholars interested in the workings of the human brain.

  • - Theory, Research, and Application
    von Robert S Wyer
    80,00 €

    This volume contains contributions from 24 internationally known scholars covering a broad spectrum of interests in cross-cultural theory and research. This breadth is reflected in the diversity of the topics covered in the volume's chapters, as well as in a closing dialog between 14 of the field's top experts.

  • - Psycholinguistics)
    von Peter Herriot
    54,00 €

    Originally published in 1970, this was Peter Herriot's first book. In this objective, critical evaluation of a rapidly expanding field, Professor Herriot examines language as skilled behaviour, generative linguistics and psychology, behaviourist approaches to meaning, language acquisition and impairment, and language and thought. He stresses throughout the necessity for empirical research and for experimental verification of hypotheses; he also feels that language behaviour should be analysed in a comprehensive form, placing emphasis not only on structural aspects but also on the importance of meaning and context to any account of language. Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

  • - Conversation in the Preschool Classroom
    von R Keith Sawyer
    84,00 €

    Everyday conversations including gossip, boasting, flirting, teasing, and informative discussions are highly creative, improvised interactions. Children's play is also an important, often improvisational activity. One of the most improvisational games among 3- to 5-year-old children is social pretend play--also called fantasy play, sociodramatic play, or role play. Children's imaginations have free reign during pretend play. Conversations in these play episodes are far more improvisational than the average adult conversation. Because pretend play occurs in a dramatized, fantasy world, it is less constrained by social and physical reality. This book adds to our understanding of preschoolers' pretend play by examining it in the context of a theory of improvisational performance genres. This theory, derived from in-depth analyses of the implicit and explicit rules of theatrical improvisation, proves to generalize to pretend play as well. The two genres share several characteristics: * There is no script; they are created in the moment. * There are loose outlines of structure which guide the performance. * They are collective; no one person decides what will happen. Because group improvisational genres are collective and unscripted, improvisational creativity is a collective social process. The pretend play literature states that this improvisational behavior is most prevalent during the same years that many other social and cognitive skills are developing. Children between the ages of 3 and 5 begin to develop representations of their own and others' mental states as well as learn to represent and construct narratives. Freudian psychologists and other personality theorists have identified these years as critical in the development of the personality. The author believes that if we can demonstrate that children's improvisational abilities develop during these years--and that their fantasy improvisations become more complex and creative--it might suggest that these social skills are linked to the child's developing ability to improvise with other creative performers.

  • - Memory): Topics in Cognitive Psychology
    von Judith Greene
    54,00 €

    In the ten years prior to its original publication in 1987, cognitive psychology uncovered the increasingly important role of knowledge stored in memory and the integrated nature of cognitive processes. In Memory, Thinking and Language the author takes these three traditional topics and places them within the new cognitive approach. Judith Greene's 1975 book Thinking and Language, proved to be a highly successful student resource. This book provides an equally clear introduction to complex ideas. It also emphasises the practical applications of cognitive psychology for teaching and learning as well as for everyday life.

  • von Peter Ornstein
    79,00 €

    Originally published in 1978, the contributors to this volume offer here chapters and position papers concerned with children's memory. The chapters represent in-depth reports on children's sensory memory, rehearsal processes, and organizational processes, as well as treatments of constructive aspects of children's memory, the representational-development hypothesis, and memory in pre-schoolers. The position papers address critical issues confronting researchers in memory development, including the developmental implications of multistore and levels-of-processing models of memory, as well as distinctions between semantic and episodic memory, recall and recognition, and deliberate and nondeliberate aspects of children's memory. An historical overview provides an introduction to the volume, leading the reader to the very latest in new directions of research in this area at the time. This volume will be of interest to all concerned with the development of memory in children.

  • - Memory)
    von John F Kihlstrom
    80,00 €

    Originally published in 1979, the chapters in this volume summarize the available knowledge pertaining to a variety of functional - as opposed to explicitly organic - amnesias and disruptions of memory. Each chapter is written by an expert, and each author has attempted to integrate his area of inquiry into the contemporary body of theory and research on memory and cognition. Functional memory disorders may prove to be a significant testing ground for current theorizing, and the study of these phenomena may provide insights into memory and cognition that might be obscured in the usual sorts of laboratory investigations. The intent of the volume is to contribute to the development of a more comprehensive account of the processes involved in remembering and forgetting. The reader will find bold new treatments of repression and childhood amnesia, systematic explorations of certain experimental amnesias, and challenging analyses of the anomalies of everyday memory, in this ground-breaking work of the time.

  • von Mark Schaller
    85,00 €

    An enormous amount of scientific research compels two fundamental conclusions about the human mind: The mind is the product of evolution; and the mind is shaped by culture. These two perspectives on the human mind are not incompatible, but, until recently, their compatibility has resisted rigorous scholarly inquiry. Evolutionary psychology documents many ways in which genetic adaptations govern the operations of the human mind. But evolutionary inquiries only occasionally grapple seriously with questions about human culture and cross-cultural differences. By contrast, cultural psychology documents many ways in which thought and behavior are shaped by different cultural experiences. But cultural inquires rarely consider evolutionary processes. Even after decades of intensive research, these two perspectives on human psychology have remained largely divorced from each other. But that is now changing - and that is what this book is about. Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind is the first scholarly book to integrate evolutionary and cultural perspectives on human psychology. The contributors include world-renowned evolutionary, cultural, social, and cognitive psychologists. These chapters reveal many novel insights linking human evolution to both human cognition and human culture - including the evolutionary origins of cross-cultural differences. The result is a stimulating introduction to an emerging integrative perspective on human nature.

  • - A Comparative Approach
    von Michael G Green
    230,00 €

    The authors have grouped the theories into three classical "families" which differ in their views relative to the prime motives underlying human nature. They show how theories are specific examples of more general points of view called paradigms. The theories chosen to represent the three paradigms (the Endogenous Paradigm, Exogenous Paradigm, and the Constructivist Paradigm) were selected because they met four criteria: importance, as judged by academic and research psychologists fertility, as judged by the amount of research the theory has generated scope, as judged by the variety of phenomena the various theories explain family resemblance, as judged by how well each theory represents its paradigm The authors present the "paradigm case" in the lead chapter for each paradigm. This paradigm case is the "best example" for the paradigm. The authors explain why paradigm cases are important, and give them more detailed treatment than other theories in the same paradigm.

  • - Perspectives in Communication Disorders
    von Jackie Guendouzi
    89,00 €

    This handbook includes an overview of those areas of cognition and language processing that are relevant to the field of communication disorders, and provides examples of theoretical approaches to problems and issues in communication disorders. The first section includes a collection of chapters that outline some of the basic considerations and areas of cognition and language that underlie communication processing; a second section explains and exemplifies some of the influential theories of psycholinguistic/cognitive processing; and the third section illustrates theoretical applications to clinical populations. There is coverage of theories that have been either seminal or controversial in the research of communication disorders. Given the increasing multi-cultural workload of many practitioners working with clinical populations, chapters relating to bilingual populations are also included. The volume book provides a single interdisciplinary source where researchers and students can access information on psycholinguistic and cognitive processing theories relevant to clinical populations. A range of theories, models, and perspectives are provided. The range of topics and issues illustrate the relevance of a dynamic interaction between theoretical and applied work, and retains the complexity of psycholinguistic and cognitive theory for readers (both researchers and graduate students) whose primary interest is the field of communication disorders.

  • - A Special Issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
    von Reinhold Kliegl
    52,00 €

    The empirical and theoretical analysis of executive control processes, dormant for many years, has grown to become one of the most fertile areas of research in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Because executive functions are thought to have a pervasive role in maintaining optimal information processing across many processing situations, issues related to executive control cut across many traditional research divides. Unique among many other areas of research in cognition, questions about the influence of ageing have figured prominently in executive control research. There is accumulating evidence of age-related changes in frontal/executive functions. The union of research on executive functioning with research on the cognitive effects of ageing could provide the theoretical framework for understanding the widespread influence of ageing on cognition.This special issue brings together well-known researchers in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience who approach the question of executive control using a wide range of methods from traditional behavioural studies, quantitative and computational modelling, and functional neuroimaging. The emphasis of these contributions is on a concise overview and integration of relevant theoretical ideas and empirical findings. By bringing together a diverse group of contributors, this special issue can serve researchers and students both as a summary of current research and as a starting point toward further explorations on the relations between executive control and the cognitive influences of ageing.

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