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  • von Brian Tabb
    39,00 €

    Themelios is an international, evangelical, peer-reviewed theological journal that expounds and defends the historic Christian faith. Themelios is published three times a year online at The Gospel Coalition ( and in print by Wipf and Stock. Its primary audience is theological students and pastors, though scholars read it as well. Themelios began in 1975 and was operated by RTSF/UCCF in the UK, and it became a digital journal operated by The Gospel Coalition in 2008. The editorial team draws participants from across the globe as editors, essayists, and reviewers.General Editor: Brian Tabb, Bethlehem College and SeminaryContributing Editor: D. A. Carson, Trinity Evangelical Divinity SchoolConsulting Editor: Michael J. Ovey, Oak Hill Theological CollegeAdministrator: Andrew David Naselli, Bethlehem College and SeminaryBook Review Editors: Jerry Hwang, Singapore Bible College; Alan Thompson, Sydney Missionary & Bible College; Nathan A. Finn, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Hans Madueme, Covenant College; Dane Ortlund, Crossway; Jason Sexton, Golden Gate Baptist SeminaryEditorial Board: Gerald Bray, Beeson Divinity SchoolLee Gatiss, Wales Evangelical School of TheologyPaul Helseth, University of Northwestern, St. PaulPaul House, Beeson Divinity SchoolKen Magnuson, The Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryJonathan Pennington, The Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryJames Robson, Wycliffe HallMark D. Thompson, Moore Theological CollegePaul Williamson, Moore Theological CollegeStephen Witmer, Pepperell Christian FellowshipRobert Yarbrough, Covenant Seminary

  • von Leo Tolstoy
    32,00 €

    The four classic tales in this volume illuminate Leo Tolstoy's radical orientation toward war and commerce, revealing his vision for a sustainable, peaceable world. The feature story, Ivan the Fool, presents an archetypal fool who works hard, cooperates with everyone, and manages to foil every attempt to cause his downfall. In the end, peasant life comes out on top, while the pillars of imperial Russian society topple down. Esarhaddon, King of Assyria explores a king's empathy-based revelation to end all violence; and A Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg playfully looks at the relationship between health, soil, labor, and food economies. Three Questions sums up Tolstoy's highest ideal of serving others in the present moment. Some may critique these stories as being too simplistic or too moralistic. But these tales have stood the test of time precisely because they entertain well while evoking universal truths that lift us above humanity's self-serving impulses.

  • von David Noel Freedman & Frank Moore Cross
    18,00 - 35,00 €

  • von John C Nugent
    27,00 €

    The Restoration Movement is one of the largest Christian traditions indigenous to the United States--boasting nearly four million adherents. Over the last century, however, it has suffered internal division, isolationism, declining institutions, and widespread ignorance of its own roots. The dynamism and solidarity that once typified our churches appears to be fading, which has many asking if the Restoration Movement has lost all momentum.Yet Jesus prayed for Christian unity and tied such unity to the world's belief (John 17). Only a united church will convince unbelievers that God sent Jesus as his ultimate expression of love for them. This prayer propelled the early Movement into action and may do so again today.This highly accessible book invites restorationists to rise above the partisanship of our day, rally around our core commitments, and lead out in our strengths. It informs readers about the modest origins, unique resources, and current challenges facing our churches. It fosters stimulating conversations about mission, race, creeds, Scripture, education, unity, humility, and relevance. If it's time for you, your congregation, or your students to encounter or recover their restoration roots, then this book is for you!

  • von Johannes Buteo
    35,00 €

    Mission statement - Series Editor: Todd Charles Wood Core Academy of Science encourages young Christian scholars to explore the hardest problems in creation. Engineers sometimes classify problems as easy, hard, and impossible. Easy problems are trivial because they can be solved merely by applying known principles. Impossible problems cannot be solved no matter how hard we try. Hard problems are the problems in between that require the most work but yield the greatest rewards. Sometimes hard problems are accumulations of many easy problems, and sometimes they turn out to be impossible. When a hard problem is solved, though, it is widely celebrated. For Christians and especially young-age creationists, understanding creation has many hard problems. Evidences of the great age of the universe and earth can be difficult to explain. Likewise with evidences of evolution. Creationists reject the conventional explanations that involve millions of years and humans evolving from animals, but alternative explanations that satisfy our scientific curiosity and our desire to remain true to the revealed Word of God are much rarer and not widely accepted. It is much easier to focus on the detection of error rather than the more difficult discovery of truth. This focus on error rather than truth pervades evangelical Christianity, because it's relatively easy. We all like the easy and impossible. We teach our children to recite verses from the Bible and answers to our catechisms, but when they ask difficult questions, we say, Only God knows. We might even scold them for being impertinent or irreverent. Core Academy equips the next generation to tackle these great mysteries by first and most importantly helping young scholars to develop a bold, confident faith. All too often, scholars who face challenging puzzles become disillusioned and stray from the faith. Our first goal, then, must be enriching and nurturing strong faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Creator.

  • von D. S. Martin
    36,00 €

    "Each of these poems makes you want to descend to its heart and discover the precious metal there. D. S. Martin knows how to evoke the mystery that lies beneath the relationships we have with ourselves, each other, and God. This is skillful and probing poetry." - Luci Shaw; author of What the Light Was Like Praise for So the Moon Would Not Be Swallowed (Award of Merit-2008-The Word Guild) "This little chapbook took me by surprise, with poem after poem shocking with rattling expectations for the reader in a way at least somewhat mimetic of the harrowing circumstances described. The final three lines of 'Good Housekeeping' will serve as an example of poems that are disturbing, strong, taut. By keeping the collection to one cycle of poems, the poet has left us wanting more--much more. The historic realities that are underlying add a dimension of gravitas, as does the fact that these stories continue through the decades since. This is strong writing with a distinctive voice." -Maxine Hancock, author and professor at Regent College, Vancouver "My only regret about this collection was that it wasn't longer." -Violet Nesdoly, Utmost Christian Writers "This is what poetry can do: take volumes of letters and locate the kernels, distil years of details with subtlety and a tolerance for ambiguity, stay faithful to the historical record and retell a compelling story." -Hannah Main-van der Kamp, in Faith Today; author of According to Loon Bay

  • von William M. Linden
    45,00 €

    The last few decades have seen a resurgence of the scholarly quest for the historical Jesus--for the words and deeds that probably can be attributed to the human Jesus who walked the hills of Galilee some two thousand years ago. You might not be aware of the recent scholarship, and the reason is simple. For the most part, many scholars write for and talk to other scholars, using their own technical language. This leaves huge numbers of Christians unaware of their discoveries. So even though you may have studied the Bible for years, you still may be a historical Jesus beginner. After the life of Jesus, his followers began to develop their memory of his sayings and actions. Then, year after year, and century after century, the tradition grew until it became Christianity as it is known in the twenty-first century. What if we could go back in time and delve under all the layers to find what Christianity would be if it were based upon the historical Jesus? If you are a person who would like to begin to be informed, this book is for you.

  • von D. Neal MacPherson
    42,00 €

    Facing the uncertainty of their present life and ministry, the American and Canadian churches of mainline Protestantism are, for the most part, responding in one of two ways. Some are simply choosing to ignore the process of their disestablishment. They continue to carry on with their church life as though nothing were happening, as though they were still occupying a place at the center of society. Others, knowing that they are being moved to the periphery of social and political life, are seeking to regain their past power and influence by adopting one or another program of church growth, many of which are being promoted by the newly emerging megachurches of the Christian right.Based upon the history and experience of a particular congregation, Church of the Crossroads in Honolulu, Hawaii, this book suggests a third option for the churches of mainline Protestantism: to embrace their ongoing disestablishment and to see it not as a burden or as something to be either ignored or reversed, but as an opportunity to envision a new way of being in the world.

  • von Russell Heddendorf
    46,00 €

    Abraham and Sarah were presented with a paradox when God told them they would have a son in their old age. Paradox in the Old Testament plays an important part in the dialogue between God and the Jews. In the New Testament, paradox is prominent in Jesus' teaching and helps to explain the Christian understanding of salvation. Today paradox arises when religious meaning of traditional culture conflicts with secular meaning of modern culture. Heddendorf argues that a subversive quality in humor gradually replaces traditional values with new cultural meanings. The resulting humor becomes a substitute for faith. As this secular humor becomes functional for society, it finds its way into many areas of the culture. This process of secularization in humor moves from faith to fun and, finally, to fun as faith. The result of this secularization could be called a ""fun culture."" Redemption of this culture, Heddendorf asserts, should be a continuing concern of the church.

  • von Laurie Ann Kraus
    43,00 €

    Even in a society as highly mobile as our own has become, change is unsettling, discomfiting. Like our ancestors in faith, we are more often than not on the journey, in the wilderness, seeking to know who we are as a people, and trying to comprehend the God who, we hope, is going up with us--wherever it is we end up going. The paths are not as familiar as they once were, and recognizable signposts are rare. It's easy to feel lost. The congregation I have now served in Miami, Florida, for nearly twenty years has, while remaining constant in size, changed faces, accents, and styles at a dizzying pace. People don't stay put anymore, and the folk who find their way to church these days are hungry for a home, longing for community, and hoping the God of their long-vanished, Sunday-school childhoods can find the way to their latest change of address. For this pastor and her congregation, the rooting of our common life and shared faith story in the fertile soil and the organic rhythms of the liturgical year has provided a permanent address that feels like home. Tuning My Heart is a collection of articles, sermons, and poetry based upon the movements of the liturgical calendar and shaped by one tropical congregation's life cycle as it seeks to bloom in the old, rich soil of the Christian tradition, and to flower in the exotically scented air of the vibrant, diverse city that is home.

  • von Jackie Roese
    27,00 €

    Conservative evangelical women are least likely to be trained in the areas of teaching and preaching. It's a tragic state of affairs, given the central value that our tradition places on the Scriptures. In this book, Jackie Roese examines the forces, both past and present, that have discouraged women from becoming trained. We'll discover that women are indeed called, gifted, and mandated in Scripture to herald the Word of God. The first half of the book will focus on encouraging women to become as fully equipped as our male counterparts, and to use their uniquely female voice in proclaiming truth to other women in various settings outside pulpit preaching. But encouragement isn't enough. Many women who already teach Bible studies, or who desire to teach, are in no position to pursue formal studies in a seminary. To that end, the second half of She Can Teach is dedicated to developing homiletic skills. Together we will learn how to study a passage, find the main idea, and build and deliver a biblical message. By the end of this book, the reader will be better equipped to proclaim truth, through her uniquely female voice, to her female audience.

  • von William R. McAlpine
    27,00 €

    How does one determine the readiness of any candidate for leadership in ministry? Whether considering vocational ministry leadership or a position on a local board of elders or deacons, without question, knowledge and skills are essential. But an individual's readiness for leadership and ministry cannot be assessed solely on the basis of academic transcripts or impressive statistics found in a pastor or lay leader's annual report. While embracing knowledge and skill as essential to effective leadership and ministry, the author demonstrates how these dimensions are inadequate unless rooted in that which is less quantifiable, namely, heart-readiness. But what does heart-readiness entail or look like in the life of a leader in ministry? In a word that is grossly overused and profoundly misunderstood, love--and more specifically, love for the right things, in the right way, for the right reasons. This book is intended for those being trained in the bible college or seminary classroom but also for lay leaders already engaged in virtually any ministry context as well. Readers are encouraged to consider and cultivate four essential loves: love for God's Word, for Christ's church, for one's neighbor, and for oneself.

  • von Jean Lasserre
    36,00 €

  • von Robert S. Hartman
    27,00 €

    Freedom to Live: The Robert Hartman Story1. What am I here for in the world?2. Why do I work for this organization?3. What can this organization do to help me fulfill my meaning in the world?4. How can I help this organization help me fulfill my meaning in the world?In the course of answering these questions we are taken on a personal exploration of the systemic, extrinsic, and intrinsic dimensions of value as they apply to our individual lives. The purpose of this exercise is to help each of us in our search for meaning and in our endeavor to prioritize our values as we make decisions. Dr. Hartman also explores our spiritual nature by applying his thinking to the intrinsic realm in religion. Robert Hartman's vision was to give us the means to recognize and fulfill ""the good"" within each of us, thereby enriching our lives. By applying these principles on a broader scale, we may also enrich our world and make it a place of more ""goodness"" and peace. When the light of formal axiology is cast upon our world, the elements involved in making particular decisions are revealed with a kind of value clarity previously unknown.This Second Edition of Freedom to Live: The Robert Hartman Story includes many minor editorial improvements, a new and much expanded table of Contents, a much more detailed Index, and new photographs. Many thanks to Stacey McNutt for the new photos she contributed to this SecondEdition--Numbers 1, 5, 6, and 11. Many thanks also to Rodopi, Amsterdam - New York, its original publisher, for returning the rights to this book to the Robert S. Hartman Institute.

  • von D. A. Carson
    36,00 - 46,00 €

  • von Michael D. Whalen
    30,00 €

  • von Maryanne Stevens
    27,00 €

    This book includes essays from a diverse group of female Biblical scholars who each bring a unique perspective to the idea of Jesus as a feminist.

  • von John F. Haught
    27,00 €

    The ecological crisis faced by our planet may have the effect of transforming religious ideas. Religions were born and took their distinctive shapes by the need of people to find harmony in their internal and external worlds. In our day that harmony is being challenged by a breakdown in the relationship between human beings and their global environment. Do the religious views held by most believers today provide an adequate basis for interacting with nature? Theologian John Haught believes they do not. Nor, he says, do stereotyped religious attitudes about the natural world enable believers to dialogue with physical scientists, many of whom are nonbelievers. To make the dialogue work we need a common language about nature and how it works. Haught maintains that process language will not only assist the ecological dialogue but help to transform religion itself. Nature is "holy" not because it originated at the hand of a creator or because it transparently reveals God now. It is holy primarily because of its direction: it is promise. This "future dimension" of nature lets us deal intelligently with the present crisis without forsaking the mysterious power that nature has for us.

  • von Martin Hengel
    34,00 €

    Here Professor Hengel argues with a wealth of documentation that the traditional views of the origin and tradition of the Gospel of Mark have far more to be said for them than has been usually allowed by modern New Testament scholars. He argues that the tradition contained in the Gospel is that handed down by Peter through Mark, and that the Gospel was written in Rome in AD 69. The famous note by Papias quoted in Eusebius' 'Church History' is not to be dismissed, but has every appearance of being reliable. Further evidence in support of this view can be found in a detailed consideration of the titles of the Gospels, which must have been attached to the Gospels at a very early stage, if only to identify them. An appendix, by the distinguished classical philologist Wolfgang Schadewaldt, on 'The Reliability of the Synoptic Tradition, ' is used to add further weight to the case. With his customary learning, Professor Hengel has produced a powerful argument which those who have held more radical views than his own will have to consider very carefully indeed if they are to continue to carry conviction

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