Über Human Resource Management in Singapore - The Complete Guide, Volume A: Employment Management
Human Resource Management in Singapore - The Complete Guide covers a wide spectrum of human resource management topics in five volumes: Employment Management, Work and Remuneration, Employee Benefits, Performance and Development, and Employee Conduct and Relations. In every chapter, the WHY, WHAT and HOW are presented lucidly. The books are a must-have GPS for any human resource practitioner in Singapore. Students, academics and bosses into human resource management as well as overseas human resource practitioners will also find the books helpful and instructive.
Volume A on Employment Management explains the differences between contract of service and contract for service and the various types of employment and engagement of services, including permanent employment, term contract, re-employment, part-time employment and casual work. Key employment terms including probation, notice period and non-compete agreements are discussed. A clear execution guide is given on recruitment and selection, as well as managing the different forms of employment exit, including resignation, contract expiry, contractual termination, dismissal due to misconduct, vacation of office, frustration of contract, retirement, retrenchment and medical boarding out. Staff transfer and secondment, as well as legal transfer of employment are also covered. Readers will find the 11 chapters easily comprehensible and packed with invaluable insights to guide them to make good decisions on manpower resourcing and managing employment.
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