The objective of this research work was to determine the influence of the flipped classroom methodology on the learning of trigonometric ratios of coterminal and quadrantal angles in the area of mathematics in pre-university students at the Los Andes Private Educational Institution, Huancayo, Peru. The approach developed was quantitative with a quasi-experimental design. There were two observation groups, one control and one experimental. Both groups were made up of students in the fifth year of secondary school, the last year of regular basic education in Peru. A non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out where a section of the fifth year constituted the control group and another section made up the experimental group. A pretest was administered to both groups to measure knowledge learning and procedural learning before the experimentation. The control group developed the topic of coterminal and quadrantal angles through the traditional method: the master lesson, while the experimental group developed the same content using the flipped classroom.
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