Über JRI Toolkit
Journalism is a passion. But it's also a skill and an attitude. This book is intended as a kind of toolkit, a practical guide to the practice of audiovisual journalism. The notion of the JRI (Journaliste Reporter d'Images, or "one-man-band" journalist) brought about a major upheaval in journalism, particularly in the 2000s. In recent years, however, this notion has increasingly adopted new criteria and underpinned new skills, including mastery of computer software and continually evolving smartphone applications. This toolkit proposes only the basic rules to be applied by future JRIs, rules and practices drawn from field experience, and includes practical models of the day-to-day tasks entrusted to a TV News journalist. This training toolkit is designed to be didactic, and focuses on the presentation of specific cases and concrete exercises in journalistic practice, whenever necessary.
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