Über One Hundred Years of Gauge Theory
Silvia Bianchi and Claus Kiefer Introduction.- Jeremy Butterfield and Sebastian de Haro On Gauge, Symmetry and Duality.- Gabriel Catren On Gauge Symmetries, Indiscernibilities, and Groupoid-Theoretical Identities .- Laura Covi Gauge fields in cosmology.- Silvia De Bianchi Weyl''s Raum-Zeit-Materie and the Philosophy of Science.- Dennis Dieks Hermann Weyl, Philosophy and Gauge.- Friedrich Hehl The conserved energy-momentum current of matter as the basis for the gauge theory of gravitation.- Claus Kiefer Space, Time, Matter in Quantum Gravity.- Thomas Ryckman Hermann Weyl: symbolic construction from the purely infinitesimal & gauge invariance.- Carlo Rovelli Gauge is not mathematical redundancy.- Erhard Scholz Gauging the spacetime metric -- looking back and forth a century later.- Thomas Sch├╝cker The gauge theoretical underpinnings of general relativity.- Christian Steinwachs Higgs field in cosmology.- Norbert Straumann Hermann Weyl''s Space-Time Geometry and the Origin of Gauge Theory 100 Years ago.- Gerard ''t Hooft Past and Future of Gauge Theory.- Francesca Vidotto Loop Quantum Gravity: a general-covariant lattice gauge theory.- Christof Wetterich Scale symmetry in Quantum Gravity and cosmology.
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