Über Physical Activity Levels and Body Composition in University Students
Physical Activity (PA) involves all the body movements that a person can perform throughout the day. The concept of PA encompasses Physical Exercise (PE) and to some extent sport (since they are still body movements, only in different dimensions). The general objective of the research was to describe the Body Composition and Physical Activity Levels of Bachelor's Degree in Nursing students, using a methodology in Health Sciences, through the context of Epidemiological Studies, being a cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study. A total of 102 nursing students from different semesters were studied. The Levels of Physical Activity (NAF) were measured with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and body composition through electrical bioimpedance with the TANITA BC-585F FitScan. In addition to considering weight, height, and hip and waist circumferences.
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