Über Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess / Prens Sümbül ve Sevgili Küçük Prenses
"I loved your father as if he had been my brother"
"Baban¿ karde¿immi¿ gibi sevdim"
"your father had a very handsome nose!"
"Baban¿n çok yak¿¿¿kl¿ bir burnu vard¿!"
the prince was baffled at what the fairy said
Prens, perinin söyledikleri kar¿¿s¿nda ¿äk¿na dönmü¿tü
"what does my nose lack?"
"Burnumda ne eksik?"
"Oh! it doesn't lack anything" replied the Fairy
"Ah! hiçbir eksi¿i yok." diye yan¿tlad¿ Peri
"On the contrary!"
"Tam tersine!"
"there is too much of your nose!"
"Burnundan çok fazla var!"
"But never mind about noses"
"Ama burunlar¿ böver"
"one can be a very worthy man despite your nose being too long"
"Burnunun çok uzun olmas¿na rämen çok de¿erli bir adam olabilir."
"I was telling you that I was your father's friend"
"Sana baban¿n arkadä¿ oldüumu söylüyordum"
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