¿These revelations about the fast-approaching end-of-time for this 2nd Earth Age, inclusive of the enciphered, thus highly misunderstood Manifestation of the "Sign of Jonah" that you are about to read, are a blessing reserved for "My elect only"..."I AM" that "I AM", the One and Only true God of Israel, who is the creator of all things, and the author, director and producer of all things - inclusive of My created time-line...However, My original created time-line will be cut-short; but no one will know how short until I, the "LORD Your God" enable you to know how short...Matthew 24:36...no one knows the day or the hour of My Son's return to the Mount of Olives after time is cut-short, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but "My Father only"... (Navigate to proofunveiled.com to see the countdown clock to the end-of-time -- pay attention here Israel)...Nevertheless "I AM" sovereign regarding My time-line...Amos 3:7...The Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing His secret council to His servants the prophets (and the end-of-time is a pretty big something)...All things in My Word are true for their "appointed season"...This being the "First Season", the present "Second Season" and the coming "Third season"...There is an appointed time for everything, and an "appointed season" for every activity under heaven...including My timing for all things over the course this second "Earth Age", as affirmed in My everlasting "Exordium", which you will come to appreciate as you read, inclusive of the unveiling of My own signature in My own BOOK, the Bible; therein showing PROOF as to Who wrote it...The totality of all predestined second "Earth Age" creation, and all that pertains to it was planned, accomplished and finished even before the foundation of the world; unchangeable, and playing out over My immutable created time-line"...'I AM' the first, and 'I Am' the last; the first cause and last council for the perfecting and timing of all things in nature, providence and grace, and this would even include you...And if you have read this far, understand this was meant to be for your enlightenment of the coming desolation of this 2nd "Earth Age" as proclaimed by My Son in ...Luke 11:29...This generation is a wicked generation; it seeks for a sign, yet no sign will be given if not the "Sign of Jonah"...Most of you will "not" understand what you just read, however a "few" of you will understand; herein this book is written to you...Don't be foolish as to the revelation of the end-of-time as predetermined from the mind of your unfathomable God...Don't put Me in a box...This "Sign of Jonah" is PROOF of Who "I AM" and Who wrote My BOOK...
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