Über Radiology for Stomatologic Care Technicians
The scope of radiology as an auxiliary means of diagnosis is of significant benefit to all clinical branches of stomatology: dental surgery and endodontics, surgery, dentistry, prosthodontics and pediatric dentistry, when the interrogation, observation, palpation does not clearly show the condition of a tooth or jaw area, a radiograph is necessary to establish the jaw bone condition. Radiographic examination is essential for root examination or to evaluate the periodontal condition, as well as to detect the possibility or not of the existence of root debris, focal infections, retained teeth, cysts, bone sequestration, bone spicules, situation of the maxillary sinus, fractures, incipient caries; acute and chronic, periapical processes, salivary gland affections in endodontic treatments to verify dentinal follicles, etc.In stomatology clinics, the Radiology service is attended by the Stomatological Care technician who also contributes as a member of the health team in the treatment of various dental pathologies.
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