Über Smile Esthetics in Orthodontics
Aesthetic smiles grant access to the entire universe. A smile improves one's physical appearance.Smiles have the power to forge relationships and careers. The goal of orthodontic treatment is to produce an attractive, harmonious smile.Soft tissues and teeth must collaborate to achieve an attractive smile. Stable and effective occlusion is the primary objective of orthodontic treatment; however, when planning orthodontic treatment, orthodontists must also consider patients' aesthetic concerns and strive to achieve smiles that are more aesthetically pleasing.The challenge of standardising a suitable model and the variability in pertinent variables contribute to the complexity of smile analysis. To design an aesthetically pleasing smile, orthodontists must identify smile design elements such as harmonious facial soft tissues, gingival lip configuration, the interdental relationship between the teeth and lips while at rest and smiling, and so forth. therapeutic crown broadening, intrusion, or orthognathic surgery may improve labio-dental relations. These elements are emphasised in this literature review.
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