Über Social Work in Adult Services in the European Union. Selected Issues and Experiences
In a wide-ranging series of papers, researchers from Poland, Slovakia and
the Czech Republic and from the UK, Denmark and Germany offer perspectives
on social work interventions in adult services in the European Union.
Topics include: adult care policies in Europe and the UK, including
personalisation, end-of-life care, care homes for older people, drug abuse,
Roma people, care leavers and foster care recruitment and management, people
with disabilities, homelessness and unemployment, multi-problem families and
universities of the Third Age.
The papers draw on research and practice in a wide range of social work
agencies in many different European countries.
The papers are from a conference organised by Opole University, Poland of
participants in an EU Leonardo da Vinci programme.
The volume is edited by: Professor Józefa Br¿giel and Dr Iwona D¿browska-Jab¿öska (Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, Opole University, Poland) and Professor Malcolm Payne (St Christopher's Hospice, and Kingston University, UK, and Opole University, Poland).
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