Über Steam Heat! A Kid's Guide, Port Reykjavik, Iceland
As you gaze out at the sites of this most interesting place, you learn the statistics of Iceland from your friendly guide. It seems, you are told, there are only 342,000 inhabitants of this Island called Iceland that has run the course all the way from iceberg to tropical, to what we see today; and the amazing thing is they use their natural resources and work in harmony with nature, as they actually run their country on hydro-power and steam heat! This means that electricity is relatively cheap. Even the streets are rid of snow due to pipes of hot water running beneath them! The idea the island sits atop 31 volcanoes makes the tour even more fascinating
Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, is artfully complemented by the photography of John D. Weigand that is certain to amaze and delight! You can travel vicariously with our author and photographer as they explore the layout from the Port of Reykjavik, Iceland. Then when you are all finished reading and exploring vicariously, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube Channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!
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