Über The administration of justice in Kasai Occidental DRC
Among the major difficulties facing democracy in the DRC is the administration of justice. This pillar of democracy poses a problem in many remote areas of the DRC due to its inadequacy or outright absence. The state operators of the security services take care of it and turn it into a kind of machine to dominate and exploit the population whose standard of living is decried because of poverty. Those who have been trained to render justice are few in number and are very often found in cities instead of villages where the need is great. In their absence, the agents of the ANR, the DGM, the public administration and the police manage to render injustice instead of justice. They also present themselves as supporters of the strong to the detriment of the weak, while international legal instruments and other internal laws recognize the equality of all human beings before the law. Our book denounces some practices not authorized by the law that are applied in the different structures of the state apparatus and proposes a number of recommendations.
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