Über The emancipation of the rule of law in DR Congo
This work helps us understand who a young person is, their evolution and their contribution in time and space from time immemorial to the present day.The definition of youth is not unanimous, it is multidimensional in the sense that it takes into account several factors for its understanding, it is perceived from both a biological and psychological point of view, which is why it constitutes a larger category of population.The DR Congo experienced its independence from June 30, 1960, becoming an independent, sovereign state which on the one hand will open up to others either through cooperation or through integration into regional and international organizations, and on On the other hand, its youth, who were once closed to their own traditional culture, will emancipate themselves (right to self-determination).This youth, concerned about the bright future of their country, continues to give everything, hopes to live in an environment where human dignity, peace, social justice, respect for human rights, in short a rule of law, will reign. and she thinks she gets them.
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