Über The Post-Polio Experience
Today many polio survivors are finding themselves with new symptoms reminiscent of the earlier days when they first had polio-new symptoms that trigger frightening memories, along with anxieties that had long been repressed.
Dr. Backman, a Clinical Psychologist, examines polio survivors' psychological reactions to their earlier experiences and to their current struggles with the late effects of polio.
The Post-Polio Experience includes guidelines for polio survivors on:
Coping with the emotional and interpersonal aspects of Post-Polio Syndrome
Managing stress and depression
Negotiating relationships with family and friends
Developing a positive self-concept
Improving doctor-patient communication
Family and friends learn how to deal with the changing roles that they and the survivor now face, and gain insight into their own needs, as they interact and sometimes conflict with the polio survivor's needs.
Mental health providers and physicians gain a better understanding of their patients' psychological reactions to Post-Polio Syndrome-paving the way for more effective treatment.
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