Über The Psychoanalysis of R'lyeh
The Psychoanalysis of R'lyeh by August Moldenahuer is the second book in the series of 'the Kathu Journals out of Lovecraft's Providence' published by pontos fathom press. A psychoanalytical analysis begins with the texts referred to by the manuscript author as 'the Providence Cypher' and 'the Necronomicon Fragment', which claim to be written examples of the R'lyehian language in both the Cthulhean and Shub-Nigguritian dialects. Analysis of the fragments of the R'lyeh language provided, as well as the various astrological charts presented in the notebooks. The approach to analysis is multidisciplinary and the methods are surely polarizing, as the language of Cthulhu is opened to Freudian and Lacanian interpretations. Dead dreaming of Cthulhu, submerged beneath the ocean in sunken R'lyeh, is viewed through an occult lens., The result is a frightening revelation when viewed not as the language of psychosis, but as the real, the eldritch madness at the core of the xenodemonic cosmic horror that it represents.
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