Über The Qur'an Discussions
With Dialogue Comes UNDERSTANDING
These days, Islam is no stranger to controversy. It seems everyone has an opinion about Islam or Muslims. Have you ever wondered what a regular, practicing Muslim would say? Have you ever wondered how Muslims living in the West explain their holy book to their friends and neighbors? Then this book is for you. Read actual transcripts of questions and answers between a non-Muslim student of the Qur'an and his Muslim teacher, with over nine months of theological, historical, and interpretive discussion.
Why These Books are SPECIAL
What Would a Muslim Say is a series of books documenting my experiences as an interfaith volunteer. Since 2009, I have facilitated dialogue with many different people, answering questions about Islam and addressing misconceptions. This is the second book in the series, featuring extensive conversations about the meaning of the Qur'an. In this book, you will learn about:
God's Grace and Free Will
Islamic Financing and Celibacy
Plural Wives, Orphans, and Slavery
Faith, Reason, and the Nature of Adam
Inheritance and Adultery
Scripture and Divine Decree
On Hypocrites
Plural Wives Revisited and Islamic Criminal Law
Interfaith Friendships and the Status of Jews in Islam
On Sacrifices and Sleeping Souls
Prophet Ibrahim and the Future of Islam
The Jinn, the Devil, and Paradise
Faith, Reason, and the Nature of Adam
The People of A'raf and the Previous Arabs
The Sabbath and Islamic Asceticism
The Verse of the Sword
The Holy Months and Charity
Pharaoh, Jonah, Jacob, and Joseph
The Canonical Texts of Islam
Why These Books Matter NOW
These are timely books. There are many questions, fears, and misconceptions about Islam and Muslims. These books can answer questions, build bridges, and promote understanding. If you would like to learn about the Qur'an or Islamic teachings, but you prefer an informal conversational approach rather than a didactic academic approach, then this book is for you.
You can find more samples of the author's work --plus free presentations, lecture notes, and resource guides-- at www.WhatWouldAMuslimSay.net
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