Über The Railway Children
An all-time children's classic, The Railway Children, follows the adventures of three siblings after they move from London to the British countryside and discover the wonders of a railway behind their new home.
After their father is accused of being a spy and mysteriously disappears, Roberta (Bobbie), Peter and Phyllis move to Three Chimney's Cottage out in the country. While their mother spends most of her time writing to earn their living, the children occupy themselves with the railway and their new friends: the station porter Mr Perks and the Old Gentleman, who rides the train every morning.
After a handful of adventures and challenges, including some close scrapes and a feast of colourful characters, the children get closer to solving the mystery of their missing father and reuniting their family. But will they be able to prove their father's innocence?
Adored by previous generations, E. Nesbit's delightful children's novel has stood the test of time. Originally published over 100 years ago, The Railway Children continues to be a charming story of sibling rivalry, courage and kindness. It is the perfect choice for young readers looking to build a library of their own or those looking to revisit the magic of their childhood favourites.
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