Über The Urge
Ten-year-old Woody, and his twelve-year-old sister, Vette, are growing up in the Midwest nurtured by their caring parents, Opal and Max. They return to their trailer from school one day to the horror of a man wearing a white mask who takes them prisoner. He rapes Woody, and leaves Vette shattered. Terrified, they keep the secret from their parents.
Not far away, seven-year-old Alice and her eight-year-old friend, Betty, are spending the day bicycling small-town backroads when they encounter a sadistic killer. Alice is captured; Betty runs free. Brad Denver, the killer, is captured before Alice's naked and broken body is found. He was coming back for the one that got away--Betty.
The two families move on with their lives through adolescence and marriage. But the crimes don't go away and the wounds never heal. The pedophile lives on in plain sight, but invisible to Woody and Vette. Someone has to make restitution for the pain they've suffered, and a Good Samaritan arrives to deliver justice.
Revenge is made and justice is delivered. Take a trip through the minds of the killers and victims. All those twisted from childhood will twist together in the end.
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