Über The Way of Knowledge in the Reign of Antichrist
This book includes five chapters on the Holy Guardian Angel and five chapters on various aspects of yoga, including Raja Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. Here we pass beyond the syncretism of occultism to the synthesis of the metaphysical gnosis, which is necessarily the view from the 'centre'. All true initiatic paths lead to the same goal and only differ from the point of view of the outsider. The outward differences of paths owe merely to cultural or other modifications, as necessary, and none of that is of any consequence to initiation at all. We must deal with the conditions of the world that we now find ourselves in. This book is not a comment on social conditions or the more or less extraordinary phenomena that is all part of the 'signs of the times', however. Our purpose is to set forth in the clearest possible terms the ways now open to us given the circumstances of our times.
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