Über Theodor von Lerch's memories of his stay in Japan
The k.u.k. Like Mozart, officer Theodor Edler von Lerch is one of the most famous Austrians in Japan. This is no coincidence, as he introduced alpine skiing to Japan during his study trip in 1911, giving him a kind of cult status. Lerch wrote a diary about his stay in Japan, which is a unique contemporary document and gives a great picture of Japan from 1910 to 1912, especially for students of Japanese studies but also for those interested in Japan. In addition to recounting his memories, the book also presents Theodor von Lerch's achievements during his military service and the time after he left military service following the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the First World War. Monarchy in the First World War. It thus provides an insight into the high abilities of the general staff officer corps of the time. The publication of the memoirs is intended to reveal the achievements of this highly decorated officer to a wide audience - not least through the translation into several languages.
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