Über They Just Don't Get It!
They Just Don't Get It! explores an all - too - common dilemma: when people around us just don't ''''''''get'''''''' our ideas. Through a charming illustrated fable, it tells the story of Julie Buffet, a hard - charging advertising executive with what she thinks is a fantastic idea for a new campaign. But nobody gets it - not the client, not her boss, and not her coworkers. And Julie can't understand why. We have all found ourselves in this situation at one time or another, and we typically see this problem as a failing on the part of the other party. They Just Don't Get It! shows that when they don't get it, the problem is really with ourselves. And it shows how we can finally really get it. If you've ever wondered why your ideas haven't been received or acted on in the way you expected, this book will reveal your own personal responsibility in helping others understand your intentions. Examining the root source of the problem, it details five keys to ''''''''getting it'''''''' - Take Responsibility; Practice Humility; Begin with Questions; Remain Open; and Believe They Can. These five simple steps will enable you to overcome the problem, and prevent it from happening in the future. They Just Don't Get It! will teach you how to communicate your ideas better, and how to motivate others to pull together and achieve your highest goals in any situation.
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