Über Together towards infinity
In the pages of Together towards infinity the joys, happiness, fear and all the love that has been offered during the first year, exalted on the anniversary, are captured.
In reading the book you will find, on the one hand, all the expressions of love between a man and a woman (Morr and Miyaled) that occur on good days, to feed and nurture that love every day; a recipe for pure and true love, how to keep it always alive; a song that reflects the feeling of two cattle that love and complement each other. Also, with the celebration of the first anniversary, the happiness of being united for more than 365 days of love is glimpsed.
In the section "Love Notes" they describe, on a daily basis, how to fall in love and maintain love every day of the year. While in the section "My best love story", the sensations and feelings that give rise to an intense love given and received during the first year of love are related.
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