Über Toronto Blessing Charismatic Deception Volume 3
In Volume 3 we enter into 'heavier' arguments against the Toronto Blessing (TB). There is also a genuine testimony of a couple who were forced out of their church by the TB and the hatred it brought with it. The second chapter compares the 1994 TB with what Evan Roberts said in 1904, showing a stunning similarity. A warning is given to TB leaders from Jeremiah if they don't repent, and two chapters deal with the lamentable lack of discernment in the EA leaders, who personally harassed the author in 1994. Short chapters deal with Wimber, Hinn, the Kansas City Prophets, William Branham, Latter Rain and Pensacola. We show how the TB is exactly the same as hypnotism, and why we opposed the TB then and now, in the form of charismaticism. Be warned against false prophets! Though the TB is dead and buried, it continues its work in charismatic churches today.
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