Über Uniaxial Pressure Study of Charge Density Waves in a High-T¿ Cuprate Superconductor
This book presents comprehensive studies of charge density waves (CDW) in a high-Tc cuprate superconductor using x-ray scattering techniques under uniaxial pressure. Specifically, the work addresses inelastic x-ray scattering studies under uniaxial pressure performed on the underdoped cuprate YBa2Cu3O6.67(p=0.12, Tc=65K) with incoming photon energy in the resonant (E=931.3 eV, Cu-L3 edge) and non-resonant conditions (E=17.794 keV). This is a completely new approach to the investigation of charge density waves. It revealed new features of charge density waves in cuprates, whose properties had previously been inaccessible..
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