Über Virtual Space and its Effect on Learning
In the world of communication, social networks can be considered as a useful platform for generating and sharing ideas and an important factor in personal and social growth. Social networks help to form social capital by providing the possibility of communication between individual capitals. The Internet has created a new type of social communication that can create a new world parallel to the real world. These media have a wide and diverse audience that can provide them with a new concept of time and space in the real sense. With the help of these networks, time and space distances are practically removed and the transfer of information, data and capital is done at an incredible speed and on a wide scale. With the help of these virtual networks, while a new concept is formed in front of real social networks, it is possible to communicate simultaneously between people in different parts of the world in a new way. The main basis for the formation of such sites is the useful possibility of forming online communities without any restrictions.
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