Über A World Perspective on Constitutional rights of Teachers
l will provide a brief description for the constitutional rights of teacher in specific countries such as China, The Philippines, India, US as well as in Africa. So, to many of us the concept of Education is one of the fundamental social, economic and cultural rights. Its importance has been especially noted in the changing world of the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries. Education itself is a human right, with its own content and protected by the states. It is also an inseparable mean of achieving other human rights, as only educated people may acquire legal and economical instruments for the struggle with poverty, social and economic discrimination, and other vital violations of human rights. Education is one of the most important and powerful tools for the spreading democratic values, the promotion of human rights, and the attainment of self-esteem and self-realization. The EFA (World Conference on Education for All) Global Monitoring Report, 2002, entitled ¿Education for All: Is the World on Track?¿ states that ¿Where the right to education is guaranteed, people¿s access to and enjoyment of other rights is enhanced¿.
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