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Bücher von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley

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  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    Le conseguenze della combustione dei combustibili fossili sono già evidenti in quasi tutto il mondo. Oltre agli effetti visibili sui mezzi di sussistenza delle persone, si prevede che il riscaldamento globale avrà un forte impatto negativo sulla salute umana. Tuttavia, le ricerche indicano che i Paesi che hanno contribuito meno al riscaldamento globale sono i più vulnerabili alla morte e alle malattie causate dall'aumento delle temperature e dalle multinazionali. Un esempio è la campagna contro la Shell che ha portato all'arresto, alla detenzione, alla tortura, allo stupro e al massacro di migliaia di Ogoni, tra cui spicca Ken Saro-Wiwa.Utilizzando la Shell Oil Corporation come modello aziendale per la gestione dell'innovazione, la sostenibilità e la globalizzazione, I. Kingsley esamina il concetto di multinazionale con particolare attenzione agli impatti ambientali, sociali e di governance (ESG) dell'estrazione di petrolio e gas nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, in particolare in Nigeria. Le teorie applicate nello studio includono la strategia generica di Michael E. Porter, il modello Diamond e l'orologio strategico di Bowman. Questo libro sulle "Soluzioni per il cambiamento climatico" fornisce una visione dei benefici di una buona governance aziendale, nonché alcuni interventi chiave che possono salvare il mondo...

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    19,00 €

    Posledstwiq szhiganiq iskopaemogo topliwa uzhe ochewidny pochti wo wseh chastqh sweta. Pomimo widimogo wliqniq na sredstwa k suschestwowaniü lüdej, global'noe poteplenie, soglasno prognozam, okazhet sil'noe i negatiwnoe wozdejstwie na zdorow'e cheloweka. Odnako issledowaniq pokazywaüt, chto strany, kotorye wnesli naimen'shij wklad w global'noe poteplenie, naibolee uqzwimy k smerti i boleznqm, wyzwannym powysheniem temperatury i deqtel'nost'ü transnacional'nyh korporacij. V kachestwe primera mozhno priwesti kampaniü protiw Shell, kotoraq priwela k arestu, zaderzhaniü, pytkam, iznasilowaniü i massowym ubijstwam tysqch zhitelej Ogoni, sredi kotoryh wydelqetsq Ken Saro-Viwa.Ispol'zuq neftqnuü korporaciü Shell w kachestwe biznes-modeli dlq uprawleniq innowaciqmi, ustojchiwosti i globalizacii, I. Kingsli rassmatriwaet mnogonacional'nuü koncepciü s akcentom na äkologicheskie, social'nye i uprawlencheskie (ESG) posledstwiq dobychi nefti i gaza w razwiwaüschihsq stranah, w chastnosti, w Nigerii. Teorii, primenqemye w issledowanii, wklüchaüt obschuü strategiü Majkla E. Portera, model' Dajmonda i strategicheskie chasy Boumana. Jeta kniga "Resheniq problemy izmeneniq klimata" daet predstawlenie o preimuschestwah horoshego korporatiwnogo uprawleniq, a takzhe o nekotoryh klüchewyh merah, kotorye mogut spasti mir...

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    Las consecuencias de la quema de combustibles fósiles son ya evidentes en casi todo el mundo. Además de los efectos visibles en los medios de vida de las personas, se prevé que el calentamiento global tenga un impacto fuerte y adverso en la salud humana. Sin embargo, las investigaciones indican que los países que menos han contribuido al calentamiento global son los más vulnerables a la muerte y las enfermedades provocadas por el aumento de las temperaturas y las empresas multinacionales. Un ejemplo es la campaña contra Shell, que llevó al arresto, la detención, la tortura, la violación y la masacre de miles de ogoni, entre los que destaca Ken Saro-Wiwa.Utilizando la Shell Oil Corporation como modelo empresarial para la gestión de la innovación, la sostenibilidad y la globalización, I. Kingsley examina el concepto de multinacional centrándose en los impactos ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ASG) de la extracción de petróleo y gas en los países en desarrollo, concretamente en Nigeria. Las teorías aplicadas en el estudio incluyen la estrategia genérica de Michael E. Porter, el modelo de Diamond y el reloj de estrategia de Bowman. Este libro sobre "Soluciones al cambio climático " ofrece una visión de los beneficios de la buena gobernanza empresarial, así como algunas intervenciones clave que pueden salvar el mundo...

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    Les conséquences de la consommation de combustibles fossiles sont déjà évidentes dans presque toutes les régions du monde. Outre les effets visibles sur les moyens de subsistance des populations, on prévoit que le réchauffement climatique aura un impact fort et négatif sur la santé humaine. Cependant, les recherches indiquent que les pays qui ont le moins contribué au réchauffement de la planète sont les plus vulnérables aux décès et aux maladies provoqués par la hausse des températures et les multinationales. La campagne contre Shell, qui a conduit à l'arrestation, la détention, la torture, le viol et le massacre de milliers d'Ogoni, dont Ken Saro-Wiwa, en est un exemple.En utilisant Shell Oil Corporation comme modèle d'entreprise pour la gestion de l'innovation, la durabilité et la mondialisation, I. Kingsley examine le concept de multinationale en se concentrant sur les impacts environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG) de l'extraction du pétrole et du gaz dans les pays en développement, en particulier au Nigeria. Les théories appliquées dans l'étude comprennent la stratégie générique de Michael E. Porter, le modèle Diamond et l'horloge stratégique de Bowman. Ce livre sur les "Solutions au changement climatique" donne un aperçu des avantages d'une bonne gouvernance d'entreprise, ainsi que de certaines interventions clés qui peuvent sauver le monde...

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    43,90 €

    Die Folgen der Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe sind bereits in fast allen Teilen der Welt zu spüren. Neben den sichtbaren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensgrundlagen der Menschen wird die globale Erwärmung voraussichtlich auch starke und negative Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit haben. Untersuchungen zeigen jedoch, dass die Länder, die am wenigsten zur globalen Erwärmung beigetragen haben, am stärksten von Tod und Krankheiten bedroht sind, die durch höhere Temperaturen und multinationale Konzerne verursacht werden. Ein Beispiel ist die Kampagne gegen Shell, die zur Verhaftung, Inhaftierung, Folterung, Vergewaltigung und zum Massaker an Tausenden von Ogoni führte, unter ihnen Ken Saro-Wiwa.Anhand der Shell Oil Corporation als Geschäftsmodell für Innovationsmanagement, Nachhaltigkeit und Globalisierung untersucht I. Kingsley das multinationale Konzept mit Schwerpunkt auf den Auswirkungen der Öl- und Gasförderung in Entwicklungsländern, insbesondere in Nigeria, auf Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG). Zu den in der Studie verwendeten Theorien gehören die allgemeine Strategie von Michael E. Porter, das Diamond-Modell und die Strategieuhr von Bowman. Dieses Buch zum Thema "Lösungen für den Klimawandel" gibt einen Einblick in die Vorteile einer guten Unternehmensführung sowie in einige wichtige Maßnahmen, die die Welt retten können...

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    The consequences of burning fossil fuels are already evident in almost every part of the world. Besides the visible effects on people's livelihoods, global warming is predicted to have a strong and adverse impact on human health. However, research indicates that countries that have contributed the least to global warming are the most vulnerable to death and diseases brought about by higher temperatures and multinational corporations. An example is the campaign against Shell which led to the arrest, detention, torture, rape and massacre of thousands of Ogoni people, notable among them being Ken Saro-Wiwa.Using Shell Oil Corporation as a business model for innovation management, sustainability and globalization, I. Kingsley examines the multinational concept with focus on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts of oil and gas extraction in developing countries¿specifically Nigeria. Theories applied in the study include Michael E. Porter¿s generic strategy, the Diamond model, and Bowman¿s strategy clock. This book on ¿Climate Change Solutions¿ provides an insight into the benefits of good corporate governance, as well as some key interventions that can save the world...

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    34,00 €

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    34,00 €

    Multinational enterprises operate in increasingly competitive and complex environments, and the role of R&D can be vital in the creation, adaptation or adoption of knowledge across different foreign locations ¿ especially during pandemics like the coronavirus. This book explores motivations of research and development (R&D) as well as foreign direct investment (FDI) in a developed country, with emphasis on the United Kingdom.Based on an empirical study, Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley examined current thinking in international business studies by shifting focus from globalization and free trade to the concentration of R&D and FDI in a single location, using concepts to explain the interplay of strategic and location-specific motivations. The author also combined innovative methodologies and firm-level data to enable empirical evaluation of the importance of UK inward investment after COVID-19.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    34,00 €

    Lessons Learned from The Greek Financial Crisis offers a wholistic analysis of factors that caused the Greek economic meltdown. The book explains potential types of crisis the world might experience if economists and policymakers fail to exploit knowledge from past economic crises and cautiously apply country-specific strategies capable of safeguarding against currency crisis and sudden stop, among others. The book also examines the impact of liberalism on international trade, national security and foreign direct investment (FDI), including the impact on crisis, their depth and frequency. Fundamentally, the primer provides a comprehensive report on how financial globalization causes trade imbalance and economic crises in both developed and developing countries. The main focus is on Greece¿s response to the global crisis at a time when citizens and foreign investors lost faith in its weak socio-cultural, political and economic systems.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    46,00 €

    Low price of Nigeria-made cashew produce in the international market is a major challenge to smallholder farmers. Other obstacles are lack of market information, high transportation costs, inadequate storage facilities, poorly-developed processing facilities, and an ineffective market structure, which does not encourage investment in the agriculture sector. But findings from this study show that adding value to cashew farming can reverse the ugly trend and improve earnings for both farmers and the nation.This book examines the institutional and structural gaps that constrain growth of cashew farming ¿ and the agriculture sector ¿ in Nigeria. Using different research models, the author explored the link between product quality and price, with focus on the performance of cashew-nut production, processing and marketing in Nigeria. The book analysed the role of finance in adding value to small-scale cashew farming; it also beams light on top cashew-nut producing-countries like Tanzania, Vietnam, Brazil and India to highlight the huge GDP contributions and prospects for global economies.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    34,00 €

    The Greek Financial Crisis presents both financial and political views of the global crisis, including the cultural causes of Greece¿s recent disastrous economic crisis. Using reliable data and analytical models (such as PEST), Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley discussed how the Greek government successfully applied knowledge from historical records and maximised support from global and regional financial institutions to contextualize their experience and eventually build strength that led to economic resurgence. The book examines the role of international banks during the crisis, including actions taken by the Greek government and Troika between 2010 and 2017. Basically, this primer explains why the IMF was created, with a focus on lessons learned from the Greek Depression. The book is a useful guide for research students. Knowledge seekers will also appreciate the writer¿s coherent and complex representation of Greek socio-political culture.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    34,00 €

    The role of SMEs in economic development cannot be overemphasised. This is more so because the huge earnings from entrepreneurs boost National Income (NI) thereby increasing the nation¿s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But the case is different in Nigeria, where SMEs have performed below expectations due to a combination of factors ranging from the unproductive attitude and habits of entrepreneurs through some economic-related factors such as inconsistent governmental policies, high taxes and levies, and inadequate funding.To this extent, Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley analysed Nigerian business environment with a series of surveys to capture the challenges of SMEs, identify opportunities to unlock growth and investment, provide solutions, mitigate risks, and assess the outlook for SMEs across industries ¿ through the eyes of their CEO's.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    34,00 €

    China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is the world¿s 3rd largest oil company based in China and plays a leading role in China's petroleum industry. The company integrates business portfolios of both an oil company and an oilfield service provider, with operations covering the entire oil and gas industry value chain. Headquartered in Beijing, CNPC has oil and gas assets and interests in 38 countries and operations in 75 countries around Africa, Central Asia-Russia, the Americas, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, and other regions. CNPC is in talks to acquire part of BP Plc¿s stake in a key gas field in Oman. But there are challenges to every business prospect.This tactical and strategic report examines CNPC¿s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the global oil and gas industry to recommend effective strategies for achieving competitive advantage.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    46,00 €

    Would you like to know how to live your life to its fullest? Or how to deal with altruism, depression, bipolar disorder, cancer, grief and other chronic health disorders? ¿Amazing Tips for a Better Life¿ helps you broaden your perspective on health, social and moral issues. The book aims at improving your lifestyle/ health and expanding your lifespan based on the latest medical research.With effective remedies for ailments, plus preventative advice on everything from nutrition and fitness to illnesses and stress, the book explains why your body works the way it does, what to do when it¿s under-performing, and how to keep it a well-oiled machine all through life.In a world where Ill health and disease have become commonplace, this thoroughly researched guide reminds us that sound health is accessible from within and healing is our true nature.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    51,00 €

    From sudden and unexplained illnesses to weird phobias, from chronic depression and irrational anxieties to the choice of partners, each of these problems can be traced back to ignorance, unhealthy lifestyle and negative attitude. Achieve optimal health and improve your quality of life by uncovering holistic health secrets from this thoroughly researched guide. Whether you have questions about relationships, online dating, cholesterol, detox teas, keto diet, Viagra, erectile dysfunction, insomnia, depression, stress management or are battling heart disease, diabetes, menopause or teaching and learning problems, this groundbreaking book from Mr. Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley removes the guesswork and answers frequently asked questions that point you towards better life.¿Secrets to Happiness, Good Health and Great Relationships¿ reveals the missing link between wanting a fulfilled life and achieving it.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    46,00 €

    Jason, who previously believed love was an illusion of the mind, relocated from Texas to Lagos despite warnings from family and friends. He was young, adventurous and self-motivated. Nneka ¿ his object of affection ¿ was the first and only girl he ever loved. But the romantic relationship eventually changed from what he expected because her avowed love was a lie and she was married to a marine spirit, who visited at odd hours for raunchy encounters. Heartbroken and totally deflated, Jason painstakingly ignored her flaws. But the decision almost ruined his life until Deborah showed concern, making it hard for him to choose between first love and true love.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    34,00 €

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    41,00 €

    Love is war, and It pains to love selflessly, especially when yoüre with the wrong partner. In a world where lies, deceit and greed define who wins or loses in relationships, the faithful and committed ones often end up heartbroken and scorned. Yet, most people hate loneliness and quitters can¿t be winners. ¿Speechless¿ tells the story of an exceptionally beautiful girl (Pinky), who enjoyed her parents¿ unconditional love and almost everything money could buy. But she was an ill-mannered, extravagant and heartless junkie. The girl hated marriage with passion; instead, she preferred an incestuous relationship with her father, Mr Bee, whose wife also had an affair with their maidservant.With signs on the wall, will poor Chen marry Pinky for love or money? Will his intuition as a caring lover and God-fearing son-in-law save him from the web of lies and horrendous family secrets? Find out in this thrilling family drama.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    O conceito de gestão global emerge de uma combinação da globalização e das suas implicações no mundo empresarial. O panorama empresarial mudou drasticamente devido à ascensão da globalização; as equações de talento mudaram, os modelos de funcionamento empresarial mudaram, e as organizações começaram a perceber o que um mundo verdadeiramente sem fronteiras poderia significar. Com a globalização e mercados abertos vem também a ameaça da concorrência. Assim, os negócios modernos exigem que as empresas multinacionais concebam estratégias que englobem digitalização, localização, sustentabilidade, responsabilidade social das empresas (RSE), etc. Isto significa que os objectivos empresariais têm de reflectir as taxas de crescimento e o potencial de mercado inerentes a estas economias, mas ao mesmo tempo alinhados com a visão empresarial global."Gestão Estratégica em Empresas Multinacionais" analisa a forma como a ExxonMobil explora um conjunto diversificado de talentos, modelos de negócio e teorias para alcançar vantagem competitiva. Este livro bem pesquisado sobre inovação, estratégia global e negócios éticos compara várias abordagens que os líderes da ExxonMobil aplicam para aproveitar consistentemente o potencial humano/material e sustentar o crescimento num cenário volátil e multicultural.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    43,90 €

    Das Konzept des globalen Managements ergibt sich aus der Kombination von Globalisierung und ihren Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmenswelt. Die Unternehmenslandschaft hat sich durch den Aufstieg der Globalisierung drastisch verändert; die Talentverteilung hat sich verschoben, die Geschäftsmodelle haben sich geändert, und die Unternehmen haben erkannt, was eine Welt ohne Grenzen bedeuten kann. Mit der Globalisierung und den offenen Märkten kommt auch die Bedrohung durch den Wettbewerb. Daher müssen multinationale Unternehmen heute Strategien entwickeln, die Digitalisierung, Lokalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit, soziale Verantwortung der Unternehmen (CSR) usw. umfassen. Das bedeutet, dass die Geschäftsziele die Wachstumsraten und das Marktpotenzial dieser Volkswirtschaften widerspiegeln müssen, aber gleichzeitig an der Gesamtvision des Unternehmens ausgerichtet sein müssen."Strategisches Management in multinationalen Unternehmen" analysiert, wie ExxonMobil einen vielfältigen Pool von Talenten, Geschäftsmodellen und Theorien nutzt, um Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erzielen. Dieses gut recherchierte Buch über Innovation, globale Strategie und ethische Geschäftspraktiken vergleicht verschiedene Ansätze, die die Führungskräfte von ExxonMobil anwenden, um das menschliche und materielle Potenzial konsequent zu nutzen und ein nachhaltiges Wachstum in einem unbeständigen, multikulturellen Umfeld zu erzielen.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    El concepto de gestión global surge de una combinación de la globalización y sus implicaciones en el mundo empresarial. El panorama empresarial cambió drásticamente debido al auge de la globalización; las ecuaciones del talento se modificaron, los modelos operativos de las empresas cambiaron y las organizaciones empezaron a darse cuenta de lo que podía significar un mundo verdaderamente sin fronteras. Con la globalización y la apertura de los mercados llega también la amenaza de la competencia. Así, los negocios de hoy en día requieren que las empresas multinacionales diseñen estrategias que abarquen la digitalización, la localización, la sostenibilidad, la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC), etc. Esto significa que los objetivos empresariales deben reflejar las tasas de crecimiento y el potencial de mercado inherentes a estas economías, pero al mismo tiempo deben estar alineados con la visión general de la empresa."Strategic Management in Multinational Corporations" analiza cómo ExxonMobil explora un conjunto diverso de talentos, modelos de negocio y teorías para lograr una ventaja competitiva. Este libro bien documentado sobre la innovación, la estrategia global y los negocios éticos compara los diversos enfoques que los líderes de ExxonMobil aplican para aprovechar de forma coherente el potencial humano/material y mantener el crecimiento en un entorno volátil y multicultural.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    19,00 €

    Koncepciq global'nogo menedzhmenta woznikla w rezul'tate sochetaniq globalizacii i ee posledstwij dlq korporatiwnogo mira. Biznes-landshaft radikal'no izmenilsq w swqzi s rostom globalizacii; izmenilis' urawneniq talantow, izmenilis' operacionnye modeli biznesa, i organizacii nachali osoznawat', chto mozhet oznachat' dejstwitel'no bezgranichnyj mir. S globalizaciej i otkrytymi rynkami prihodit i ugroza konkurencii. Takim obrazom, sowremennyj biznes trebuet ot transnacional'nyh kompanij razrabotki strategij, kotorye ohwatywaüt cifrowizaciü, lokalizaciü, ustojchiwoe razwitie, korporatiwnuü social'nuü otwetstwennost' (KSO) i t. d. Jeto oznachaet, chto celi biznesa dolzhny otrazhat' tempy rosta i rynochnyj potencial, prisuschie ätim äkonomikam, no w to zhe wremq sootwetstwowat' obschemu korporatiwnomu wideniü.V knige"Strategicheskij menedzhment w transnacional'nyh korporaciqh" analiziruetsq, kak kompaniq ExxonMobil ispol'zuet raznoobraznye talanty, biznes-modeli i teorii dlq dostizheniq konkurentnogo preimuschestwa. V ätoj horosho izuchennoj knige, poswqschennoj innowaciqm, global'noj strategii i ätichnomu biznesu, srawniwaütsq razlichnye podhody, kotorye primenqüt rukowoditeli ExxonMobil dlq posledowatel'nogo ispol'zowaniq chelowecheskogo/material'nogo potenciala i podderzhaniq rosta w izmenchiwoj, mul'tikul'turnoj srede.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    Il concetto di gestione globale emerge dalla combinazione della globalizzazione e delle sue implicazioni sul mondo aziendale. Il panorama aziendale è cambiato drasticamente a causa dell'ascesa della globalizzazione; le equazioni dei talenti si sono spostate, i modelli operativi aziendali sono cambiati e le organizzazioni hanno iniziato a rendersi conto di cosa potesse significare un mondo veramente senza confini. Con la globalizzazione e l'apertura dei mercati arriva anche la minaccia della concorrenza. Pertanto, il business moderno richiede alle aziende multinazionali di progettare strategie che comprendano la digitalizzazione, la localizzazione, la sostenibilità, la responsabilità sociale d'impresa (CSR), ecc. Ciò significa che gli obiettivi aziendali devono riflettere i tassi di crescita e il potenziale di mercato insito in queste economie, ma allo stesso tempo devono essere allineati alla visione aziendale complessiva."Strategic Management in Multinational Corporations" analizza il modo in cui la ExxonMobil esplora una serie di talenti, modelli di business e teorie diverse per ottenere un vantaggio competitivo. Questo libro ben studiato sull'innovazione, la strategia globale e il business etico mette a confronto i vari approcci che i leader della ExxonMobil applicano per sfruttare in modo coerente il potenziale umano/materiale e sostenere la crescita in un contesto multiculturale e volatile.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    Le concept de management global émerge d'une combinaison de la mondialisation et de ses implications sur le monde de l'entreprise. Le paysage commercial a radicalement changé en raison de l'essor de la mondialisation ; l'équation des talents s'est modifiée, les modèles de fonctionnement des entreprises ont changé et les organisations ont commencé à réaliser ce que pouvait signifier un monde véritablement sans frontières. La mondialisation et l'ouverture des marchés s'accompagnent également de la menace de la concurrence. Ainsi, le monde des affaires moderne exige des multinationales qu'elles conçoivent des stratégies qui englobent la numérisation, la localisation, la durabilité, la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE), etc. Cela signifie que les objectifs commerciaux doivent refléter les taux de croissance et le potentiel de marché inhérents à ces économies, tout en s'alignant sur la vision globale de l'entreprise."Strategic Management in Multinational Corporations" analyse la manière dont ExxonMobil explore un ensemble diversifié de talents, de modèles commerciaux et de théories pour obtenir un avantage concurrentiel. Ce livre bien documenté sur l'innovation, la stratégie mondiale et les affaires éthiques compare les différentes approches que les dirigeants d'ExxonMobil appliquent pour exploiter de manière cohérente le potentiel humain/matériel et soutenir la croissance dans un environnement multiculturel volatile.

  • von Irobiko Chimezie Kingsley
    37,00 €

    "Gestión Estratégica en la Banca" ofrece una visión de los diversos factores de influencia de la estrategia que impulsan el cambio y la innovación en el sector de la banca y las finanzas. Proporciona a los directivos los conocimientos necesarios para idear y aplicar estrategias que permitan alcanzar los objetivos de la organización. En este libro, estudiará el concepto de estrategia y comprenderá cómo analizar los factores que impulsan la gestión del cambio en las organizaciones. También adquirirá las habilidades y los conocimientos necesarios para identificar correctamente los riesgos y las amenazas asociados a las decisiones estratégicas.Esta obra maestra es para cualquier persona que esté buscando mejorar su conocimiento de la transformación digital - y los desafíos y oportunidades que presenta a la banca. Le enseñará a utilizar los procesos de diseño del viaje del cliente y del servicio para la era digital.

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