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Bücher von Marieke de Mooij

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  • - Understanding Cultural Paradoxes
    von Marieke de Mooij
    139,00 - 269,00 €

    Packed with cultural, company, and country examples, this book offers a mix of theory and practical applications covering globalization, global branding strategies, classification models of culture, and the consequences of culture for all aspects of marketing communications.

  • - A Comprehensive Review and Analysis
    von Marieke de Mooij
    131,00 - 132,00 €

    This book is unique in the sense that it offers a comprehensive review and analysis of human communication and mediated communication around the world. The book offers an integrated approach to understanding the working of electronic means of communication that are hybrid media combining human and mediated communication.

  • - Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising
    von Marieke de Mooij
    160,00 - 275,00 €

    Reviewing the myths of global marketing, this book explores the concept of culture and models of culture. It provides empirical evidence of convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour. It also covers the various psychological and sociological aspects of human behaviour and uses them for explaining consumer behaviour.

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